Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1998: Just kidding, what happened?

No one thought that the battle would be so intense at the beginning, and the aftermath of the battle seemed to shatter the planet!

Odin's supernova can still understand, after all, he is a veteran craftsman, but what the **** is the one in Jiangnan!

How come the front foot just rushed into someone's interstellar battleship, and the back foot came out and the battleship exploded?

What kind of terrifying explosive power is this? I'm afraid Lan Xing can't take it anymore, right?

Martin and the others don't know it, but all the people in the Black Label store are all too familiar with it!

A proper dark matter star bomb?

There are 360 ​​bombs like this in Jiangnan's pocket, is it really not a waste?

From this point of view, 21 war fortresses are really not enough to blow up Jiangnan!

Jing Lie was so angry that he blew up Lao Tzu's starship? Where did the dark matter star bombs come from in Jiangnan?

I still want to win the beautiful point, get back some face!

But since Jiangnan came back, he has slapped his mouth on his face!

And what about the glowing human beings!

Do you want to be so flashy!

"Jiangnan! You are courting death! I have to kill you!"

While talking, go straight to the direction of Jiangnan!

But how could Yang Jian give Jinglie this chance?

The space fluctuates in a flash!

Xiao Chuihuo, Odin, Bai Kou, Mi Ye, and Badr holding the God-killing watermelon knife stopped directly in front of Jinglie!

I saw Bader raised his knife and pointed at Jinglie: "Our little boss is doing things, you better not meddle in your business!"

"Find your own opponent, your opponent is the five of us!"

When Jinglie saw it, he almost didn't laugh out loud: "How dare you stop Lao Tzu? What? Do you want to suppress me with the number of people?"

"Quantitative change does not lead to qualitative change! Five pieces of trash added together are still trash!"

"The realm expands? The realm of life and death!"

In an instant, the boundless extreme cold bloomed from Jinglie's body, and the field expanded wildly, shrouding the five of Badr!

And it spreads wildly, and the field is exaggerated!

It's not something that Carl can compare to, Jinglie is a pure planet destroyer!

Even the realm alone can annihilate the planet!

In the starry sky shrouded in the realm, all matter collapsed and perished, like a dead state without a breath of life!

But at this moment, I saw the momentum of the five people from Baderxiao Chuhuo blooming wildly!

The five roared in unison:

"The field expands!"

"The infinite red! The sun god! The extremely cold snow country! The king of crimson! The boundless forbidden area!"

In an instant, the five realms bloomed in an instant, superimposed!

Jinglie looked at the scene in front of him, his head suddenly stunned!

Σ(°△°|||) what? what's the situation!

How come there are domains? Open one by one?

I saw Jing Lie squinting and dashing with his sword!

"What about the domain? Don't take out such a weak domain for shame, it can't stop me!"

However, at this moment, Xiao Chuihuo spread his arms!

"Five domains fusion? Endless warm sun!"

In Jing Lie's completely stunned gaze, the five domains actually merged together!

It is not a simple superposition, but a complete integration, complementing each other!

On the basis of the fusion of the four domains and the warm sun in winter, Balder's boundless restricted area has been added!

Let the space in the realm become bizarre!

Jing Lie doesn't care about so much, he raises his sword and slashes violently!

"Blade of Immortality!"

Slashing down with a knife, it seems to split the endless warm sun!

However, the moment the giant blade slashed into the field, Balder controlled the space to compress wildly! So far away!

The speed of the giant blade's slashing has become extremely slow, and it is impossible to cut in at all!

Jing Lie was so angry that he instantly ascended the dimension with the giant blade!

"Dimension crossing!"

It went directly into the field where the five people were superimposed, and in an instant, he came to the front of Balder, and the giant blade slashed down towards his neck!

Badr glared, did not hide at all, two watermelon knives slashed at Jinglie!


The giant sword of the Holy Inquisition immediately passed through Balder's neck, and Balder's two god-killing watermelon knives broke through Jinglie's Originium Starlight Armor!

Giving him two gaps in the shoulder!

Not only that, but Xiao Chuihuo and the others didn't even move.

It is clearly far away, but they are all hit, so there is no need to aim!

In the field, the distance to Balder can be controlled at will!

Mi Ye even inserted eight spider legs into Jinglie's body!

"Venom? Ghost King Death Curse!"

Pure black magic power was injected into Jinglie's body crazily, and a large number of Bose particles were annihilated by the curse!

Kyungsoo: ! !

What the **** is this? Lao Tzu was beaten up?

It's clear that he wants to chop himself up! Why is this space system so difficult?

Injured as soon as you came in?

"Tsk~ The gate of dimension? Absolute defense!"

A four-dimensional barrier sphere suddenly rose around it, completely wrapping it!

Badr and the others quickly stopped, fearing that the God-killing martial arts would be decomposed!

"I underestimated you! It seems to be a little more serious, the dimension is coming!"

Badr was blown away in an instant. He could control the three-dimensional space, but the four-dimensional space was completely useless. Damn, he couldn't understand it at all!



