All of a sudden, the field was full of spit sounds!

Even some people are not enough, they do warm-up exercises on the spot, and crazy burpees jump out of the phantom!

Let yourself sweat profusely, sweat profusely, and use this to apply soap!

Prisoner is arranged, but Satsuma and Bourdain can't make it work!

One of them is from the Crystal Clan, the other is from the Metal Clan, and they are both material beings!

What Satsuma vomits is crystal slag, and what Borden vomits is iron juice, which can't make soap bubbles at all?

Can give the two of them anxious!

(°yi°〃) "Nan... Nanshen boss! You have a lot of saliva, can you give us a little bit of it? Can't we make bubbles?"

(???3??)???o·"Pooh, my own is not enough to vomit, find someone else to pooh!"

Suoyuba spat and said...

Seeing that Tarot is about to be beaten, the three heads are in a coma.

The mad brothers rushed to the prisoner pile!

(???Benefits??)? "Who! Who is drooling? Spray on me as much as you like! It's a rare opportunity!

(??ˇyiˇ?) "I beg you! Give us some saliva! Bah~ that camel family! Aren't you the most spit out? Come! Two pounds..."

Tarot is about to collapse. I have heard of people begging for food, and this is the first time I have seen people who want to salivate!

However, the prisoners themselves are not enough, where are they willing to spit them?

The male prisoners in the field completely let themselves go.

But the female prisoners can't do it?

Everyone is in a hurry, this... How do you wash this special meow?

Male prisoners can be shirtless, but we can't?

Besides, who has time to think about how to take a bath now? The muscular men in front of you are completely dizzying, okay?

Can't even see it!


Where can you see this on weekdays? Of course, you are taking this opportunity to quickly put your eyes together, right?

Especially the prisoner of Sou, who gathered the eyes of a large number of female prisoners!

There are not a few who whistle, fly eyes, cover their mouths and exclaim!

After all, Suoyuba is a one-to-one restoration of Jiangnan!

Suoyuba stared angrily:

(?°?yi°?) "What time is it, and you still have the time to wink?"

"Do you all want to die? Why don't you take a shower and make soap!"

The shock of the female prisoners being educated is that life is still important!

But how to wash, you can't use saliva, right?

This is too sloppy!

However, at this moment, the savior Wang Youzhi appeared again!

(?°???°)? "We're not afraid if you don't wash it with water! Let's wash it vigorously!"

While speaking, he directly took out two buckets of energy from the dumb sack and carried them on his shoulders!

When the female prisoners saw there was water, they went completely crazy, screaming and surrounding them one by one!

As long as there is water to wet the whole body, how can you rub the foam!

Wang Youzhi was immediately surrounded by the female prisoners, surrounded by Yingying Yanyan, he couldn't help smiling proudly, and poured out Dali directly!

Splashing in circles, it can be said to be dazzling, pouring it down from scratch!

The female prisoners were wet with strong water and were about to smear soap on them!

But when I rubbed my head, there was a "squeaky" rubbing balloon sound!

However, all the hairs will fall off in places that have been heavily watered!

Don't talk about hair, what eyebrows, eyelashes and leg hair have all disappeared! Several female angels have been poured into bald chickens!

(?▼Ware▼) "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The surname is wang! Mummy's gonna kill you!"

??o·(??????mouth?????)?o·?"You bastard! I didn't say that taking a bath with this thing will cause hair loss? Hair is my life! You want me to kill me It will take your life!"

('? Yi?) σ "Would you like to be so alright? Wang Youzhi! You're going to die for me, you!"

At this moment, all the female prisoners who were heavily watered were red-eyed, completely crazy, punching and kicking at Wang Youzhi, madly outputting!

I have the heart to kill him!

However, it couldn't be hit at all, and all the attacks fell on Wang Youzhi's body and all slid away!

Of course he came after making soap, because he knew he would be beaten!

(︶.?︶〃) "Why are you angry! I'm saving your life? If you're bald, you'll be bald. If you lose your hair, you can grow back. If you're dead, you're really dead!"

"Are you revenge for your kindness and revenge?"

Watching the mad female prisoners grit their teeth angrily, but couldn't beat themselves, Wang Youzhi felt a great sense of accomplishment!

At this moment, he felt the joy of being a Southerner!

So Jiangnan is so happy?

(?????)a ha ha ha!

It's interesting to stay in the Styx Hell, isn't it?

The female prisoners went completely mad:

(?Yi?*) "You fart! If we don't have hair, we'd rather die!"

Obviously, Wang Youzhi underestimated the female prisoners' obsession with hair!

So he waved his hand impatiently:

(︶~︶〃)? "Okay, okay! You don't need to wash it vigorously, I still have it!"

While speaking, he took out a handful of small ginseng from the dumb sack and stuffed it into his mouth!

He swallowed it in one mouthful, and the next moment, two extremely powerful nosebleeds rushed out of Wang Youzhi's two nostrils like a burst fire hydrant!

呲 to the prisoners!

At this moment, this Wang Youzhi is like a blood-sprinkling car, spinning in circles!

Dye the prisoners into blood gourds!

The female prisoners screamed, nosebleed? This special meow is no better than saliva!

Same disgusting, okay?

