Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2140: This prison cell has bad feng shui

Ping Chacha moved extremely fast, and the newcomers were pulled over!

However, Jiangnan was full of disgust:

(¬Yi¬) "You are hopeless, your soul is rotten, wow, I feel more and more that I am doing the right thing!"

How many ignorant newcomers have to be saved?

Pingchacha's eyes were red:

(??? dish??)? "That's right, my patience is limited, don't force me! Lao Tzu..."

Jiang Nan said lightly: "What else can you do to me? Tell you the truth! I want you to die, and you died the day before yesterday!"

"The reason why I'm still alive is that I don't want to be replaced by a new deputy warden, and I have to work hard to train it, otherwise, even if I kill you, you see that You Ming is reluctant to kill me?"

"I can kill you, I can afford the price, but do you dare to kill me?"

While speaking, he raised his small leather whip and slapped Ding Chacha's cheek twice!

Makes a crisp "pop" sound!

(?°?д°?) "Dare?"

Ping Chacha's forehead burst into a dozen blue veins, and killing intent bloomed in his eyes!


But reason tells him that he can't kill Jiangnan!

Otherwise, there is no way to explain it to the Netherworld Warden, no secrets have been revealed, and no way to explain it to the Holy Law Society!

The Nether Race will also suffer huge losses as a result!

Ping Chacha murmured for a long time, but finally bowed his head and confessed!

(︶Yi︶?) "Sorry! I shouldn't yell at you, I was wrong!"

These words were popped out by Ping Chacha from the gap between his teeth!

All the prisoners present stared blankly at this scene!

Σ(っ°Д°;)っI go?

isn't it? As the deputy warden of the Styx Death Prison, Ping Chacha has always been extremely domineering!

Who dares to disobey his orders?

But now he is bowing his head towards Jiangnan? Don't you dare to resist being so humiliating?

Who else can rule Jiangnan?

Bourdain sweats profusely on his forehead:

(?????????) "Why do I think Jiangnan is the villain? You really don't give any face at all?"

Satsuma's mouth twitched:

(???┏yi┓???)? "Isn't he?"

If the prisoners in the Styx death prison are all villains, then Jiangnan is the villain leader among a group of villains!

Sona raised an eyebrow at Tarot:

(??д??) "What else do you have to hold on? Ping Chacha has been subservient to Zhi, how long has it been since he came in!"

Tarot's face is even darker!

Jiang Nan grinned and used a small leather whip to put a smile on Ding Chacha's face!

"It's good to know. Who do you show your stinky face to? Do you know how it affects my mood? I'll serve you well, maybe I'll remember clues about where things are put!"

[The resentment value from Ping Chacha +1009! ]

[From Pang Chacha…]

Although I know that Jiangnan is deliberately fixing himself, he can only suffer!

When Lao Tzu takes it back, what you put on me today will be repaid tenfold and a hundredfold!

A manly man can bend and stretch!

I saw Ping Chacha squeeze out a dry smile:

(⌒?⌒;) "You... what do you want? Why don't you go back and rest today? Why don't you have to do the dirty work like going to the river to touch crystals?"

Jiangnan smiled with satisfaction, it seems that Brother Chacha has found his position!

Can't help but stare: (?°?д°?) "What? What did you say? Don't let me go to the Styx? Are you trying to delay my cultivation and making a fortune? What is your intention?"

Ping Chacha almost suffocated in one breath!

God special meow delays your cultivation and making a fortune, isn't this cover up?

(?°??°?) "Then... what do you want? I have to do something for you, right?"

Jiang Nan leaned his chin in thought:

(?°??°) "I haven't thought about it yet, I'll think about it..."

Right at this moment, Xing Luo and Carl came to support each other. The injury on his body was even more serious, and it was too serious to see!

As soon as he saw Ping Chacha here, he limped over!

Carl: (#)? 3?) "Pang Chacha! What about the explanation? Didn't you say you want to explain it to us? This is your explanation?"

"We've had a good night's sleep in the past few days. Once we slept until dawn, we would definitely be swollen when we woke up! Someone was supposed to beat us both in the middle of the night!"

"No doubt! It must have been done by Jiangnan. You Styhe Death Prison just watch and don't care, right?"

"Is this the attitude of your Nether tribe towards the Bose tribe?"

Xing Luo said with a swollen face:

(#)?? dish??)? "I order you to execute Jiangnan immediately!"

"I'm here to explain to the emperor, you let me talk to the clan, and Xing Luo will bear all the consequences! I can't let him continue to live anymore!"

"You guys are raising tigers! Jiangnan! I'm just ~%?...;#*'☆&!"

Xing Luo and Carl, who were beaten up in a row, completely broke down, like shrew scolding the street, swearing at Jiangnan!

Carl went to Blue Star for further studies, and he was influenced by the quintessence of culture, and it was not in vain. The small words can be said to be extremely sharp!

Ping Chacha's eyes became more and more irritable!

It's enough to worry about people on my own side. These two people come to me every day to explain, how can I have time to worry about the two of them?

