Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2154: Imagination does not match reality

The treasure that was regarded as a treasure in his heart, was hurt like this in the Styx Death Prison!

Xia Yao's heart was dripping blood, her eyes were staring at the photo, and Jiu Lan's appearance was deeply engraved in her mind!

The space around Lan's body is cracking, and her expression is extremely cold!

Tears rolled in Mira's eyes, and Jiang Nan's bright smile couldn't help but emerge in his mind, but Jiang Nan in the photo was labeled like this!

How could she bear it!

"No one can hurt Jiangnan brother! No one! This **** stinky woman, I want her to die!"

The killing intent in Mira's eyes was serious!

Little dimple, Xiong Er can't wait to swallow Jiu Lan alive at this moment!

laugh? Is she still smiling?

Olivia's face turned pale with fright, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and she even wondered if she shouldn't talk too much!

But she felt that Zhong Yingxue and the others had the right to know. Although she had long expected this to happen, she was still afraid of Zhong Yingxue, who had turned so black that she would kill people at any time and handed the Pioneer City to a fire!

=????(?﹏?????) "Don't...don't be impulsive, calm down! Calm down? According to the information I got, Nanshen is not dead, and there are still secrets about him!"

"It's just... it's just a bit of a crime. With you guys like this, Nanshen will only be more worried?"

I saw Wu Liang's whole body surging with blood, and his eyes were full of red blood!

"**** Clan of the Netherworld! Styx Death Prison, right? I asked you to touch my brother Nan!"

The muscles of both legs exploded while speaking, and a big jump was about to jump into the sky!

However, at this moment, a large black flame hand suddenly emerged, grabbed Wu Liang and held it in the palm of his hand!

Squeeze it back to the ground!

"Big man! Where are you going?"

Wu Liang's eyes were blood red, and he struggled uncontrollably, his muscles bulging, but he couldn't break free from the black flame giant hand!

"Sister Xue! Let me go! Let me go! Brother Nan..."

Zhong Yingxue said coldly, "Where are you going? Are you going to the Styx Hell? It's your turn? Calm down! I've thought about everything! How many times have I told you!"

"What are you going to do? Are you making trouble? You are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Wu Liang said anxiously: "But what is it that Brother Nan has been bullied? Are we just here to watch? Sister Xue? Why don't we go to jail! He..."

Zhong Yingxue clenched her teeth: "Don't go! How can you be robbed? Be more mature! When you go, everyone will fall into the hands of the Nether Clan and become Xiao Nan's weakness, right?"

"Originally, it's hard for Xiaonan to persist until now. Once they threaten Xiaonan with our lives! Don't say they want to keep secrets! According to Xiaonan's temperament, he will give him his life!"

"It's not saving Xiao Nan! It's killing him!"

Wu Liangya was about to bite into pieces, his face was aggrieved, his nose was sour, and his tears couldn't stop flowing!

Even Wu Liang couldn't stop the macho from crying the moment he saw the photo!

"Everyone is fine, it's just... Brother Nan himself is suffering, and it's not easy to make it through all the way, but Brother Nan..."

At this moment, everyone in the team was silent!

Xia Yao looked down at her toes and tears fell!

"Don't be stupid, Xiaonan's entry into the Styx Prison is not only a personal struggle, but also a racial struggle. We can't get involved in this level of problem!"

"The only thing I can do is not to cause trouble, let Xiaonan feel at ease, let him..."

Speaking of which, Xia Yao's voice was trembling, the truth was this!

But who can resist seeing this? I usually can't bear to fight hard! Now being beaten like this by that stinky woman!

The roots of Xia Yao's hatred are itching!

Zhong Yingxue tried her best to suppress her restless mood. When Xiao Nan left, she handed over the rear to herself!

No matter what, you must restrain yourself, stabilize the rear, and let Xiaonan feel at ease!

Even if you are angry and want to do something, you must restrain yourself!

Olivia breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately! Luckily it didn't get out of hand!

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue is more irritable than anyone, but rationality is mixed with the irritability!

It is even more terrifying that two diametrically opposed traits appear in the same person!

Anger is not scary! What is terrible is the calm anger, the silent roar!

Qianben Sakura was also terrified, but she knew that she must not make trouble at this time, otherwise the human dimension star flight operation and the layout will all be broken!

It was planned that if Sister Xue and the others were impulsive, they would try to stop them, but fortunately they held back!

(⌒?⌒;) "Don't...don't be so pessimistic! Think about the good things, you know Nanshen best! When has he suffered a loss?"

"He has so many tricks? There are all kinds of little treasures. He has always been the only one who cheated on others. Even if he doesn't use supernatural powers, he can still get along like a duck to water?"

