Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 191 Air Traffic Control Center: xx idiots!

Alien world, Earth air traffic control center.

It's the same air traffic controller.

Now, he has been on duty for 6 hours and is processing the approval plan extremely impatiently.

"The hull of the Covenant colony spacecraft has been closed. Apply for a takeoff number?"

Seeing that this spacecraft had taken off four years later, and now it was time to apply for a takeoff number, the air traffic controller almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Sick, right?

Is there something wrong with the people on this spaceship?

If you apply for a departure number 6 years in advance, are you afraid that you won't be able to get one?

"It must be to take advantage of the trap, Omega 6, you're a cunning guy."

Only when they saw the location of the habitable planet selected by the Covenant colonial spacecraft did the air traffic control personnel suddenly realize.

This is the latest habitable planet discovered.

The crew of the Covenant were so cunning. They applied for a takeoff number in advance just to stand in this pit.

"There have been no colonial spaceships taking off recently..."

After checking the records, the air traffic control officer agreed to the Compact's request with a look of displeasure.

Good luck to these bastards!

"It's getting more and more outrageous lately. Everyone comes to apply for a takeoff number, and the Prometheus actually took off by force!"

The air traffic controllers felt that these people simply did not take the Earth Security Agreement seriously!

Now, the various agreements set up to protect the solar system are like toilet paper, anyone can violate them!

"Sooner or later something will happen, and I have to quickly find an isolated colony far away from the world, build a cabin by the lake, and live out my life leisurely!"

This air traffic controller,

I don’t want to be killed by an alien virus one day for no apparent reason!

The solar system is not without various safety protocols!

The military even has orbital defense forces in the solar system!

However, various companies are now too powerful, and the military is severely suppressed.


People in these companies will do anything to make money.

The safety agreement is now like a piece of waste paper. Anyone outside the solar system dares to violate it.

Just five days ago,

In the Beretta 8 system, the colony ship Gods directly violated the epidemic prevention agreement.

What the hell,

As soon as the colony ship landed, nothing was prepared.

I measured the structure of the atmosphere and the composition of microbial communities.

Then, these idiot colonists landed directly!


Not even wearing chemical protective clothing.

Fortunately, no accidents occurred.

For this reason, the military seriously questioned Wieland Company based on the voyage log.

As a result, Wieland Company did not care about the military.

Regarding the major shareholder, he said, "This is an internal matter of the colonial company, and the military has no right to interfere."


Thinking of the operations of these monopoly companies,

The air traffic controller grinned.

Wieland, Inc., take date pills.

"Well, when I save enough money, I will definitely take the Yutani Company's colonial ship. At least they will abide by the safety agreement."

He complained crazily in his heart about the infiltration of the military by monopoly companies.

The more the air traffic controller thought about it, the more thoughts of escape arose in his mind.

He has worked at the Air Traffic Control Center for many years and has seen many violations.

I’ve seen too much,

I just feel that the solar system can only be good at noon.

Because sooner or later it will be over.

"Fortunately, we processed more than 2,000 incoming messages today, and there were only over 200 violations."

Thinking that everyone was unusually observant when coming and going today,

At least not like before,

Secretly transporting "extraterrestrial biological specialties" to the solar system!

Coupled with the joke about the Prometheus, the air traffic control staff felt a little relieved.

"There are still two hours left before we get off work!"

He leisurely made himself a cup of coffee and took a sip.

Should we go back to watch a movie or play games?

The entire air traffic control center now has a harmonious atmosphere because of a shift change.


"Didi didi——"

Suddenly, the air traffic control center's alarm was activated!

"What's going on?!"

Swallowing the hot coffee in his mouth, the air traffic controller looked down at the star map.

In the star map, there is a red point that is rapidly approaching the edge of the solar system.

"There is a spaceship that entered jump mode without obtaining navigation permission!"

"Asshole, he actually dares to jump within the solar system!"

The curvature engine, when traveling faster than light, will use energy to distort the surrounding space.

During the jump, it is equivalent to a layer of "shield" surrounding the spacecraft.

This shield can attack the shield!

If you encounter a spaceship that normally travels in the solar system, you will encounter one in the distorted space and smash it to pieces!

Bastard, you don't take other people's lives seriously!

The air traffic control personnel’s eyes were splitting:

"Damn it, it's the spaceship of this insane company, Wieland!"

At the same time as the air traffic control center discovered the problem, the military also discovered the problem and immediately reported it.

"Air Traffic Control Center, Air Traffic Control Center, we have detected a spacecraft jumping within the solar system. Pay attention, pay attention, and evacuate the spacecraft in the channel immediately."

"The speed of the Wieland company's spacecraft is far faster than ours. I repeat, we can't pursue it!"

This is the helplessness of the military.

It is difficult to use weapons in the solar system. Outside the solar system, their military spacecraft cannot catch up...

Damn it, the military still has to wipe the butt of these companies.

"Fuck Fuck!"

The air traffic control officer cursed angrily, and the word "danger" appeared above his head, and he hurriedly connected to the communication.

"The spacecraft on the CV236 channel, evade immediately, evade immediately."

"CV234 channel spaceship, get out of the way, get out of the way!"

"x: 210; y: 100-420; z: 254, emergency notification. All spaceships in the area should leave the area immediately to avoid collision, avoid collision!"

"Kuvit, Kuvit spaceship, you have violated the "Safe Navigation Regulations", end the jump immediately, end the jump immediately!"


A curved straight line passed through half of the solar system and penetrated into the distant starry sky.

This lawless ship,

It is Wieland Company, the scientific research ship that supports Wieland.

On the ship, there were not only the shareholders of Wieland Company, but also a large number of scientists.

I heard that Wieland discovered extraterrestrial intelligent life,

These scientists, without saying a word, swarmed in and crowded the spacecraft.

On the spacecraft, Swick lay in the sleep cabin, turning a deaf ear to the warning from the air traffic control center.

It's just a "Safe Navigation Agreement".

When they bring the research results of extraterrestrial intelligent life back to Earth,

And then after a little bit of work,

Isn't this little matter settled?

By then, with advanced technology at hand,


Just a watchdog!

Swick sneered and ordered decisively:

"Kuvit spacecraft, all personnel will enter immediate hibernation. We will maintain the fastest speed of the lunar jump."

"'Mom,' remember to get rid of the 'watchdog' following us."

"The order has been issued. After leaving the solar system, the spacecraft will operate."

Artificial intelligence, my mother's mechanical voice, immediately sounded.

Swick nodded with satisfaction and then went to sleep.

And this Kuvit also exploded at all speed.

The constantly twisting cone-shaped space envelops the spacecraft and moves forward rapidly.

LV233, they are coming!

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