Now it's not the Bose who say that they can kill Jiangnan, Jiangnan has the formula of great power!

Now the Nether Race is reluctant to touch Jiangnan!

Jiangnan's life has changed from an outsider's business to his own, not to mention that he still has his own handle in hand!

Jiang Nan frowned:

(??ˇ~ˇ??) "Eh~ being scolded by someone makes me feel even less beautiful!"

Handle Chacha: ! ! !

I saw him roaring at Xing Luo and Karl at that time:

(?▼mouth▼) "You two! Shut up Laozi, how can you talk to Lord Jiangnan?"

"Find out whose territory this is! If you dare to scold him again, the two of you will join the river today!"

"I have to explain it every day! I want to explain it! I still want to talk to your clan? You can make it through?"

"This is the Styx Star Territory! My nether family is the sky! Put down your high airs! Maybe life will be better!"

Ping Chacha roared with anger, and directly criticized the two of them, taking two steps back in disbelief!


Did you make a mistake!

Is Ping Chacha talking for Jiangnan? what's the situation!

The world is so crazy that mice are bridesmaids for cats?

Carl shivered angrily:


Ping Chacha said fiercely: "What's wrong with me?"

Xing Luo grabbed Carl, his eyes were cold, and he had to bow his head when he was under the eaves!

I know that Jiangnan is not so easy to be ruled!

As long as he is given a chance, he can get along well in any environment. How long has it been since he came in?

Did Pang Chacha speak for him? Even at the risk of offending yourself?

It's all too late!

In any case, the emperor must let the emperor know the situation in the death prison of Minghe, and order Jiangnan to be executed immediately, otherwise this thing is bound to rise again, cholera starry sky!

However, to put it lightly, the Nether Clan did not even give themselves a chance to talk to the clan!

The news just doesn't get out!

And here, Jiangnan has grown bigger now!

Thinking of this, Xing Luo's body and mind are cold!

Jiang Nan patted Shan Chacha's shoulder with satisfaction: "Very good, well done! I have come up with a good idea!"

"I want to change the cell! Change it to a luxurious five-star cell like Xing Luo and Carl!"

"If you don't, just drive them out and let me live, it's convenient!"

Carl is pissed:

(#)???口??)? "Jiangnan! What do you want to do? You want to rob our cell too?"

Jiang Nan smiled: (? ̄?? ̄??) "Huh? You two live in that cell quite comfortably? Don't you think the feng shui in the cell is not good, and it's hard to lose weight when you wake up in the morning?"

"Look at where you two live. You've been gaining weight these past few days. Let me, Jiangnan, bear this pain for the two of you!"

"Maybe after moving out, you can sleep peacefully?"

[From Star Lo...]

[From Carl…]

God special meow Feng Shui is not good, I live fat, this is just swollen by you?

It's obviously a threat from Chi Guoguo, okay?

Jiangnan's meaning is already obvious, as long as you change to an ordinary cell, you don't have to be beaten every day when you sleep?

Carl swallowed and looked at Xing Luo with a questioning face!

As long as you change cells, you can sleep peacefully? It doesn't seem like a bad deal, does it?

Star Luo steel teeth clenched:

(︶Yi︶(#) "Change! I took the initiative to apply to live in an ordinary cell! My cell will be given to Jiangnan!"

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows: (??????) "Really? Voluntary change? I didn't force you to do it, right? Don't make me look like a bad guy!"

Star Luo: ! ! !

Are you all right? Become a Bichi and also set up a chastity archway? I bother!

(? Yi? (#) "After (being) all (forced) from (no) willing (Nai) to change the cell!"

Ping Chacha coughed twice: "That's good! Go back and vacate the cell, let's live in Jiangnan Lord!"

At this moment, Wang Youzhi immediately stood up and raised his hand!

(????)?"I also want!"

Big Insect: (???)? "And me! I want it, I want it, I want it too!"

Ping Chacha stared: (?°?д°?) "Ha? You two..."

Jiang Nan said indifferently: (¬_¬) "What? Is my brother so unprofessional?"

"Respect my brother as much as you do me! Ah Yo Stan's?"

Ping Chacha: (?°??°?) "No problem, isn't it a luxurious five-star prison? I'll arrange another room for them!"

Wang Youzhi has a smug face, this is the treatment a black **** should have!


Jiang Nan instructed: "In my room, build a Styx shower room for me, as soon as the faucet is turned on, the energy of the Styx will flow out, and the flushing force can be freely adjusted!"

Handle Chacha: ! ! !

(??Yi??) "Yes! Lord Jiangnan! Arrangement! This is the arrangement!"

You have a lot of things to do on horses!

Satsuma swallowed his saliva, is Pangchacha so good at talking now?

He could not help but raise his hand to try:

?(???┏?┓???)? "Me me me! I want..."

I saw Ping Chacha raised a fist as big as a casserole, with a ferocious expression!

(?òyió)? "You want it too? I have a big electric cannon, do you want it?"

Satsuma sweats profusely on his forehead:

(???┏﹏┓????) "Also... forget it!"

This is the gap, the interstellar famous double standard is you, right?

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