"Stop taking the junk."

"Why are you moving this rock? There isn't so much room in the car."

"It'll be there when you go there... Oh, just carry it and keep up."

The clerk kept persuading those people that it was okay to carry pots and pans and not to carry all the rubbish. Those people would rather carry the firewood away on their own.

However, both the affairs officer and the soldier were from the lower class, so they could understand their thoughts.

Because this is the only amount of money they have left, and they have saved it bit by bit. Even a few pieces of firewood are what they worked hard to collect for the winter.

"You won't have to worry about those beasts from now on."

"What robber and bandit dares to come? Let's kill him!"

"Of course, our lord..."

Those cars definitely couldn't be loaded on, but the soldiers helped them carry part of it. This gesture made those people a little at a loss, but they also felt goodwill when they talked.

The convoy and the soldiers helped move the village...

According to Lance's habit, he is prepared for everything. As long as he plans in advance, he will not panic when something happens.

The biggest difficulty in integrating villages together is to solve their survival problem. If they are rashly moved into the city, they lose the land they depend on for a living, and they have no other survival skills. Then entering the city is almost like waiting to die.

Although Lance is forcibly moving them to that small town, there are plenty of houses, land and food, all of which are provided for them.

Maybe they are still a little uncomfortable now, but as long as they wait until next spring and plant the land allocated to them, the matter will be successful, and the fields will tie them there.

There are only about ten households in a village, which means there are only thirty or fifty people in total. The fields they rely on for a living are not too many, but they must not be left abandoned.

Greendale walked among them, scattering plant seeds on the fields after the autumn harvest. With a wave of her staff, the land rolled and buried the seeds underground.

As long as we get through this cold winter, various herbs will grow in tomorrow's spring. Although it is definitely better to have someone take care of this kind of thing, this area is destined to be temporarily shelved, waiting for subsequent planning and effective development.

Therefore, it is relatively reasonable to grow herbs. Although natural growth is a little worse, it will not be as easy to produce nothing as food crops.

"The land in Hamlet is more fertile than the mountains. Even if it doesn't need to be taken care of, it can still grow a lot. Unfortunately, it lacks some special environment, so some plants still need the mountains to grow."

Greendale knew her mission, so she had already selected plant seeds suitable for this situation.

"The terrain of Hamlet is a typical alluvial plain. The river flows out of the mountains and merges into the sea. Because the water flow in the downstream of the river is not as fast as the upstream, the flow speed slows down, and the carrying effect on gravel and sediment is weakened, causing the gravel and part of the sediment to separate. A plain landform formed by belt accumulation.

Such areas tend to have fertile soil and are important farming areas, which is why the Hamlet area was able to support millions of people after it was developed. Unfortunately, Hamlet is now fragmented, and those areas are either eroded by the wilderness or engulfed. "

Lance put his hands behind his back and looked into the distance, his words filled with emotion.

It's just that he is different from those guys who like to be sad about autumn and regret spring. Instead, he has an inexplicable positivity and optimism.

"But that will change, and it's in our hands, and that's the first step."

The three villages were all in a similar situation, and it only took a day to move people back.

The population of the town doubled, to almost four to five hundred people. At night, everyone gathered in the open space, illuminated by the light of several bonfires.

But this was not a celebration, but a grievance meeting, and the mayor and the loser were pulled out to criticize again.

It's just that there are only three or two political officers and thirty soldiers who are in charge here. As for Lance and the others, they continue to clean up with the large army.

The darkness will pass away amid countless cries, and sooner or later the sun will rise in the east.


In a large town south of Hamlet, apart from the most prominent church, there are also mansions that naturally represent the nobility.

Different from those border areas where there are often wars, so most people like castles as their foundation, this is the inland, and there has been no war for I don’t know how many years, so naturally I don’t pursue the war attribute.

Therefore, those nobles preferred luxurious mansions under large expanses of glass rather than gloomy stone castles.

But at this time, the warm sunlight filtering through the glass could not dispel the gloom of the mansion.

A man in his prime was sitting in front of the stage, surrounded by several people who were his cronies. He was here today just for a piece of news that had just arrived.

Lord Hamlet wants to regain his territory and has already sent out troops, heading south.

This information was provided by Roma people. Although these guys have a bad reputation, the information they provide is generally accurate. After all, it is a matter of reputation.

This information was free, but the detailed information about Hamlet that followed caused him to bleed a lot, but he also got a lot of information.

For example, some of Hamlet's situation, population, resources, etc.

The second is that the lord seems to have entered the legend and is very powerful. This time he went south to conquer it himself.

The third thing is that this time Hamlet sent three thousand troops, mainly musketeers, with cavalry and artillery mixed in.


The word Hamlet has a special meaning to these older people, because many of them have seen the prosperity and also witnessed the decline.

At the same time, it was the decline of Hamlet that led to their rise. Otherwise, how could they control so many territories with the title of a baron?

Most of them had the same experience as Bastia and Owendo. They all ate the fat of a wave of catastrophes, accumulated some strength, and then nibbled away at the territories belonging to Hamlet bit by bit.

To be honest, in their eyes, the only threat was the most powerful Count Bastia, and at worst the other barons, not the declining town of Hamlet.

Who would have thought that such a short time would bring about such a change!

In the corner they ignored, the declining Hamlet rose again at an unimaginable speed. By the time they reacted, the situation was no longer something they could solve.

They had heard rumors about ruins before, and they all realized that this was the last chance. If they didn't solve Hamlet, they would be in trouble.

The interests of the ruins, coupled with the promotion of the Ascension Sect hidden in it, the barons began to move among themselves and prepare to organize a coalition to take action.

But the arrival of the Extreme Darkness scared them to death, and when the Blood Moon came, they wanted to hide as far away as possible, and the cult wanted to push them.

