Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2036: Straight to the point

Of course, it's not through the brain. God knows if the silicon base will monitor the chat records of the brain!

Before being seen by Siji, Jiangnan is very cautious now!

Don't forget, there is also Aijiang's Valkyrie machine on the side of the black street flea market Watt!

Black Street Moonlight Temple, Meizu men and women in ragged clothes sing and dance on the dance floor!

The moon raccoon sat in the upper position, leaning on his chin, smoking a pipe and looking unhappy!


After collecting so many fragrant beads, I will not have to worry about the cigarette material for a long time in the future!

But she still couldn't be happy, and she couldn't find that kind of heart-pounding feeling again!

?(?っ??~??c)? "Eh~ why was the application rejected? The Human Star Ruins War fought so beautifully, it's true!"

Those big clan games are not something that Yueli can figure out, but when I think that I will never see that handsome Nanren again in the future, my heart is empty!

The dance at the opening of the Black Label Conference was watched over and over again by her!

Just when the moon raccoon was feeling sad, Watt came over with the Aijiang Wushen machine!

The moon raccoon was surprised: "Why did you stupid robot come here? The repair work on the black street has been completed?"

Watt smiled dryly: "It's not that I'm here to see you, it's..."

Aijiang's eyes looked around the audience, the meaning was obvious, and the moon raccoon's eyes suddenly lit up!

?(?っ?????c)? "Go go go! Retire everything for me, what's the matter? You can say it now, it won't leak out!"

Aijiang immediately spoke:

?(??????????)? "The master wants me to pass a message, saying that there is something important to meet with Lord Noah, and see if we can arrange it here!"

The moon raccoon was startled, the owner of love sauce? Isn't that Jiangnan?

Haven't they all accepted the ruling of the Holy Law? Why still...

"I'll contact Lord Noah now. Can I ask if I need to see Lord Noah to discuss something?"

Aijiang looked solemn: "This matter must be kept secret, but you can tell Lord Noah that it is what he worries about..."

The moon raccoon immediately exploded!

Contact Lord Noah at this time? Jiang Nan really doesn't plan to admit it, and wants to struggle one last time?

As the person in charge of the black street, he will not even have such a head, and he can guess his intentions after thinking about it!

sky! Is Jiangnan crazy? If one does not do well, there will be no human beings!

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, the raccoon immediately said:

?(?っ?????c)? "I'll tell Mr. Noah, just see or not... I can't decide!"

Aijiang smiled and said, "He will!"

Send the message to Noah on a dedicated line!

Noah's eyes were full of surprise, and then the corners of his mouth twitched:

(? ̄?? ̄?) "Sure enough, you still don't give up? They all found me? You are brave enough!"

"I want to see what medicine this kid sells in the gourd!"

Soon Noah replied!

"Keep it secret, don't let anyone know, especially the Siji and the Bose, you do it yourself, don't make any mistakes, and bring me to the Dark Universe Star Territory!"

After receiving the news, Yueli's pretty face flushed with excitement, can he see Nanshen again?

"I think it's time for us to go!"

Jiangnan, who received the reply, immediately took people to the joint!

Jiangnan sent Jiangning back to Blue Star to make some arrangements to cooperate with the actions of the Lost Kingdom!

The more than 30,000 Black God trumpets are not idle here, but are preparing for the next Star Slashing operation!

Jiangnan Wang Zhizhi and a few people once again embarked on a journey to the battlefield of the Chaoxinghai dimension!

On the dimensional battlefield, the battle has never stopped, and it is still in a state of white-hot!

The coalition of all ethnic groups is now fighting fiercely with the army of dimensional creatures!

I saw that the war fortress group belonging to the dark universe pressed the front line desperately, and it was extremely deep!

The Zerg team shouted:

(??????)? "Hey! You guys rushed too deep, are you courting death?"

As soon as the words were finished, an extremely strong spatial turbulence rushed in, and the war fortress group of the dark universe was washed away!

Some small armed starships didn't know where they were involved, and were completely submerged by dimensional creatures!

"Back! Rewind!"

Zerg team leader: (?????) "Cut~ what did I say? Slowly fight and it's over, what are you going to do to you?"

As everyone knows, one of the small starships was swept into the depths of the battlefield!

At this moment, the moon raccoon and Watt were sitting in the cockpit with black cloaks, and their faces turned white when they looked at the overwhelming dimensional creatures outside the ship!

If there is any small accident, the starship will be torn apart!

But those dimensional creatures completely regarded the starship as nothing, and bypassed the starship extremely tacitly, without touching it!

The moon raccoon swallowed:

?(??﹏?)? "Are you really sure that this is the connection point? Why haven't they appeared in Jiangnan?"

Connecting on the battlefield? How crazy!

Before Wushenji could speak, a faint spatial fluctuation came from the cabin!

The moon raccoon suddenly felt someone pat him on the shoulder!

"Yo~ do you miss me so much? In such a hurry?"

Yueli's eyes were full of surprise, and she turned around suddenly, but Jiang Nan's finger poked her in the cheek!


"You really came!"

The long-lost feeling of beating heart is back again?

