Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2111: Criminals do what criminals do

Jiangnan couldn't help but get excited. Is there such a good thing?

Not to mention what ancient starry sky relics are in this Styx River, even if there are ancient starry sky tombs, I will dig it up for you!

The prisoners are fully prepared, just waiting to jump into the river!

Right at this moment, Xing Luo and Karl were arguing and rushing over from the Wave Breaking Plaza!

Angrily said: (?°? Yi°?) "Bang Chacha! What the **** are you doing!"

"The ten jailers who were transferred to guard us, last night... actually..."

Everyone looked at Xing Luo and Carl in amazement. Why did these two brothers seem to be more swollen than yesterday?

Ping Chacha said in amazement: (?~??) "What happened?"

Xing Luo stroked his forehead with his hand and said angrily:

(?)'-Yi-`) "They are actually guarding and stealing!"

Carl hugged his shoulders, the storm sobbed, and he felt that the world was dark!

Ping Chacha stared: ∑(°mouth°?) "What? How many of you! How can you do such a vulgar thing to these two adults?"

Ten jailers sweat profusely on their foreheads:

(??w???) "We really didn't do it!"

Carl was extremely angry: "You are still arguing so far?"

The expressions of the other prisoners also became teasing!

(?????) Isn't it sophistry?

Those tattoos are all over the back, isn't it a matter of time!

Jiang Nan stared: (*???) "Hey~ Is there still such a thing?"

After punching the card and leaving, did such an explosive thing still happen?

Are these jailers okay?

Xingluo Carl immediately noticed Jiangnan who was about to jump into the river, and subconsciously shivered, his legs went soft, and he almost didn't kneel on the ground!

Suspected miscellaneous disease is more serious than yesterday!

Ping Chacha looked solemn: (?????) "Don't worry, two adults, I will definitely give you an explanation on this matter!"

Xing Luo gritted his teeth: "You have to explain to us every day, how much do you owe me? What else can you do?"

"By the way, what are you doing?"

Ping Chacha laughed twice:

(??????) "Organize prisoners to go to the river for voluntary labor. Of course, you two don't have to participate. It's windy outside, or you two go back to rest first, and then..."

Xing Luo sneered: "No! Volunteering in the river? It's quite interesting! Let's watch and observe!"

Carl raised his eyebrows: (#)?д??) "What are you doing standing still? Still not taking the seat?"

The two looked at each other, and both sneered. It couldn't be more enjoyable to be able to watch Jiangnan suffer with his own eyes.

Let you **** us? Waiting for you to go down the river!

I saw that Xing Luo and Carl were sitting on the bridge on the other side, there were special jailers waiting on them, and even umbrellas were arranged!

Xing Luo sneered and looked at Jiangnan:

(#)ˉ??ˉ?) "What are you looking at? Go down to the river and touch your stones, be careful not to die in the river!"

A kind smile appeared on Jiang Nan's face!


Hmm~ Let's play a little more tonight!

Ping Chacha stared: "Just jump down for me when you're ready, and use me to kick one by one?"

Following Ping Chacha's order, the prisoners roared in anger, jumped up, and headed straight for the Styx!

The scene is extremely spectacular, but not even a splash of water is splashed!

There are many prisoners who have just gone down, and the blood of the River Styx has dyed it red. Not everyone can resist the scouring of the River Styx!

And Jiang Nan jumped down with a front flip, and he didn't forget to give Xing Luo his middle finger!

Wang Youzhi and others also scolded and entered the water one after another!

Tarot grinned: "Let me keep up with me!"

As soon as both legs stepped on the platform, the whole person crashed into the Styx like a missile torpedo, and exploded into the sky with energy spray!

The turbulent Styx water washed over Tarot, but it couldn't damage him in the slightest!

The six hands and two feet are like propellers, racing in the Styx River, heading straight for the water entry point in the south of the Yangtze River!

As soon as the Jiangnan side got off the Styx, the line of sight was filled with the endless gray-white energy of the Styx, and the visibility was extremely low!

The water of the Styx washed over the body, making a loud bang!

However, this scouring intensity is not comparable to one-tenth of the Nightmare-class confinement room!

Jiangnan is now vigorously strengthening his body, and he can still bear it under the state of using his steel bones!

It's not that the body was washed with blood and the defense was broken!

However, in the Styx River, the water flow is too strong, and it becomes extremely difficult to control the body shape. It is basically a state of drifting!

But where is Jiang Tiancai so rare?

I saw 10 small leather whips sticking out of Jiangnan's back, and Jiangnan put on 10 small speed slippers!

The moment it was started, the little leather whip freed up a phantom, comparable to a 10,000-horsepower propeller, and the direction could be controlled at will!

He swam in the direction of Wang Youzhi's traction rope, very fast!

Jiangnan could hold it, but Wang Youzhi was not so lucky. He was washed into a blood gourd by the water of the Styx River, not to mention!

He was also pulled around by the leash, and looked like he was about to hang up!

Like Heigang, the skin of the worm was smashed into the steel, but he tried his best to protect Wang Youzhi, who was in the middle, so that he would not be swept into a coma by the water of the Styx!

At this moment, Heigang was horrified to see Jiangnan driving a propeller and rushed over!

