Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1996: The much-anticipated Star Ruins War

Not long after Jiangnan released the mechanical eye, the signal spanned a distance of nearly 10 billion light-years!

It was sent back to the terminal database located in the silicon-based lithography star field!

Even if it is an extremely complex and huge video signal, there is not too long a delay in sending it back!

At this moment, the terminal database is running at full speed, sending signals to all the star fields under the starry sky!

The huge resource heritage of silicon-based is not a decoration, and their technology products have already spread all over the starry sky!

Although such an action would consume a lot of resources, Mook had already prepared in advance these days!

For this moment!

At this moment, the city of a thousand stars, the Beimian star field, the extremely dark star dome, the kingdom of heaven and all other star fields where the ten thousand clans are located have received video signals!

And all silicon-based products also start to play synchronously!

Like what kind of brains, advertising spaceships, shop signs, and starship projections are all forced to play at this moment!

Even the **** machine star in the central star field of the City of Thousand Stars directly transformed the planet into a huge projector!

Project the holographic video image into the starry sky and advertise it to the whole city of a thousand stars!

Even the mechanical eyes of the silicon-based mechanical species walking on the road are projecting out!

At this moment, as long as you are in the civilization of the starry sky, you will definitely be able to see the video screen!

As soon as the video was released, the entire starry sky was detonated, and the video content caused a huge wave!

I saw the top of the video, clearly marked with the location!

Laniakea Supercluster, Eighth Arm of the Milky Way, Blue Star!

Saint Star vs Blue Star Humans! Final Star Market War!

In the video screen!

The Bose army has just been bombarded by Jiangnan, and the three war fortresses are blown up, and they are regrouping!

At this moment, more than 100 blue star powerhouses are standing in the starry sky, the atmosphere is heavy and depressing, obviously they are facing fierce confrontation!

The black shadow standing at the forefront of mankind, people in the City of a Thousand Stars are all too familiar with it!

It is Jiangnan!

As soon as the video came out, it directly detonated the starry sky!

Wenger, who was taking the starship to Canglan Star, widened his eyes and watched the projection of the starship!

A goosebump went straight from the tailbone to the sky!

∑(°mouth°?) "Human! This kid in Jiangnan is actually a human on a horse?"

Wenger's voice is an octave higher!

He finally understood what Jiangnan meant if I went back alive, you would soon know what it meant!

Looking at the huge projection of the **** machine star outside, Wenger's whole person is numb!

Not only does he know it, but now the entire starry sky knows it?

Wenger suddenly remembered how weird it was when he was arrested by the law-ordered troops!

Jiangnan cooperated with Siji? What a deep calculation!

Wasn't Blue Star permanently banned because of the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement? How could it be possible to fight the Star Market War?

Hiss~ Is Shengxing secretly violating the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement, and has been secretly developing Bluestar all these years?

Is it leaking now?

"Fuck! F*ck! Big event! Silicon base exploded? It's really big!"

As long as Wenger thinks about it a little, he will understand the reasons!

Looking at the dark shadow in the video, Wenger got goosebumps all over!

"Human? No wonder it's so fierce! Jiangnan! Tsk tsk tsk~"

At the same time, although the Tianyu hypermarket is in a mess at the moment, the holes in the sky have not been repaired, but this does not delay the silicon-based projection!

The entire Starlight booth was hacked, and the Star Market War video was played!

At this moment, the millions of spectators who were lucky enough not to hang up were in an uproar, exclaiming one after another!

(*???) "Damn! What's the situation? My friends can see it in the East Lin Star Region, is it live broadcast in the entire Star Region? Silicon base is crazy? What are they going to do? What is worth paying attention to in a Star Market War? ?"

(??yi???) "You are blind! The point is not the Star Market War, but the Star Market War! Blue Star! Have you forgotten whose hometown Blue Star is? These are all human beings!"

"Blue Star? Isn't the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement already...hmm~ Saint Star, they actually..."

"Nima! Isn't Jiang Heigui standing at the front? He was sent to Blue Star after such a short time? He...his real identity is human?"

At this moment, the entire venue was in an uproar!

Just now, this guy was still bidding crazy at the Black Label Conference, so he went to Blue Star to fight the Star Market War?

Is he so busy with business?

And is this guy really here to buy?

Have you used the Star Shield and the Star Blasting Cannon you just got?

The moon raccoon was completely restless at this moment, staring at Jiang Nan in the video, cold sweat broke out on his forehead!

?(???﹏?)? "Good guy! Jiangnan is a human? With that person? Star Ruins War! This is really a big deal!"

The word human is not unfamiliar, because once Jiang Fan was a city of a thousand stars that was demolished!


It is precisely because of this that the Ten Thousand Races Agreement has been established, and the Holy Star has been developing Blue Star in violation of the Ten Thousand Race Agreement?

At this moment, the faces of Fama and Huan Lou didn't see where they were going!

The scene in front of me was greatly unexpected. The nearly 100 human beings can recognize their race at a glance!