"Maybe it was Nan Shen who played it for Sheng Luhui? After all, the villain Jiang likes acting the most, and he likes to deceive people to tears. Wasn't that the time of suspended animation!"

"Besides... with the Black God, how could Nanshen have an accident? Don't be angry, don't be impulsive~"

At this moment, Qianben Sakura teleported wildly, slapping the backs of several people one by one!

Picking up Mira and Lan, they started coaxing and persuading them frantically!

Zhong Yingxue took a deep breath, and the flames around him gradually subsided!

Indeed, what Sakura-chan said is not without reason, but after all, it is the Styx Death Prison, which locks up the most vicious criminals in the entire starry sky!

No one knows the real situation inside. Judging from the photos is too one-sided, but it looks really distressed, distressed to the point of suffocation!

"Three months! Xiaonan said that it will be done in three months. During this period, don't make trouble. After three months! If there is no news..."

"If Xiao Nan really fell into the Styx Death Prison! Then..."

Speaking of this, Zhong Yingxue's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, so let's wait for the revenge of all mankind!

That would be a deadly vengeance!

Brother Jian knew the news, but he held back and did not move. It was enough to explain the problem. Now the time is not ripe!

Everything will wait until Dimension Star Air is fully online!

"Xiaoya! The news is dead. Don't disclose it to anyone except us! If Sister Mi Ye, Bai Kou, Grandpa Odin Xiao and the others find out..."

"The Styx Death Prison may really be rushed by them, don't let it go, do you know? With the importance of Xiaonan in the hearts of mankind, the impact is too great!"

Olivia nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and quickly scattered the photos!

"Don't worry! I'm as tight-lipped as a Klein bottle!"

Xia Yao rubbed her eyes:

(???????﹏???) "Xue~ I can't stand it anymore, I don't dare to think about what Xiaonan is going through right now, when I think about myself..."

Zhong Yingxue bit her lower lip, touched her head, and gently wiped away the tears!

"Then find something to do! It just so happens that I am extraordinary, and I received news from Grandpa Xiao before that I will go to Chiyang Starfield if I have time after being extraordinary!"

"Say there's something I need over there..."

Xia Yao rubbed her face indiscriminately: "I'll pack up now!"

Qianben Sakura hurriedly said: (*???)? "Together!"

After seeing the photos, Zhong Yingxue and the others couldn't stand still, and their hearts were already restless!

Don't do anything, can't hold back!

Not long after, a solar wind-class starship crashed into the dimensional star ring!

With Zhong Yingxue's configuration, plus Mira, Olivia, and their respective contracted dimensional creatures!

I am afraid that if you encounter a swallowing star, you will have the capital to escape. As long as you enter the dimensional crack, it means safety!

So there's nothing to be afraid of!

In the starship training room, Xia Yao's face was expressionless, and his movements were so fast that he was like a blur of silvery light and shadow!

Crazy beating with special sandbags made of strong phase alloys!

The sound of "bang bang bang" can be heard incessantly, and the projection on the sandbag is exactly the picture of Jiu Lan's backhand Bier!

She didn't dare to let herself stop, otherwise she would be thinking wildly!

In the process of venting, Xia Yao's extraordinary bottleneck seems to be slowly being washed away...

Jiangnan said that the team is even more convoluted, everyone is climbing up hard, practicing to the point of madness!

Be tougher on yourself!

Every time they think of the sufferings Jiangnan suffered in the Styx Prison, Wu Liangxiong Er and the others couldn't help but bury their heads and forge ahead, demanding themselves with stricter standards!

Brother Nan! You must hold on!


Styx Death Prison, the deputy warden's office, Jiu Lan was burying her head in her office, when suddenly, she raised her head and gave a savage shock!

For some reason, I felt a cold wind blowing from my back, and I felt like someone was staring at me!

Jiu Lan's sixth sense has always been accurate, she can't help but look back in doubt, but except for the wall, it's empty!


Can't help scratching his head in confusion:

?(︶~︶) "Strange~"

Jiu Lan, who didn't take it seriously, lowered her head to work again, but the chills on her back became more and more intense!

Jiu Lan, who was shivering, got up and had no intention of working at all!

(??~??) "What kind of evil did you fall into today?"

So I started walking in the office, thinking about whether to go to Jiangnan to practice again, there is nothing to do anyway!

But thinking that the fight was just finished yesterday, there is a high probability that he will not agree with him today!

But thinking of this, the corners of Jiu Lan's mouth twitched. The photos she took, Lord Nether, was very satisfied, praised her job well, and said that she would give herself a raise!

It's just that it's getting harder and harder to take pictures of Jiangnan's blood, and she's even gradually using Nether Energy to practice...

