This day has finally come...

Although I chose this theme on impulse when I started writing, I actually started to conceive this story a long time ago. The inspiration probably came from the unwillingness to go back to the old path when I played the game.

In the original game, the protagonist and heir only live in the town of Hamlet. I know that I have no talent in novels, but I still want to make some changes and integrate some of my own ideas to improve the world view.

The first major change I tried was to let the protagonist leave the town and go to Owendo and Totnes to absorb the population and introduce the concept of extraordinary.

But it is obvious that I still overestimated my ability. The content I wrote was too procrastinated, which resulted in neither pleasing the fans of the original work nor satisfying some lord farming readers, and deviating from the main line.

It happened that it was a critical moment when it was just put on the shelves. This plot discouraged most readers, and the number of readers plummeted and the recommendation was cut off, which foreshadowed the ending.

That is, the first attempt to jump out of the original framework failed, and the return to the main line was naturally more cautious and conservative. The direction of this story was also restricted. It only completed the world view of the original work, limited to the empire, and did not expand.

Anyone who has read the previous Barton plot should be able to see that I originally wanted to integrate the second generation, as well as other large mods. I prefer the Black Relic (the real second generation), and the original outline has a large amount of related plots.

But it is obvious that the writing is too procrastinated, such as some insignificant plots such as the Roma, and the Bastia and the mountain barbarians.

Of course, there is also the most criticized protagonist's long preaching and nonsense plot. In fact, Lance's original character design is an archaeologist with no combat ability. He only relies on a mouth to solve the heroes' mental illnesses and let them join the team.

But no matter how stupid I am, I know that writing online novels like this will definitely die. It's not that he can't do it, but that I can't do it. I don't have this ability and can't write that feeling, so I gave him a classical physics method to solve the problem.

But when it comes to Hamlet, the various heroic characters have been set in the original work. If you want to show that they seek redemption, you must enlighten them and eliminate the psychological burden. This leads to Lance's nonsense a bit, and his low intelligence is annoying.

Let me emphasize that it's not that Lance can't do it, but that I am not capable enough.

Then there is a feature of the original work, that is, antiques and accessories. I have blurred them because they are too complicated and it is difficult to reflect the increase in writing.

There is another key in the original work. The hero upgrade improves [determination], that is, will. The strength improvement is in skills and equipment, which is also difficult to reflect. I simplified it into levels to show the difference in strength.

There are also traits and quirks that affect the hero's strength, that is, positive and negative effects. This is directly integrated into the text, such as Greendale's natural blessing and fear of cold.

Complex mechanisms may have better cultivation in the game and increase the differentiation of play, but it is very cumbersome to implement in text.

All the changes I made to the original characters are for more intuitive expression and better reading experience.

As for whether there is any effect, it is really hard to say, anyway, it seems that there is no effect...

In terms of character creation, because there are too many characters on the stage, I originally wanted to write some of them to death directly, but after thinking again and again, I chose to be conservative and not kill the hero. After all, it is a white text, and I don’t know whether it is fun or not.

The price is that many people took up a lot of space to appear, but then they disappeared directly, which made me feel disconnected. In the end, I still couldn't control the group portraits and didn't have the ability.

The characters who appeared later just showed up and disappeared. Some of the original heroes didn't even have time to appear, such as the Shieldbreaker. I originally wanted to use her background story as a wedge to introduce the plot of the Black Relics. What a pity...

I wanted to write a lot, but I found that not many people read it. There were still hundreds of people reading it before the ancestor was defeated. After the ancestor was defeated, many people gave up the pit. Even many readers who have been active and supported didn't see this.

Now think about it, if I deleted the plot of Tamara and Amanda (Roma), deleted those who climbed the technology and did research, and the side plots of the mountains and Totnes that involved Hamlet, as well as the long-term preaching and playing with memes, and focused on the original work, the plot didn't have so many conspiracies and tricks, would the ending be better?

But it's useless to regret now. The old road can be taken again, but reality cannot be repeated.

I have nothing to say about this, because it is indeed written by me. It feels like a hodgepodge. If it is not fun, it will play with old plots.

There is no point in writing it if not many people read it, so those who have followed it here can feel that I am starting to speed up, but I still insist on finishing the two original DLCs of the farm and the courtyard, which can be regarded as a beginning and an end.

The second part can write a world on the verge of collapse after Lance disappears. Incorporating the second generation plot and the black relics, as well as Lance’s arrangement, friends who are interested can write about it. I have done my best to persist here, and can only wait for the next "heir" to go on.


From the ambition at the beginning of the book to the lingering now.

Do you still remember our story, which is wonderful and passionate.

It is actually a disgusting thing that keeps festering!

I was not able to be redeemed-our novel has declined... (End of this chapter)

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