Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2116: Today's Styx is very bitter

Jiangnan, who did not want to die on the verge of death, went upstream alone and found a vortex of the Styx to practice!

Let the powerful Styx energy wash over you, and draw circles in the dark vortex!

The strength of the water flow here is about half that of a nightmare-level confinement room, and Jiangnan can barely withstand it without breaking the defense!

So I began to guide the Styx energy into the super muscle cells to strengthen my body!

It's a rare opportunity, and Jiangnan doesn't want to waste it!

Humph, why don't you put me in confinement? I shut myself off!

While absorbing the energy of the Stygian River, take out the Styx River crystal from the dumb sack to absorb it!

Strengthen your body and mind at the same time!

Today's Jiangnan, the physical quality has already surpassed Daotian, and even reached an extraordinary level!

But Odin said that there will be an evolution of life level when you break through from Daotian to extraordinary!

It's a change in the root cause, and Jiangnan hasn't even started to evolve, and his physical fitness has become extremely perverted!

I really don't know what level it will rise to after being extraordinary!

But what is more awkward is that since Jiangnan entered the Styx Death Prison, the level of Daotian Eight Stars has stagnated!

Without the Spiritual Qi Lingzhu, Xingyuan energy will be absorbed by yourself!

It's normal to stop!

But the improvement of physical fitness is by no means useless. The body is like a cup of water. The bigger the cup, the more water it can hold!

When you go out, the level upgrade should be a natural thing, right?

It's just that during this period of time, Xue Xue Lang Xie and the others designated that they would practice crazy!

I must be left behind, and I don't know if everyone will be extraordinary when I go home!

Thinking about it, Jiangnan feels homesick again...

When I was thinking about it, I only heard a "slap!", and a Styx crystal mixed with Styx energy smashed into my chest!

Jiang Nan picked it up stunned, did the Styx Crystal come from this way?

tsk tsk~

But there are so many younger brothers thanking him, so don't worry about the source of the Styx crystal for the time being!

The training continues!


However, the Styx River downstream has been completely messed up, and the visibility has become even lower!

Stupid prisoners are still covering up their uncivilized behavior!

And the smart ones have learned to use the power of the tail spray to increase their speed to salvage the Styx crystal!

A few people from the Black Steel King's aspiring insects are driving the wild **** mecha, and they are having a good time!

That is called a rampant overbearing, galloping!

Carrying dumb sacks everywhere to ask for gifts, selling Dali small slippers!

I don't know how much Styx crystal has been harvested, and even sent two batches to Jiangnan and restocked!

Even Bourdain and Satsuma are mixed with Popeye!

The shock in their hearts at this moment is no less than a bolt from the blue!

This Jiangnan baby is a little too much, isn't it? If you can drink vigorously all the time, the improvement of physical fitness is not a dream, right?

If things go on like this, they can even survive in the River Styx for a long time!

If so, would it be possible to…

Thinking of this, Satsuma and Bourdain's minds began to liven up!

This guy from Jiangnan doesn't look like he's here to stay in jail at all. There are too many methods, and the hearts of the two have been completely worn away!

I really don't know how to win over Jiangnan!

If you can't beat it, then join in?

But when they thought of hanging out with Jiangnan, the two of them felt unwilling for a while!

I don't know what the boss is doing now!

At this moment, Tarot was also shocked, and all kinds of strange methods simply shocked his jaw!

Wouldn't the jailbreak plan be much easier if Jiangnan helped?

But Te Meow is so unhuman, Tarot can't swallow anything in this tone!

Of course, this is the idea of ​​Tayueluo and Taxingluo!

The breathless Tajiro has completely given up thinking...

Destroy it! Lace Ward!

And the black steel driving the Aragami mecha has completely swelled. Looking at the countless prisoners, who is the enemy of his own unity?

a ha ha ha! This invincible feeling is too cool, right?

Wang Youzhi raised his eyebrows: (?????) "Hey, hey~ Would you like to be a little more exciting?"

Black Steel's eyes lit up:

(●???) "Brother Dazhi, say it!"

At this moment, Wang Youzhi's expression couldn't help looking at the bridge on the other side of the Styx!


On the other side of the bridge, Xing Luo and Carl were already impatient!

It's been almost a day, and Jiang Nan hasn't shown up yet?

I haven't seen him come up since I got off the Styx River!

"Hey~ Jiangnan must have escaped from prison, right? Why haven't you shown up for so long?"

Ping Chacha sneered: "Jailbreak? He can't escape! Unless he doesn't want to live!"

The Styx River is intricate and complicated, and the non-Netherworld people can't control the energy of the Styx River at all, let alone the Styx River Star Territory!

What's more, there is a Nether Warden sitting here, and he can't run away even if he is exhausted!

It's just that today is really abnormal. Why has it been so long that no prisoner has handed in the Styx Crystal?

You don't even come up to take a breath, can you be so strong?

And why does the color of the Styx in this section of the river seem to be wrong?