The five people teleported away in an instant, but a piece of the fusion domain was eaten away!

Just after teleportation emerged, I saw Mi Ye's upper body and Odin's entire body!

Together with Bai Kou's body, it was directly decomposed into the purest energy by the sweeping moon bud-shaped high-dimensional blow!

"Heh~ I can't beat it!"

Badr's face was extremely ugly, and the high-dimensional attack could not be defended at all!

I can still carry my own blur, but others...

The next moment, three retrospective beams of light suddenly descended from the sky!

Bai Kou, Mi Ye, including Odin, recovered like crazy in a blink of an eye!

Kyungsoo: ? ? ?

∑(°mouth°?) Huh?

I just decomposed all three of them into energy, so why...

It looked up and looked up!

I saw Lan carrying Mila on her back, racing in the starry sky!

The two were shrouded in a time-still light ball, and they flashed by!

(??????ヮ???) "Thousands of small lives! Hang it up and cherish it! Remember to call me when you hang up~"

Then the shadow disappeared with a swipe. I saw the two people teleporting wildly on the battlefield, with the phantom of the Eye of God hanging above their heads, always controlling the situation on the battlefield!

In the human side, whenever one person hangs up, a time-retrospective beam of light must follow closely behind!

Pull it back forcibly and continue to fight!

So far the battle has started, and human beings have not yet experienced attrition!

This is also the reason why there are only a hundred human beings, but they dare to be tough with the Bose army!

We can die generously for it, we must win!

Jinglie's eyes widened: "What kind of ability is that?"

Carl gritted his teeth for a while: "The time system! It's impossible! In the light ball of time, ordinary high-dimensional blows can't hurt!"

"More advanced attacks can, but we can't do it yet!"

Normally speaking, the battle between the two sides must kill the wet nurse first!

But he wanted to kill this blond girl countless times, but he had no chance at all!

The horror of the time system lies in this, it is an extremely shameless existence!

I saw Mi Ye twisting his neck, his eyes cold: "Continue!"

Jinglie grinned: "Humans! Enough is enough! Forget about the space system! Can the ability of the time system be awakened?"

"Do you think you can't die? I see how many times she can save you!"


The dark matter star bomb exploded again, and Jiangnan has blown up three war fortresses in a row!

Jiangnan's eyes, who rushed out violently, fell on Olivia!

"Go! Do her a favor!"

"Warning Ji! Let all humans lead the boson for thirty seconds! Go ahead!"

The next moment, the palm in the pocket was directly thrown out, and the 108 Teletubbies inside collectively entered a state of stealth!

He quickly ran to Olivia, and under the transmission of thought power, it was poured into Olivia's mind through the antenna!

At this moment, Olivia, who was supported by sufficient psychic power, was finally able to unrestrictedly exert her abilities!

With the help of Yang Jian's Eye of God, the dynamics of the entire battlefield can be seen, so as to predict the trajectory of atoms!

Immediately pass the foreseen future to the minds of every human being who is fighting through the spiritual link!

Not to mention thirty seconds in advance, even three seconds is enough to change a lot, and it can even decide life and death!

Yang Jian looked at Olivia in horror!

Always predictable? What kind of perverted ability is this? Is it much more useful than the **** kite?

Is this equivalent to opening the premonition and hanging up?

What is this little girl doing? It seems that Jiangnan brought it back?

Hiss~ Jiangnan, this boy not only pulled the baby back in the city of a thousand stars, did the little girl Liang also pull back together?

At this moment, a picture of the future suddenly appeared in the minds of Balder and the others!

Each one's eyes are bright, so there is a way to prevent high-dimensional attacks, at least there is the cost of continuing to fight!

Jinglie watched the war fortresses being blown up one by one, and his heart was dripping with blood. That horse is all Saint Star assets!

"Linya! What the **** are you doing? Go kill that kid for me!"

Linya squinted her eyes, and quickly approached Jiangnan with a short knife in hand!

"You don't need to say it!"

At this moment, Olivia is on the battlefield, and she is going crazy!

She has never seen so many human beings in her life, all of them are too fierce!

And none of the abilities are the same? What's even more terrifying is, why do all their broken stars have domains?

I heard Jiangnan say that there is still a battle to go home, I thought it was just a small matter, but I didn't expect it to be on such a scale!

This is no safer than being chased by Xing Luo, right?

The road was chosen by herself, and now Olivia can only do her best to help, and the scenes that happened in front of her simply refreshed her world view!

The high bosons have been hacked to death a lot, and even hacked to death by humans who have not reached the stars?

This is unbelievable, human beings are all monsters!

While Olivia could only protect herself with the Star-Blasting Cannon, she predicted through the gods' whispers that the Star-Blasting Cannon would continue to shoot!

Support the chaotic battlefield!

Olivia is still like this, not to mention that the city of a thousand stars, the starry sky, the battle has started!

The astonishing combat power of just over a hundred human powerhouses made everyone stunned!

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