The battle in the starry sky is fierce, but there is still a small group of people watching the battle in the starry sky in the deep underground!

International Jinlan Earth Core Star Core Base!

The base here has been built synchronously after the creation of the beast's transformation of the star core!

The earth's core is divided into inner and outer cores. The outer core is composed of liquid iron, nickel, silicon and other elements, with a radius of over 3,000 kilometers!

Full of high temperature and high pressure, the environment is extremely harsh!

Inside the outer core is the real star core, which has now been completely transformed into the star market core by the Creation Beast!

It is densely covered with curse lines!

The Jinlan Earth's core star core base is ring-shaped, encircling the star core, and it just floats in the liquid iron, nickel and silicon in the outer core!

High temperature and high pressure have no effect on it, after all, the ambient temperature outside the base can be controlled through the star core!

As such an important strategic location, how could Yang Jian not send someone to guard the Jinlan Base!

I saw that in the base, Lynx was wearing a dark night military uniform, with a group of dark night elite squads guarding the base!

Her level is already eight stars, and her practice has never slackened!

Along with him are Luo Jiaoyang, Grandpa Lynx, who has already reached the peak of the world, and is only one step away from breaking through the extraordinary, but unfortunately he did not catch up with the breakthrough before the war!

And guarding here are Jiangning Jiangjing and the Creation Beast!

Han Menglu and the old lady Beiqiu are also there, both of them are Daotian!

The aura vortex just now was the operation completed by the Creation Beast in cooperation with Han Menglu and the old lady Beiqiu!

Of course, such an important star core will not be arranged without even an extraordinary!

The strongest in the guardian team is Quinn, who is the number one strongman who suppresses the guardian team!

And even in the Jinlan base, the audio and video equipment can still receive the broadcast of the Starry Sky Battlefield!

At this moment, everyone watched attentively around the projection screen, bursting out with cheers!

Luo Jiaoyang laughed loudly: "It's good! It's all good, it has to be like this, Nan Zaizai is too promising, relieve your anger!"

"Killing all these **** in one go, Lao Ye and the others fought bravely to kill the enemy on the battlefield, showing their faces, I really want to go up and fight with the old brothers!"

Beiqiu pouted: "Just you? Forget it, what are you doing at the peak of Daotian? Do you want to deliver food? I'll be here to keep yours!"

Luo Jiaoyang glared: "Are you too embarrassed to say something about me? Are you still Daotian? My granddaughter has come up!"

"Hey~ Xiaohong, you should also go up and join the war, just leave it to our old guys to guard it!"

"Good granddaughter, you..."

Before the words were finished, Luo Jiaoyang's expression froze, and the bobcat's eyes were bright at this moment, looking at the brave figure that was active in the starry sky and rushing to kill in the front line!

The eyes are a little red, but the pretty face is full of relief!

Xiao Nan... he really grew up!

From a naughty little boy, he has grown into a master of the times who is enough to resist the fate of the human race!

I have witnessed his growth all the way, everything is so dreamy, like a dream!

He couldn't help but murmured softly: "It's amazing!"

The lynx, who had come to his senses, realized that everyone was looking at him, blushed, and quickly rubbed his eyes!

"I... I'm fine, I won't go to the Starry Sky Battlefield, I don't have the strength, I'm afraid I'll drag everyone down!"

"Guarding the star core here is also another kind of battle. Let Xiaonan and the others go to war at ease is what we should do!"

The corners of Liu Ming's mouth twitched, Shente Meow has no strength, so it's the Meow team who can say that?

The team members can see how hard she works. A violent woman who can hammer Daotian Peak Beast to death with one punch has no strength?

Luo Jiaoyang slapped his thigh in a hurry, this silly granddaughter, why doesn't she know what Grandpa is thinking?

If you don't go, where will my grandson-in-law come from?

Jiang Ning smiled: "Standing in the dark is also a hero, go on like this!"

"You should be sure to win this Star Market War, Quinn, what do you think?"

As he spoke, Jiang Ning's eyes fell on Quinn!

Quinn's eyes were bright: "This is really unexpected. If we win this battle, human beings will officially enter the starry sky stage..."

The smile on Jiang Ning's face gradually disappeared!

At this moment, I heard a huge explosion from outside the laboratory, and the whole laboratory was shaking!

The alarm sounded, and in an instant, the outer layer of the star nucleus lit up with a thick barrier of the Burning Star Slaughtering God Curse Array, blocking the terrifying attack!

One after another array disks emerged from all over the star core, which was rebuilt from the Moon Nuclear Burning Star Slaughtering God Curse Array, always absorbing the star core energy as protection!

Beiqiu's complexion suddenly changed: "The south side of the star nucleus was attacked by an unknown force, everyone is on alert!"

Jiang Ning said lightly: "You don't think that something as important as the star core has no means of defense, right?"

"At the same time as the implementation of the star core transformation plan, the curse array defense system has already started!"

"Is it your flame avatar? Can't you make a sound?"

Quinn's face was full of surprise: "What are you talking about? You wouldn't suspect that I did it, would you? How could I..."