Little did they know that the Jiang He gang of thieves had already taken a step forward and searched from below!

At this moment, a figure climbed up along the traction rope!

Eyes full of excitement: "I found it! I found it! The relic of the ancient starry sky!"

It was Damon who climbed up. He didn't know what he was holding in his arms, and ran towards this side with excitement!

Ping Chacha stood up suddenly, his eyes bright!

"Oh? What did you get? Come and show me!"

Didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest today?

You must know that many ancient starry sky relics come from destroyed civilizations, whether it is technology or cultivation methods that have long disappeared from the starry sky!

And the relics of the ancient stars that can survive to this day are the pinnacles of those civilizations, representing the forefront of industrial manufacturing!

If you trace the source and deduce it in reverse, it is not a dream to obtain the core technology of extinct civilization!

Therefore, the relics of the ancient starry sky are extremely precious!

I saw Damon took out a porcelain bowl from his arms as if offering a treasure and handed it to Ping Chacha!

(≠?????????)っ?_? "Kang! This is the treasure I caught in the river!"

Shan Chacha was startled, the expression on his face froze!

What is this? bowl?

(?_?) "Are you sure you got it from the river? Not the rice bowl you stole from the cafeteria?"

Damon said eagerly: "Why am I lying to you? I really got it!"

Shan Chacha took the white porcelain bowl and couldn't help but observe it carefully!

It can exist for such a long time under the scouring of the energy of the Stygian River, and it is still intact, it will never be a mortal thing!

Just what is this bowl for?

The people of the ancient stars are so extravagant, do the bowls of rice use such good materials?

Send it back to the laboratory and let the technicians study it carefully!

And even Xing Luo and Carl came up to watch curiously!

However, at this moment, only a "Boom" sound was heard!

Endless splashes of water exploded on the surface of the Styx River, rushing towards the bridge on the other side at an astonishing speed!

Star Luo and Karl looked up at the shadow in horror!


what the hell?

I saw the thousand-meter giant Aragami mecha jumped onto the bridge with a "boom"!

Ping Chacha was stunned: ∑(°mouth°?) "Tarot? Hiss~ How did you become so big? You..."

I saw Tarot turned his head, and his big feet swayed!

"Accidentally" kicked Xing Luo and Carl directly!

How can a batch of the two's physical fitness dishes resist Tarot's kick?

He was immediately kicked off the bridge, screaming and falling into the Styx!

Ping Chacha was shocked:

Σ(っ°Д°;)っ "Whoops? You shit..."

I saw Tarot grinned, raised six hands and raised six middle fingers towards Shanchacha!

Convex convex convex (??convex??)convex convex convex

"Goose Box~ Big idiots! Hit me up? Stupid!"

After a big jump, he jumped directly from the bridge on the other side, and a fierce man plunged into the Styx!

Ping Chacha's eyes were wide-eyed, and his eyes were full of anger!

(???????) "Tarot! Are you crazy about riding a horse? Which one is wrong? You dare to scold me?"

Tarot wants to die!

Don't use my number to scold people!

I didn't scold them, it was them! They cursed!

However, at this moment, Xing Luo and Karl have already fallen into the Styx!

The moment he fell in, he let out a scream of pain!

With their physical quality, how can they survive the scouring of the Styx?

The washed jelly splashed all over, and I felt like my body was about to be crushed!

Star Luo:

ヾ(;'??Д??`)? "Puff wow~ Help! Help! I'm going to die puff gu gu gu lu ~ cough cough! What kind of smell is this! Puff!"

Carl: (|||??3??)?o·? "Guru gulu cough~ You are so stupid, you dare to kick us? You are useless! Pang Chacha! Come and save me quickly!"

At this moment, Carl panicked, and he couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart!

Why is the taste of the Styx water somewhat familiar? It seems to be somewhat similar to "durian pulp"?

Ping Chacha was furious, if these two bosons died in the Styx, it would be over!

(????? Yi?)? "Don't worry! I'll go..."

Before Ping Chacha jumped down to save people, the jailer grabbed Ping Chacha with a gloomy expression!

"Lord Pingchacha! Why do you have to be in such a hurry to save them? It's better to let these two people suffer!"

"Find out whose territory this is!"

Ping Chacha was stunned for a moment, and there was a sullen look in his eyes, also…

It's time to teach them a lesson!

Xing Luo and Carl couldn't control their bodies at all, they fell into the river Styx and sank without saying a word!

On the other hand, Ping Chacha counted thirty numbers before jumping up and going down to catch people!

However, as soon as he jumped down, Ping Chacha's brows were tightly wrinkled together!

"What's the smell of riding a horse? Why is the Styx today different from the usual one! Why is it so bitter? It's really strange..."

Before the words were finished, I saw muscle prisoners scurrying around in the Styx!

Pang Chacha:

(???benefit???) "What are you all doing in the holy river of our Nether Race! Damn!"

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