Orochi Longevity

Chapter 107 Abandoned Temple

Arriving at Mount Hua, Ling Xuzi lowered the gentleman in white from his back, his body swayed and turned into a human form.

"Brother Snake, we're here!"

Among the five mountains, Huashan is the most dangerous.

There are dangerous and handsome peaks like swords and swords everywhere on Huashan Mountain, and it is difficult for ordinary people to settle down.

Even Ling Xuzi couldn't carry a person on his back, and he could climb up to the top of the mountain safely.

Besides, Huashan is a famous mountain in the past dynasties, literati and inkmen often come here to visit the mountains and rivers... If Ling Xuzi climbed around in his original form, he would definitely make people fall off the cliff in shock.

If a few more people fall, his virtues accumulated for hundreds of years will be in vain.

"This is Mount Hua?"

Hearing Ling Xuzi's call, the scholar in white murmured his answer as if he had just woken up from a dream.

Previously, it was immersed in the Taoist scriptures that Ling Xuzi expounded for him, pondering and pondering over and over again, paying no attention to the roadside scenery at all.

At this moment, when he came back to his senses, he immediately felt the breeze blowing on his face, and he felt refreshed.

On the top of Huashan Mountain, there are strange peaks, steep mountains, deep valleys and dangerous roads, just like carved in the sky, it is really shocking and dangerous.

People can't help but take a breath, and sigh how mortals can climb it?

The two continued to go to the top of the mountain together, but saw rotten ropes and dead wood steps on the way. Figures in twos and threes are climbing the rocks with the help of these simple things.

Someone moved extremely fast, like walking on flat ground. There are also people who are timid and afraid to move forward.

Let them see the difference between locals and out-of-towners at a glance.

The white-clothed scholar and Ling Xuzi are not ordinary people, so it is no problem to climb a dangerous peak.

After climbing halfway up the mountain, the snake poked its head and looked into the distance, and it was even more relaxed and carefree.

I saw the ancient caves of Lingquan, interesting stones and beautiful trees, looming among the misty clouds.

There are ancestral temples and palaces standing on the top of the mountain, just like the sky.

That palace should be the so-called Yue Temple!

With a thought in his heart, the snake immediately quickened its pace and climbed up.

Although this temple is not as spacious and luxurious as Guanyin Temple, it is very natural and ingenious, as if it grew directly from the ground.

The combination of natural landscape and cultural landscape is seamless and outstanding.

"Brother Snake, look! We're almost there."

As the two climbed higher and higher, and gradually approached the temple, Ling Xuzi showed joy, and pointed to the top of the mountain.

He couldn't hide his joy, he quickened his pace and jumped up on the rotten wooden steps, and then jumped up the mountain road at a speed that ordinary people couldn't match.

"Hey! Daoist Master is very skilled!"

A climber saw this scene and couldn't help applauding loudly.

"That's natural!"

Ling Xuzi was not modest, he crossed his legs and waited for the white-clothed gentleman on the boulder, and chatted with the local man by the way.

"Uncle, I see that you have been climbing for a long time, don't you also want to go to the Yue Temple on the top of the mountain?"

The snake continued to climb silently, it knew that Ling Xuzi wanted to take this opportunity to inquire about the news, so it just listened from the side without disturbing.


The climber replied:

"Daoist, you don't know, this Yue Temple is empty, and no one worships at all."

The climber said that he grew up at the foot of Huashan Mountain since he was a child, but he didn't know when and by whom the Yue Temple was built. All I know is that since he was born, this Yue Temple has stood on the top of Huashan Mountain, and it will not fall down.

However, because this Huashan is very steep, it is extremely difficult to climb. Ordinary people just want to climb up to worship, and they have to risk their lives!

Moreover, although this mountain is quiet and distant, no one disturbs it. But because the environment is so good, all kinds of birds and beasts inhabit it, but it is not suitable for human habitation.

Climbing the guest road, there was a dedicated Taoist who wanted to live in Yuemiao for incense in Huashan. But after only staying for more than ten days, he was exhausted physically and mentally, and ran away in a hurry.

According to him, the top of Mount Hua is really not suitable for people to live in!

At night, ghosts cry and wolves howl, and the wind blows, very penetrating. Moreover, it is not suitable for growing all kinds of crops. He lives on it alone. If no one delivers food, he may starve to death.

For various reasons, even though the Huashan Yue Temple has a mysterious origin, it looks quite extraordinary. Taoist priests and pilgrims rarely go to Yue Temple to offer incense and offer sacrifices to the soul of Huashan.

"... There are several rare medicinal herbs on this mountain. We often risk our lives to collect herbs on the top of the mountain, just hoping to sell them at a good price during the good season."

"If I pass by Yuemiao if I have free time, I will go in and clean it... Please feel at ease!"

"Then there are those sons and poets who have heard the name of Mount Hua and traveled thousands of miles to have a look. Not to mention, those poets look weak and weak, but they dare to risk their lives to climb the peak... When they arrive at Yuemiao, they occasionally There will be a few sticks of incense."

"There is nothing else."

"Daoist. I think you have an extraordinary bearing, not like an ordinary person. You should hurry back to your home, there is no incense in Yue Temple! Don't waste your time here."

Out of kindness, the climber persuaded Ling Xuzi a few words.

He quickly shook his head while talking, set foot on the path with his companions, and walked away with a smile.

"Why are you telling him that? Others will think you're lying to him."

"Listen if you want to listen, and fall down if you don't listen."

"You old donkey really likes to meddle in other people's business. Did you see the Taoist's face? Others don't listen to you. You probably have to go to the mountains."

"Don't be another fool..."

The voices of several people became smaller and smaller, and were soon covered by the sound of birdsong and mountain wind, and disappeared into the valley.

They thought their voices were not loud, but they didn't know that both Lingxuzi and Snake were not very human, so they could hear their conversation clearly.

However, the two of them were not angry, they were kindly reminded by the herbal picker, it's okay to be treated as gossip.

"Is it actually an empty temple?"

At this time, the scholar in white also took advantage of the opportunity to cross the wooden steps from the cliff to the mountain road. He frowned slightly, feeling a little confused.

According to climbers, this Yue Temple has not been inhabited for decades.

But in Peng Er's memory, Niutou Mamian was familiar with bringing lonely ghosts into Yuemiao, obviously they used Yuemiao as their stronghold a long time ago.

There is a big difference between the two statements.

Snake was a little worried, did they find the wrong place, or did Peng Er remember the wrong place?

"Yes or no, we will find out when we go up."

Ling Xuzi was free and easy, he just patted the dust on the Taoist robe and continued on the road.

The two climbed up for a while, and finally came to the top of the mountain, where they saw the Yue Temple, which was neither too big nor too small, neither extravagant nor simple.

As soon as the temple came into view, the snake felt cold.

Because it found out that what the previous climber said was true! The temple has indeed been abandoned for a long time, weeds are overgrown in front of the gate, and fallen leaves are covered in the yard.

How can there be any popularity in that desolate and lonely look?

"Don't panic, this Dao thinks that this place is very strange, maybe there really is a Master Shi sitting in charge."

Just when the white-clothed scholar frowned and said nothing, Ling Xuzi was beaming with joy.

He swayed the whisk lightly, crossed the threshold in one step, and walked directly into the Yue Temple, looking around.

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