Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2024: Judgment of the Holy Law

The incident did not die because of the end of the Lanxingxu War, but intensified!

The video of the Star Ruins War was made into a collection, and it was retweeted like crazy!

The talent, strength, and diversification of abilities that humans have shown in this battle have all been clearly recorded!

It spread to all civilizations in the starry sky, and was watched by an unknown number of people!

In the streets, in the interstellar city, and in every corner of the starry sky, someone can be heard discussing this event!

As a leader, Jiangnan has received a lot of attention!

The 5,024 Bosons of the World War I slashed, with extraordinary talent and terrifying combat power. There has never been any one who has not reached the breaking point in history and can have such a reputation!

The name of the Southern God also spread in the starry sky with this incident, and was even dubbed the title of God Killer!

Even those things done in the black streets of the City of Thousand Stars were picked up!

The operation of a few hands of God makes people relish!

"Tsk tsk tsk~ It's so fierce before the star is broken. If it is broken by the Southern God, how terrifying is the combat power? And it can summon the mighty Tianlong!"

"Humans really showed the faces of the starry sky this time, and cut so many bosons. The king-level potential is really terrifying. If they are developed by them, maybe they will become a big family that traverses the starry sky, a behemoth!"

"Tsk~ Here comes another job grabber, and it's not unreasonable for me to say that the Ten Thousand Races Agreement was not unreasonable. It's all to blame for the bosons for violating the agreement and touching taboos. , lost four times. Lost the glass~”

"According to the momentum of Jiangnan, it will grow into the second **. Maybe the human ability will blossom into a hundred flowers? If there is a conflict in the future, it will also be a difficult master~"

"What the fuck? Do I have to block keywords when I type? Will silicon-based?"

The entire Qunxing Network is discussing this incident. The potential and strength displayed by human beings make the minds of all races in the starry sky different!

Even the senior officials of the ten thousand clans have all seen the video of the Star Market War!

They are all predicting how the subsequent events will develop and how the Bose will end!

There is even an official @Bose family, but the Bose family has never responded positively!

"There must be an explanation. The thousand-star turmoil that happened in those years affected all races. The ghost knows if he is still there? The Bose people dare to touch the taboos of human beings. I really don't have a long memory!"

"What if something messes up again? I don't care about the safety of all ethnic groups at all, and I just want to eat myself. This first sequence is too incompetent!"

"9494, and the momentum of Jiangnan is already terrifying. If the Bose people hadn't sneaked into development, there would have been no Jiangnan. This **** star overlord is simply disgusting!"

"Isn't it wrong? It's still Siji who obeys the rules, is fair and just, never takes sides, and is absolutely rational. I think it's pretty good for them to be the overlords!"

"Shh~ This can't be said nonsense, but one thing is true, this starry sky is inseparable from silicon-based manufacturing, and now the starry sky civilization technology is bright and convenient, the contribution made by silicon-based is not ordinary?"

The public opinion is one-sided, like a sharp sword, inserted into the Bose clan, slashing to and fro!

On the contrary, in order to reveal this matter, Silicon Gene dared to speak and act, did not succumb to the obscenity of the starry sky overlord, and guarded the starry sky law, but instead gained a wave of favorability and a lot of support!

This alone has made Siji earn a lot of money!

The incident continued to ferment, and even the senior executives of the Han family were paying attention to it!

After a few days of fermentation, the officials of the Holy Law Society finally couldn't stand the pressure!

Co-published on the Stellaris Network!

The Holy Law Judgment Conference will be held in the Holy Law Star Palace on the morning of the 4.25th of the Qianxing Calendar!

Judgment on the victory of the Lanxingxing Ruins War, the application to join the Starry Sky Sequence, and the Bose's violation of the Starry Sky Law!

The meeting process was made public to the entire starry sky, and an explanation was given to the starry sky!

During the meeting, you can go to the Holy Law Star Palace to watch the ceremony. This meeting will not be kept secret!

As soon as the news came out, all the tribes came to the fore!

Immediately, a lot of good people rushed to Vientiane Star overnight, and even the passenger flow of Vientiane Star Port has increased a lot!


In the blink of an eye, three days have passed, and Blue Star has completed the post-war preparations!

After cleaning up all the debris of the nearby starry sky, the starry sky is clean, and the nine war fortresses on the star track plus a blue moon float quietly!

The aura that was drained during the war also gradually returned to a normal level due to the existence of the star core!

Even the dull sun is now full of vitality!

Everything has been taken care of in an orderly manner, and Skyrim has been put into use, and all the preparations have been done!

And Wu Liangxiong, Erzhong Yingxue, and the others, who have exchanged Xingyuan energy cultivation in the past two days, also pulled one or two stars up!

Jiangnan even rushed to Daotian Six Stars!