In their view, Hamlet was doomed, and at worst, he would fall into decline again, and at the same time, they dared not seek that area again.

So they naturally began to return to their aristocratic life. Even the cultists knew that they were unreliable, so they could only organize their own invasion, and they also let this behavior go.

Who would have thought that the Extreme Darkness and the Blood Moon suddenly disappeared again, and they had not received much information, and then it was the current situation, and the army drove directly to the front.

The current situation is like a spark falling on the field, which could be extinguished with one foot, but those people were busy fighting and no one cared.

When the field turned around, a raging fire ignited, and the rolling heat wave forced them not to approach.

But they were greedy for the food in the field and were unwilling to leave. At the same time, several people were unwilling to come out to put out the fire first, so they were entangled here.

But now the fire has burned in front of them, and it is not their turn to escape.

Now thinking about it, when the extreme darkness came, they should have attacked with all their strength, what a pity...

"Let's talk about what to do."

The baron did not care to lament the lost opportunity, and it was obvious that how to deal with this situation was more of a headache.

"He has no more than 3,000 troops. We may be able to raise more than 5,000 people if we go all out, and their cavalry has no armor. Our knights will definitely defeat them with the cavalry."

"Retreat first, this is our territory. If he dares to come in, we will attack his logistics from behind. We will not lose if we keep a distance."

"This is not our business. We must also notify the other territories immediately. If we fall, they will not be able to fight against the lord."

Everyone gave their opinions, and basically wanted to fight. After all, who would be willing to spit out the territory they had swallowed with great difficulty?

If they really surrender, what will be their fate? Everyone knows it, so they must fight!

"The most urgent task now is to send someone to notify everyone and gather the knights to prepare for war."

"Send someone out to quickly determine the location of those troops."

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Soon, while they were still discussing, someone rushed out to notify the knights who were given fiefs, and of course, to notify several other lords. Now they must unite.

The town, which had been peaceful for who knows how long, also began to count its weapons, prepare supplies, and recruit soldiers. This was a life-and-death rhythm...

In fact, he didn't need to notify them. The Roma contacted several other great lords at almost the same time and sold the information for a good price. Even if they had to share the lion's share with Amanda, it was still a lot of money.

As for the noble lords, they didn't care about these. They also had similar reactions and began to contact people around them, preparing to resist Lord Hamlet together.

There was no way. Everyone did it, so it was impossible to spit it out obediently. They still had to fight.


“The target should be ahead, but the situation this time is not so easy to say.”

On horseback, Patton looked ahead with a solemn expression, then turned to look at Reynard beside him as if waiting for a response.

“Yes, according to the intelligence, the population of this town must be more than a thousand, and there are nobles in power, and they will never surrender easily. What’s more troublesome is that there is a church, and there are believers.

At the same time, there are several knights in the periphery. Attacking one of them will easily reveal our whereabouts and give others time to react.”

From Reynard’s words, you can hear what is going on now.

After several days of sweeping, the scattered villages and towns in the blank area south of Hamlet have been dealt with, and finally entered the territory of the war. It’s not so simple later.

The ones in front are just self-proclaimed mayors and village chiefs. They are all alone. When they encounter a large army, they will naturally surrender instantly. Even if they resist, it’s just a joke.

But the next ones are not isolated in the wilderness, but more developed plots, backed by other noble lords.

Since they are lords, they have the responsibility to defend the territory. Everything they have is tied to the territory and they will never give it up to others.

Although those places belong to Hamlet in name, they have been operating for many years and regard them as their own territory, so they will not surrender easily.

What's more troublesome is that there is a church in that town and some church personnel. If the fight drags on for too long, the people may be mobilized, and too many casualties will be troublesome.

Yes, the real headache for the two is that it will be difficult to report to the lord if there are too many casualties.

"There is no need to fight those knights. We will go straight to the villages and towns, and then solve the others in reverse."

"The artillery will be delayed, and the cavalry and infantry will advance with all their strength. Arrange people to change their clothes and approach to seize the door, and then the cavalry will rush in directly to control the nobles and the church, and the army will then enter to control the order."

After the two talked for a while, they quickly determined the tactics and directly decapitated the nobles and rushed in.

Execution represents the combat effectiveness of an army. Although they have been marching for several days, they will start to act immediately after receiving the order.

The huge artillery team, which was already lagging behind, paused, along with most of the army.

Find some elites and logistics teams to change clothes and pretend to be merchants or farmers, and continue to move forward openly, while the cavalry will take a detour to avoid the knights, ambush and wait for the charge.

This is about Lance's preparation. Although he didn't fight, he collected information early, which made the current situation seem one-sided and transparent.

Hamlet's people can easily avoid it, and those enemies didn't notice it at all.

"What are you doing? You have to pay a head tax of one copper coin to enter."

"You are all strangers. Don't you know that the tax for caravans is different?"

"Let me see!"

The disguised caravan approached the door without any accident, but was immediately stopped by the soldiers.

It's not that the people here are so powerful that the soldiers guarding the door can see through their disguises, but they are simply extorting money.

What kind of money can a poor person get? Only these caravans can deduct a little, otherwise who the hell is the gatekeeper.

The people in the team didn't find it strange to see this, and even smiled and looked at the other people in the caravan before speaking.

"We have good stuff. We can afford even a gold coin, not to mention a copper coin. I wonder if you dare to take it."

"Don't fool your father. Look at how poor you are..."

The soldier just put on an arrogant look, but he was silent the next second because a dagger was pressed against his neck.

"Whose father are you?"

"You are my father!" The soldier begged for mercy with a sad face.

Thanks to [Little Task] for 1500 rewards

Thanks to [Justifiable Thinking] for 100 rewards

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