∑(°口°●) "What the hell? Humans still have their own propellers?"

Seeing that Wang Youzhi was in bad condition, Jiang Nan quickly took out a bucket of Vigorous 2.0 from behind him!

"Hey~ Good stuff! Drink it!"

Hei Gang stared at his eyes, the boss with his mouth open, poured a mouthful of Styx water into his mouth and coughed!

Whoops! How did you get such a big bucket of water out of your fart pocket?

The big bug and Wang Youzhi naturally knew that this was a good thing, so they poured the big bucket into their mouths!

Vigorous belly, muscles exploded all over, hair fell off, and bald hair radiated dazzling light, like an underwater beacon!

The physical fitness has increased sharply, which can be considered to be able to resist the scouring of the Styx!

Seeing that both of them drank and became so strong, Hei Gang couldn't help overcoming the psychological shadow, and also worked a bucket of food!

Surprisingly found that after drinking vigorously, it can absorb the energy of the Stygian River to strengthen the body cultivation?

It is extremely shocking, what is this treasure?

"How is it now? Can you still bear it?"

Wang Youzhi covered his head with the seeds:

(?)? Benefit?) "For the time being, there is no problem physically, it's the mental attack of the water from the Styx..."

Jiang Nan grinned: "This is easy!"

While talking, I took out a few bowls of chicken soup for the soul from the back and gave them to everyone to drink, and the chicken soup bowls were thrown away at will!

Black Steel: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ! !

chicken soup? Is this a serious chicken soup that this horse pulled out of his fart pocket?

After a sip of chicken soup, the mind power skyrocketed. Although it was impossible to release the mental power, it was enough to block the scouring of the Styx!

"Come on~ put the propeller on again..."

So under the terrified eyes of Heigang, Jiang Nan took out several pairs of speed slippers from behind!

(|||??3??) Pfft~

Nanshen boss even put slippers in his fart pocket!

Black Steel: =????(?﹏?????)…

In the next second, even if the boss pulled out a big living person from it, he would not be shocked!

Jiangnan also blacked out the bald heads of several people with a bull-horse pen, so that it would not be too conspicuous!

Under the blessing of various buffs, the four of them were finally able to move freely in the Styx!

As long as you don't go to any undercurrent vortex, you can survive without worry!

Heigang has a face of worship, is it good to follow the boss of Nanshen?

Can you be so comfortable in the Styx?

"In this way, catching Styx crystals will not be a problem, hurry up and get enough, and then go up!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(??mouth??*) "Huh? Fishing for Styx crystals? Are you crazy?"

Wang Youzhi hated that steel is not iron:

(??ˇyiˇ?) "So many prisoners are catching fish, do we need to do it ourselves?"

"Wouldn't it be over to rob them by then? No ambition at all!"

Big Insect: "That's right! We are vicious criminals! We are still calamity-level. Isn't robbery or something for granted?"

Jiangnan: (??ˇ~ˇ?)? "As a criminal! You should be a criminal!"

Black Steel: =????(?mouth?????) Huh?

"What to do!"

Heigang breathed a sigh of relief now, don't make a big tongue, you are very scary, okay?

Co-authoring these three goods started with the idea of ​​robbing other criminals' labor results?

Shouldn't it be so natural?

Jiang Nan and Wang Youzhi are both old star thieves, and the handsome and compelling combination is not for nothing!

So the Jiang He Bandit Gang was officially launched!

However, before Jiangnan could act, he felt that the traction rope tied around his waist was being pulled by a powerful force!

Even the slipper propeller can't resist this pulling force, and it just smashed Jiangnan!

Heigang was shocked: "Not good! Tarot came over!"

On the other side, Tarot resisted the scouring of the Styx with a powerful body, even ignoring the mental attack!

After sucking Styx crystals for so many years, Tarot's spiritual defense is not ordinary strong!

At this moment, Tarot is holding Jiangnan's traction rope, and all six arms have a phantom!

(?▼口▼)? "Eula Euler Euler~"

Satsuma and Bourdain on the side are cheering wildly on the side!

"Come on, big brother! Pull him over and let's tear him up!"

The rest of the bullies also watched this scene with anticipation, Jiangnan was abolished!

In the blink of an eye, a dark shadow was pulled over at the end of the pulling rope!

A fierce light flashed in Tarot's eyes, and he pulled hard!

Raise the fist and smash it forward fiercely, the fierce punch is like a depth bomb!

"Little bastard, die for me!"

However, Tarot, who pulled the rope to the front, found out, where is there any figure in Jiangnan?

On the leash were more than a dozen large diamond durians that had pressed the stems!

Before the Tarot fist falls, all the durians will explode together!

The golden-yellow pulp and diamond thorns collapsed everywhere, directly polluting the Styx!

It spreads completely in the Styx River, the smell is almost nothing, it is abnormal!

Tarot eyeballs, all three heads were smoked and vomited on the spot!

(?????|||) "Ugh~ Ugh~ What the **** is this horse riding! Who is in the Styx River!"

The tears of Satsuma and Borden were about to stink, and it was already hard enough in the Styx!

Have to endure this sour taste? For a while I thought I was in hell!

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