The news of the Holy Law Judgment Conference has also been received here, and Jiangnan is looking forward to it!

On the morning of the 4.25th, the star gate vortex unfolded over Kyoto, and several starships belonging to the Holy Law Society sailed out of it!

It is the Seventh Law Force that has come! Tao was headed by him, accompanied by a team of investigators led by Boso Sausan!

I saw that Suo Sang immediately showed the summons of the Holy Law!

"The Holy Law Judgment Conference is about to be held, and now humans are invited to send representatives to the Holy Law Star Palace to participate in the meeting!"

"You can bring two jurors to join the jury, and the rest can accompany you. This meeting will not be confidential!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone in Blue Star fell directly on Jiang Nan!

Who can represent all human beings to participate in the meeting? So it's only Jiangnan, right?

Jiang Nan didn't shirk, but grinned: "I am the representative, Brother Jian, Freya, come to the meeting with me!"

"You can follow the rest if you want to go for a walk, remember to stay home!"

Immediately, many people expressed that they wanted to go, after all, they wanted to see the style of the City of Thousand Stars!

Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao and the others naturally want to follow, and want to witness this historical moment together!

After leaving half of the people to stay at home, the rest boarded the ship with Jiangnan and headed to the Holy Law Star Palace!

Boss Bader Pang they kept waving: "Wait for your good news!"

Jiang Nan made an ok gesture without looking back!

As soon as he got on the boat, Jiangnan said hello to Tao!

Tao: (〃¤_¤) "I've been waiting for you there for a long time!"

And at this moment, an untimely voice came!

I saw Suo Sang looked around and sneered:

(乛?乛〃) "It's a good thing, hehe~ A tattered planet on the outskirts of the starry sky, it's pointless!"

Jiang Nan's icy eyes swept over directly: "What? Do you want to try my knife too?"

"You can ask the more than 10,000 bosons who died here! They are very clear!"

"Honestly do your job well, don't be mean! I'm not used to your stinky behavior!"

Suo Sang was stared at by Jiang Nan's eyes, and his face was ugly, but he still closed his mouth!

Looking at Jiangnan for a while with a sneer!

The starship left Blue Star under the watchful eyes of everyone, and when it reappeared, it was already in the Beixuan Gate of the City of Thousand Stars!

The bright and magnificent city of a thousand stars really shocked Yang Jianbati and the others!

I couldn't help but let out bursts of exclamation, this is all too dreamy!

At this moment, everyone seems to have come from the fields to an extremely developed modern city, and the world view is being reshaped!

Jiangnan smiled brightly. After all, it was the first time he saw the panoramic view of the City of Thousand Stars, and he was no better than them!

Suosang murmured in a low voice: (¬_¬) "Che~ a bunch of old folks in the countryside who haven't seen the world and are not ashamed?"

Jiang Nan squinted his eyes, and the God-killing knife instantly slashed out, directly across Suosang's neck!

"If you want to die, say it again, and I will make it for you! More than 5,000 animals have been killed, I don't mind killing one more!"

Suo Sang was shocked and blown up immediately, Tao saw this and immediately led people to hold Jiangnan!

(′-_-`〃) "Calm down! You are also an investigator, so it's more troublesome to cut him off!"

Suosang swallowed his saliva, and he felt confident again: "He~ You have this..."

I haven't finished speaking yet, but looking at Jiang Nan's gradually cold eyes, I still don't have the courage to continue talking!

After all, the god-killing blade that crumbled across his neck like a sawtooth was all broken by the horns of his own clan!

I can't help but look fierce, I see how long you can be proud!

Looking at Wu Liangzhi, he was in a cold sweat. Brother Nan is still so hard? When you say draw a knife, draw a knife?

It's not that Jiangnan is tough, but he knows very well that when he goes out, as long as he is soft, he will be bullied!

Even if a rose with thorns is broken off by hand, the thorns will scratch the palm of the hand!

The starship came all the way to the Holy Law Star Palace, the center of power in the starry sky!

Even Jiangnan was taken aback by the grand occasion in front of him. The streets and alleys were crowded with stars and races!

All ethnic groups have embassies stationed in the Holy Law Star Palace, and they are basically based on ethnic groups to watch the fun!

There are mechanical species on the main road to maintain order, otherwise they might squeeze up!

Most of the reasons for today's grand occasion are because they want to see how to deal with the Bose, and what step can be done, this suspense is relatively large!

As soon as Jiangnan and the others arrived at the scene, there was a sudden burst of discussion!

I even saw the moon raccoon prisoner Watt and the others at the front of the crowd, and they kept waving towards Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan grinned and blinked over there!

Then go straight to the Holy Law Great Hall at the very center of the Holy Law Star Palace!

The building is magnificent and resplendent, symbolizing the supreme law and power!

And this is where the trial will be held today!

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