But it's better than nothing, you can only take a shower with nosebleeds, let's deal with it first!

Satsuma and Bourdain, who had been drooling for a long time, had bright eyes!

Or Dazhi brother can work ah!

(????)? "Brother Dazhi! Come and support us!"

I saw Wang Youzhi raised his hand and compared it to an o98k, his nostrils were punched, and he turned his head to shoot two nosebleeds precisely on Satsuma and Bourdain!

These two brothers can be regarded as getting their wish to take a bath!

The corners of Suoyuba's mouth twitched. At this moment, he had already bathed with saliva and had smeared the soap foam all over his body!

So what is this for, daddy!


At this moment, Tarot's majestic body was smashed like a cannonball and slammed into the wall!

Three heads are left in one breath!


"I... I don't accept it! Waiting for Lao Tzu to go out, I can... I won't kill you!"

Suoyuba's mouth twitched, Tarot won't hang up, right?

In such a short time, the acrylic has already rushed to the front of the prisoner!

The arm bone crystal knife slashed straight at Suoyuba's neck!

"Death to me!"

The crystal knife slid across Suoyuba's neck in an instant, and the sharp edge even slashed the strong-phase alloy wall behind him horizontally!

The field suddenly fell into absolute silence!

Jiu Lan clutched her stomach and vomited blood and said urgently:

(#???mouth???) "Gangnam!"

Ping Chacha cried: (#′??Д??`) "Happiness!"

Acrylic sneered: "My knife is very fast, and the blood will not flow out. After three seconds, your head will slip off your neck! Feel the death quietly!"

"This feeling of being abandoned by the world, you..."

Before he finished speaking, I saw Sou Prison Raise his hand and slap the acrylic with a big mouth!


With a "pop", the acrylic head of the fan tilted!

The field fell into absolute silence again!

Both Ping Chacha and Jiu Lan widened their eyes!


ha? this this this...

Suoyuba pouted: (¬?¬) "What are you talking about? Who are you with? Feel your mua!"

Acrylic: ? ? ?

how is this possible! He was cut off his neck and he didn't die?

Absolutely impossible!

He also gave himself a B pocket?

"Go to hell!"

While speaking, the crystal knife slashed out at Suoyuba, and with a swipe, blood spurted out!

The floor under Souba's feet, and the large buildings behind him were divided into two!

However, the blade slipped away from him again!

He raised his hand and threw a big mouth on the acrylic face!


"Why do not you go to hell?"

Acrylic: ! ! !

slipped off? How did it slip away? This unscientific!

It's okay to give me tickle water, and slap me in the mouth?

"I killed you alive!"

At this moment, the acrylic seemed to be in a frenzy, and the two crystal knives slashed wildly at the Suoyuba in front of him!

Under the eyes and eyes, it is full of flaws, and it is really easy to dismember it!

But without exception, every knife slashed by the acrylic slipped away!

Suoyuba's physical golden body has taken shape!

At this moment, the prison tyrant seems to have completely changed his personality, and he is not at all cowardly!

I'm invincible, I'm afraid of a fart?

This big B pocket is still from Nanshen University, and the effect is really outstanding!

As for what to do after that?

This physical golden body has half an hour!

After such a long time, the boss of Nanshen has returned long ago, and no matter how bad it is, the Netherworld Warden has also arrived!

Boss Nanshen makes himself stand out a little, then it's good to be arrogant!

I saw that Suoyuba stood still under the attack of the acrylic storm!

He casually raised his hand and buttoned his nostrils, and then wiped it on the acrylic chest!

"That's all? What about a blood-colored miracle? I can't even knock out a single blood-skin! Can't see blood here?"

"Scarlet bastard, right? I'll just stand and let you kill! Did you kill it! Have you heard of blood-locking?"

Acrylic is crazy!

how come! How can you not kill it, you usually chop it up yourself?

At this moment, both Ping Chacha and Jiu Lan were stunned!

They know how strong the **** miracle acrylic is!

With Jiangnan's strength and physical fitness, he would die if he couldn't bear the sword!

But now not even a bloodskin has been broken open?

how can that be?

Ping Chacha suddenly remembered the time when he couldn't slide his feet off the ground before!

In my memory, I turned into that ghost after taking a shower!

Could it be because of the soap?

Seeing that his attack was ineffective, Acrylic couldn't help but stop slashing, and his expression became even more hideous!

(??Yi?) "You..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw two more people beside me with blood-colored soap bubbles!

It's Summer and Bourdain!

I saw that Satsuma raised his hand with all his strength, and faced the acrylic with a mouth!


A crisp sound of "pop" echoed throughout the audience!

"You're very arrogant? Don't you know this is the bully gang's territory? Bloody Miracle has many farts, you are a stinky brother!"

Acrylic: ! ! !



The words he was about to say were interrupted again, and I saw Bourdain lifted his foot and kicked on the center of the acrylic!

(??????) "Who is it with Lao Tzu? I heard that you are very kind?"

Acrylic: ~%?…;#*’☆&!

ps: Qingfeng will be broadcasting live on dy today. At 8 p.m. on the 6.9th, we will lock the live broadcast room of Tomato Writer's Assistant. Interested friends can go to Kangkang. For details, please refer to the pictures in Kang's comment area.

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