Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 143 Damn, no way to survive

At the end of 24, the Spring Festival.

People all over the country, no, people all over the world, are looking forward to watching--

Anyway, it's not the Spring Festival Gala.

This year, this program is completely cold.

Because there is a highly anticipated event that is being broadcast live around the world.

The Kunming ship, which has sailed for 46 days, will conduct the first delayed live broadcast in history!

Live landing on Mars!

At this time, Mars is the closest to the earth, so the communication delay is barely controlled to 6 minutes.

Half an hour before the show starts.

College student Liu Qing rarely snatched his mother's TV.

Usually at this time, his mother is watching bloody dramas to kill her time.

But it's rare that her son also comes to watch TV, and she is happy to see it.

But, why is this channel black?

"It hasn't started yet? I watched the Spring Festival Gala for 20 minutes and I'm about to vomit!"

"It's almost time, it's almost time, it's about to start!"

The time came to nine o'clock.

The entire TV screen suddenly lit up.

A red planet appeared in the main screen.

On the right, there are two sub-screens, the top is the full view of the Kunming ship, and the bottom is the captain and crew in the cockpit with serious expressions.

"What is this?"

Seeing this amazing scene on TV, Liu Qing's mother leaned close to her head in confusion, but she couldn't understand it.

"Mom, this is the Kunming ship, it will land on Mars soon!"

"Why is it called the Kunming ship?"

Liu Qing's mother looked puzzled. By the way, isn't the first ship of any kind usually from Nanchang?

"Because it is a frigate, our first frigate is called the Kunming ship!"

"Okay, okay, it's time to start!"

On the Kunming ship.

Captain Wu Tong sat in the command position with a serious expression.

"We are already in the landing position, the automatic landing system has been activated and is being executed!"

"Confirmed with the Xirang Air Traffic Control Center, the information is stable and maintained, and the delay is 6 minutes, 17 seconds and 21 milliseconds!"

In order to maintain the stability of the communication link in the future.

During this voyage, the Kunming ship also has a mission.

While sailing, they threw communication repeaters in the universe.

All the way to Mars.

This is how they can broadcast live stably.

The Xirang Air Traffic Control Center will be the air traffic control center for all space activities in the future!

It is now on Earth and will be moved to the Xirang Space Base in the future.

Now, the Kunming is already in the orbit of Mars, and the automatic landing procedure is underway!

"The spacecraft is ready to land!"

The 133-meter-long frigate, the auxiliary nozzle at the bottom is opened, and the nozzle at the tail turns downward at a right angle.

The frigate continues to descend.

It has been captured by the gravity of Mars!

"The engine starts to reverse thrust!"

However, at the moment when the gravity captured the Kunming ship.

The huge reverse thrust of the spacecraft engine slowed the speed of the spacecraft's descent to the extreme!

The soldiers and scientists on the spacecraft felt like they were sitting in a large descending elevator at this time.

Except for a little shaking.

The whole process was simply perfect! ! !

A quarter of an hour later, the Kunming ship landed steadily in the Kandel Basin, the South Pole of Mars.

At the same time, on Earth, the Kunming ship was still slowly descending on the live broadcast!

Liu Qing excitedly stood up from the sofa, clenched his hands, and cold sweat continued to emerge from his forehead and back.

This is landing on Mars!

The distance between the two sides is astronomical!

Even though he has full confidence in his country's technology, he is still a little worried!

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the picture, the Kunming ship deployed the landing support.


landed steadily on the ground full of yellow sand!

Six minutes after the successful landing of the Kunming ship, the video of the successful landing was transmitted to the earth.


Liu Qing jumped up excitedly and waved his hands fiercely!

No matter what.

This is the first time that humans have landed on a planet other than the earth!

A real planet!

It's not a satellite like the moon!

This moment, no matter how easy the process is, is worth remembering by everyone! ! !

If landing on the moon is a half step towards the universe.

Then landing on Mars, a planet of the same level as the earth, is to completely take the remaining half step out!

Moreover, this time, a large number of people boarded the ship!

The crew of the Kunming ship has... 400 people!

That is to say, nearly 400 people landed on Mars at the same time!

This is a great breakthrough!

All the people in the world who were watching the live broadcast were shocked.

They looked at the huge frigate.

It stopped steadily on the desolate land.

The visualized black five-pointed star on the hull shocked everyone's heart.

In the live broadcast room, the Xirang Air Traffic Control Center cheered excitedly.

The Eastern Power also cheered one after another.

However, at this moment, most foreign viewers only felt noisy.

The excitement belongs to them, to the Eastern Power, and has nothing to do with them.


European Space Agency.

The heads of the German Alliance, the US Federation, the European Space Agency and the Russian Space Agency gathered in the conference room, looking at the huge black spaceship on the projection, with complicated eyes.

"Is this the technology that humans can achieve in just a few years?"

The director of the European Space Agency had an expression of "I don't read much, don't lie to me".

He pointed at the Kunming ship, looking confused.

Damn, this is something that humans can accomplish in one or two years? ? ?

We are probably not the same species! ! !

"American representative, German Federation representative, don't you have Area 51 to study aliens?"

The Russian representative pointed to the Kunming ship on the projection and looked at the two representatives.

His meaning was very clear.

How to see it.

It's also more like the one in the East is studying aliens.

This technological progress is so fucking unscientific!

The representative of the American Federation glared at the representative of the German Alliance and said nothing.

The German Alliance waved his hand helplessly, and said in despair: "Area 51 is just a wrong product used to study mind control under McCarthyism. It is a rumor that anti-intellectualism once prevailed in the United States."

After that, he looked at the slide meaningfully and said thoughtfully:

"But maybe someone is really studying extraterrestrial technology."

This is already very obvious.

The terrifying speed of the Eastern Power.

They say that they developed it themselves.

Who the hell believes it?

Whose technology has soared without reason?

In the past, they really believed that the Eastern Power had developed controlled nuclear fusion.

After all, they have always been at the forefront of this field.

But now it is like this.

What's going on? The Eastern Power is too lazy to act.

They are too lazy to fool around.

They just took out the space frigate!

"What should we do?"

The director of the European Space Agency covered his head with a look of despair.

Seeing the situation of the Eastern Power, it was painful for his country to collapse!

What to do?

What can be done?

The four space directors looked at each other.


Can they win?

Their space frigate, if they drop weapons outside the earth, who the hell can defend against it.

Moreover, this is just on the surface.

Everyone knows that the Eastern Power is the best at hiding.

God knows what he has behind the scenes!



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