Luo Jiaoyang said coldly: "The human situation is very good now, I thought you would give up the action, and then cut off contact!"

"No one will expose you. After all, you have made a lot of contributions to mankind!"

"I didn't expect you to still not give up?"

Lynx's expression was gloomy: "The president of the International Lingwu Association, who would have thought that you are a saint, the most hidden nail!"

"During the lunar counter-offensive, Toru was just a ghost. The real informer was you, right?"

"The global calamity, that attack on the top powerhouses in the entire Blue Star, and the one that nearly killed Grandpa Xiao, was also your arrangement, right?"

At this moment, the Jinlan base was silent, only the sound of the alarm echoed!

Liu Ming, Tie Niu and the others all widened their eyes, looking at this unbelievable scene!

What? Quinn is a saint?


Quinn opened his mouth, after all, he no longer defended, but gave a wry smile!

"I think that what I have done has been leaked, how do you see it?"

Jiang Ning narrowed his eyes and said, "People are doing it, and God is watching! If you want people to not know, you must do it yourself!"

"Brother Jian gave you a chance, and everyone gave you a chance, but you still haven't looked back!"

"Extraordinary combat power is extremely rare. I will give you one last chance to come back and fight for mankind. It is not too late. I can pretend that this has never happened!"

The expression on Quinn's face suddenly became cold, and the golden flame on his body ignited!

"Sorry! I have to do this. Humans have won today, but not in the future! There is no need to risk the lives of the entire race here, and I also have no choice!"

"I'm going to make a decision on the star core. If I give up resistance, there is still life. After the blue star is transformed into a star market, I will do my best to fight for power for mankind!"

"As humans, I don't want to burn you all, don't force me!"

Luo Jiaoyang said angrily: "Fart! Kneeling and living is not living! It is not up to you to decide how humans want to live!"

"Even if I die here today, don't even think about moving the star core!"

When you speak, your body is full of momentum!

Quinn squinted: "It seems that you have to stop me today, don't you? You people, I want to kill easily, just raise my hand!"

"Don't get angry easily when you're older, it's not good for your health!"


As soon as Quinn's voice fell, Luo Jiaoyang's body suddenly burst into raging flames!

The whole person has turned into a human-shaped torch, burning brightly!

The anger in his chest was ignited by Quinn, and the anger seemed to burn out Luo Jiaoyang!

In the face of the extraordinary, Daotian has no room to fight back!

What's more, it is a powerful Daotian like Quinn!

The more angry Luo Jiaoyang was, the more angry the anger burned, and it couldn't be extinguished at all!

And how could Bobcat have the heart to watch his grandfather get burned by Quinn!

Immediately took a step forward, raised his fist and slammed it towards Quinn!

"Heavy bone? Overlord flower! Charge a blow? Shake the mountain!"

At this moment, a phantom of a thirty-six-leaf overlord flower appeared behind the lynx!

This is a power-charged blow, plus the thirty-six times the power bonus of the Overlord Flower!

The power contained in this punch even distorted the space and smashed it out with one punch!


Quinn was immediately smashed into golden flames and exploded, directly blasting the Jinlan base, and the fierce punching power even shunted the liquid outer core of the earth!

However, the next moment, the lynx also ignited a raging anger, burning her whole body!

"Overlord? Seraph!"

I saw that the phantom of the overlord flower behind the lynx was more solid, the whole person turned into a black iron color, and the body exuded a fiery red glow!

The phantom of the angel's wings appeared behind him, actually resisting Sheng Yan's burning!

But the pretty face is still full of pain!

Even if you know that the more angry you are, the more the flame will burn, but not everyone can restrain their emotions!

Quinn's holy body condensed and formed in the air, and said coldly: "I warned you, but unfortunately you didn't listen!"

"Want to stop me? You are not qualified!"

Jiang Ning directly took out the holy sword and held it in his hand, his eyes were cold: "Really? Are you sure you have seen all the people?"

The next moment, I saw two figures suddenly appear at the tail of the dark night elite team!

They are all wearing dark night military uniforms, and they are wiping the lip prints on their faces at the moment!

Quinn's pupils shrank: "When are there two more people here?"

I clearly don't know how many times I have counted the heads, and I have absolute certainty. The guard team has that configuration. How could I check the wrong number?

Incognito? Not right either! Even if you are invisible, you can detect the abnormality through emotional fluctuations!

how can that be!

I saw Yamada Musashi madly rubbing his cheek: "If you step on a horse, you will be scolded to death by your wife when you look back, and you will be fragrant so much by a big man? It's true!"

"I've been dead for so long! It's time to come out and move!"

Beside Yamada Musashi, the speaker Lance rubbed his face with disgust!

"You can't have a nightmare this time around? I was kissed by...hs~ who kissed me?"

Lance scratched his head in confusion!

Since saying goodbye to the mentally retarded, Lance always feels that the seeds in his head are not very easy to use!

I can't remember what happened just now!

This **** law of conservation of mental retardation!

At this moment, Zhang San, who is wearing a big gold chain, has a face full of lovelessness:

(??_?)? "What's inside, correct me, it's three people! Can you check it again?"

It's a pity, no one pays attention to Zhang San...

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