God knows how much popping candy Jiangnan ate?

"What did Noah say?"

The moon raccoon said excitedly: "The lord said that we can meet, and I will take you there!"

"It's just... But do you really want to do this? Once you open the bow, there is no turning back!"

"I didn't expect such a result, I'm sorry I didn't help you!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "You've helped me enough, as for the outcome of the trial, it doesn't matter now!"

Yueli was a little worried, is Jiangnan determined to go all out?

?(?っ??~??c)? "This...this is..."

She knew everyone else, but the one standing beside Jiang Nan was an unfamiliar face!

Jiang Nan put his arm around Wang Youzhi's shoulder!

(乛.?乛;) "He? Wang Youzhi, a top human being, a young man with hemorrhoids, trust me, don't worry!"

With a proud expression on his face, Wang Youzhi raised his eyebrows proudly at the moon raccoon!


I'm standing in front of you, do you think I look like before?

Even killing the moon raccoon would never have imagined that this is Ye Yuan, the Black God...

On the battlefield, the starship entered the warp silently and disappeared, heading straight for the Dark Universe Star Territory!

In the dark universe star field, the starlight is dim, and there is an extremely thick dark matter floating in the universe, giving people a sense of mystery and obscurity!

Breaking through the thick blue-purple nebula, the starship came to the center of the Eternal God Star!

A thorny star ring with the shape of a ring of spikes floats on the star track, and its dark style is very similar to a villain's boss's lair!

Noah has already made arrangements!

Under the leadership of Yueli, Jiangnan and his party secretly came to the depths of the Dome Temple!

A towering black gate stands in front of everyone, and the door is engraved with runes and patterns of unknown meaning!

The whole Tiangong was terribly quiet, and even the guards were expelled!

Wang Youzhi pouted:

(︶~︶*) "It's quite pompous, my family is not so imposing!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes. Your house was originally very stylish, didn't you let you demolish it with an excavator?

The moon raccoon sweats profusely on his forehead:

?(??????°﹏?°)? "Shhhhh! Lord Noah is waiting inside, I...I won't go in, you guys talk!"

The door slammed open, and the dense dark matter flooded the sky, making Jiangnan feel like walking on the seabed!

Jiang Nan and Wang Youzhi walked in directly. After all, they are both masters who are not afraid of heaven and earth!

Just swallowing stars, afraid of wool!


The door was closed heavily, and the moon raccoon was full of curiosity, so he ran over, lying on the door and eavesdropping, Boss pouting!

Watt couldn't bear to look directly: "Are you really okay like this?"

The moon raccoon stared: "Aren't you curious?"

Watt swallowed a mouthful of lubricating oil and ran to eavesdrop...

On the throne above the hall, Noah leaned on his chin with his hand, and looked at Jiangnan and Wang Youzhi below with interest!

In one hand, there is a highly compressed dark matter ball that seems to be materialized, playing back and forth!

The dark matter energy compressed by that small ball is definitely worth the energy of thousands of dark matter star bombs!

Jiangnan has no doubt that if this thing is thrown out, almost all the planets in the nearby star field will suffer!

Are star-swallowing people so casual?

I saw Noah speak first: "What? You and I have seen it too. You said that you are here to solve the thing that worries me..."

"How do you know why I'm worried? Come and listen?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "It's very simple, isn't it? When the Blue Star incident broke out, the Bose tribe lost all face and their prestige was wiped out, and Siji became the biggest winner in this incident!"

"Although the other sequences in the top ten got some benefits, they are only petty benefits. When people eat meat and drink soup, you just lick the plates!"

"In this sequence of wars, the silicon base will definitely exert its strength. Let's not talk about whether the Bose will be squeezed, but the power of the Holy Law Society is gradually shifting to the silicon base, which is a fact that has to be admitted!"

"The dark universe is in the third sequence. You don't want to see the Bose people instructing the country in the position of the star overlord, and you don't want to see the silicon base become bigger and stronger, right?"

"What's more, there is still a group of Sequences behind the dark universe, waiting to devour the existence of the upper ranks alive!"

"If you are not worried under such circumstances, you are not a competent racial talker!"

Noah's eyes flowed, and he looked at Jiangnan with interest!

(? ̄?? ̄??) "You have a good mouth and can speak well. When you reached a deal with Siji, you didn't waste a lot of words, right? You can persuade those stubborn and broken machines! "

"It really belongs to you, indeed, you are right, this is indeed a situation I don't want to see, but what does this have to do with you humans?"

"Relieve my worries? Are you qualified?"

Jiang Nan smiled and said: "I'm not here for this! I want to demolish the city of a thousand stars, how about it? Are you interested in joining me and doing it with me?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Youzhi on the side immediately sprayed!

(|||??3??)~Pfft! You are very direct when you step on a horse, straight to the point, you?

Straight to the bottom? Do you know if Noah can be trusted? Just say it directly? Didn't you try it?

What if the family turns around and informs the Holy Law Society?

Even Noah was stunned for a moment, the dark matter ball in his hand was thrown away, and it fell to the ground with a clanging sound, and the whole person froze!

The unbelievable cry of the moon raccoon came from outside the door!


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