After all, they are all old fellows who have experienced the Chaos of Thousand Stars!

Huan Lou gritted his teeth: (¬yi¬?) "Riding on a horse! Humans are all masters who can toss, but they are amazing! The first and second most wanted lists have been handed over to humans?"

The two are next to each other, one Jiangnan and one Jiang Fan?

Fama's expression was a little gloating: "Is it a human?"

"Tsk tsk tsk~ No wonder Xingluo is so nervous about Jiangnan, he has to kill him! It turns out that Jiangnan is afraid that Jiangnan will reveal the bottom of his holy star!"

"This is good, things were poked out by the silicon base, and the faces of the Bose people were lost! The two sides are going to be pinched? This starry sky is going to be messed up!"

"Is the foreplay of this Sequence War exciting enough?"

It is conceivable that in this Star Ruins War, the Bose tribe lost, whether they won or lost!

It's better to win, but it's fun to lose again!

But looking at the configuration of Shengxing, you can't lose if you close your eyes, right?

Prisoner bird, Watt, including Noah, who has never appeared on the main body, and even all the high-level executives of the starry sky sequence, saw the scene of this video broadcast, in addition to being stunned or stunned!

What followed was extremely anticipation for the development of things, after all, the silicon base finally showed its sword towards the Bose!

And this sword edge is the Blue Star Human!

In this battle, no one thinks that human beings will win, after all, not everyone is Jiang Fan!

The configuration of the holy star is enough to fight three or five racial wars!

But what they are looking forward to is how the Bose will end after this Star Ruins War!

And in the seventh star port, Xing Luo, who had just reacted, even had a little bit of luck!

It's because you think too much, it's not really the case!

But after a while, Blue Star's Star Market War was broadcast live in the entire starry sky, and even the big screen of the voyage of Xinggang, and the docking spacecraft were broadcast!

Even standing on Vientiane Star, you can see the projection of the divine star in the starry sky!

As soon as the Star Market War was broadcast, Xing Luo's Jiaojiao communication was about to explode, flickering wildly!

Xing Luo almost vomited blood on the spot!

It's over! Completely fell into the pit!

Where is this easy to poke out? This horse riding is shown to the whole starry sky!

"Mook! You are courting death!"

The holy sword in his hand slashed towards Muke's neck!

Yet Muke didn't move:

(〃¤_¤) "Oh? Are you sure you want to kill an incumbent member of the Holy Law Society? Then you are done!"

"I have hundreds of thousands of such mechanical prosthetics! After you cut your anger, let's count your injury to the incumbent members of the Holy Law Society!"

Xing Luo's holy sword suddenly stopped, his eyes blood red: "Mook! Do you want to kill me?"

Muke said lightly: "I'm just a loyal defender of the law of the stars, and any existence that violates the law is the object of my sanctions!"

"It seems that the Shengxing's violation of the Ten Thousand Races Agreement is not as you said. It is my silicon-based chasing the wind... Are you right?"

Xing Luo's head was getting bigger: "You wait for me on the horse, this is not over!"

After he finished speaking, he turned and rushed towards Liulixing, his heart was cold!

Immediately notify Jinglie!

"Give me the fastest speed to win the Blue Star! Hurry up! If you lose the glass, you will be thrown into the entire starry sky!"

And Mook was watching the broadcast video, and the mechanical eyes flashed!

"I will restrain the Bose clan so that they will not get angry, and continue to increase the input of troops!"

"It's best to maximize the benefits of my silicon base this time, please don't let me down!"

In this Star Market War, no matter whether human beings win or lose, from the moment the live broadcast spreads across the starry sky, Siji has already reaped enough benefits!

But if humans win, silicon-based gets more benefits! It doesn't matter if you lose!

Of course Mook wants the humans to win, and that's the benefit of the chess player, without taking any risks at all!

Humans are the swordsmen, and Siji is only the one who holds the sword!

I saw Mook's mechanical eyes flashing, and used the terminal database to quickly analyze the winning rate of this battle!

"Humans only have a 0.012% win rate? Am I thinking too much?"

The starry sky was completely fried because of the video images returned by the mechanical eye. This Star Market War has undoubtedly become the focus of the starry sky!

Everyone is watching the play, and the Bose have been completely stunned!

Jinglie was the first to receive a notification from Xingluo, and learned about the good things of Jiangnan United Silicon Foundation!

Thousands of bosons emerged from the void, and Jinglie's complexion was as gloomy as water!

With a giant sword of the Holy Inquisition pulled out from behind, his teeth clenched, and his eyes were already capable of killing people!

(???????) "Jiangnan! You despicable villain! Shameless! What have you done!"

I saw Jiang Nan chuckling lightly, pulling out the God-killing sword and holding it in his hand, the blood-burning undead Yan Mo was burning wildly, and the fighting spirit was high!

"The scolding of the enemy has always been the greatest compliment to me!"

"Thank you for the compliment! Little brat!"

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