At this moment, Jiu Lan turned back fiercely, but there was still no one...

But the feeling of chills down the back is even more serious!

?(??????what's the situation?"


In the corridor, Jiang Yuba walked around the prison area with four square steps, holding a big bucket of cream ice cream in his arms! Eat with a spoon!


On the side of the small shop, Jiangnan has now been handed over to Wang Youzhi, and Satsuma and the others have managed it, so they don't have to worry about it at all!

The ice cream in his hand is also filial piety!

But where Jiangnan passed by, in the crowded corridor, the prisoners voluntarily made a way!

They bow their heads in salute!

∠(`w′*) "Hello Nanshen! You are handsome again today!"

(?ˉ?~ˉ?) "Fart! When was I not so handsome?"

∠(`?′*) "Nan Shen has worked hard, and he even came out to inspect the site at night!"

(??????)? "Ah~ it's alright! Come out and eat! You guys are busy!"

Passing by, one by one with exploding muscles and tattoos of evil spirits all over the body, the vicious prisoners saluted and said hello to Jiangnan!

One by one politely like a good baby!

I saw a bald and scarred prisoner leading seven or eight nervous prisoners over!

(メ?ˇ~ˇ?) "Nan Shen! This is the new batch of newcomers. I'll bring them here first and let them recognize the door! The provincial one bumped into you..."

Jiangnan dug a scoop of ice cream and licked his lips!

"Ah? Newcomers? Go back and tell them the rules here, na~ I'll reward you!"

Speaking of stuffing the ice cream bucket to the bald scarred prisoner!

Randomly pulled the prison uniform of a new prisoner and wiped his mouth!

Bald prisoner: (?_?)…

Isn't this special meow already eaten, is there a bucket left?

The eyes of those new prisoners are almost bursting, this... this is not Jiang Devil?

∑(?口??(???????(@口@!!) …

The one who demolished the city of a thousand stars and created the catastrophe of the thousand stars!

He was boycotted by all ethnic groups and sent to Styx to serve three hundred years in prison!

Didn't he come to suffer?


How long have you been in? He... his boss?

When the Thousand Stars Catastrophe, these prisoners all experienced it personally!

The bald prisoner stared:

(?▼Ware▼) "What are you doing? Why don't you call Nanshen Boss? Are you looking for a beating? Do you have any eyesight?"

Several rookie prisoners jolted, and hurriedly bowed 90 degrees, respectfully: "I have seen the boss of Nanshen!"

Jiang Nan waved his hand at will:

(︶?︶〃)? "Be sensible~ Go go go!"

While speaking, he hummed a little tune, and walked in all directions to the gate that separates the male and female prisons!

He took out the door key from his pocket, unlocked the door, and walked into the women's prison in one go!

Still in front of the jailer!

The jailer turned a blind eye, and even helped Jiangnan to bring the door...

The boss of several new prisoners stared at the eyes, and his chin fell on the ground!

(???д???) "Then that...isn't that a female prison? Isn't that not allowing male prisoners to enter? It's just been said that the rules, and those who enter will be killed on the spot?"

The key, how can Nanshen have a key!

Is this a prisoner? The Styx Hell was opened by his family, right?

The bald-headed and scarred prisoner raised his hand and hammered several newcomers!

"What are you looking at? That's the boss of the Nanshen! This Styx Death Prison is stunned!"

"Now I will teach you the rules of death prison! The first rule! Don't mess with the Southern God! Hurry up! Memorize it three times for I, and three times backwards! Hurry up!"

Newbies: (??w???)…

Jiang Nan came to the door of Zong Feiyu's cell. He came here today to discuss something with her!

(???)? "Hey! In..."

Before the words were finished, Insect Rain opened the door!

(???~??) "You have something to do with me? Why..."

Before the words were finished, I saw the boss of Jiangnan with his mouth open, with tears in his eyes!

(?≥3≤) "Ah~ Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha..."

A series of deadly serial sneezes all snorted on Buggyyu's face, and none of them fell!

Jiang Nan wiped his nose and looked confused!

(??????) I just ate too much ice cream and got a cold? Why are you sneezing so much in one go?

its not right? Can you catch a cold with your physical fitness?

Or who is talking about himself?

Insect Qiyu's forehead burst into blue veins, raised his hand to wipe the saliva on his face, and smiled kindly!

(?°???°??)? "You came to me, didn't you just want to say this, right? You sneezed at me specially?

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead:

??(??w???) "No! Listen to my sophistry! I didn't mean to! I..."

Insect Yuyu grabbed Jiangnan's collar and pulled it into his cell!

"On purpose, you? Let me die!"

ps: I wish the students of the college entrance examination to watch the plenum and do the questions right! come on! come on! come on! ! !

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