Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 20: The United States is making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

Above the Yellow Sea and on the land of the peninsula, the situation is tense.

More than 200 countries around the world are in shock following the actions of these three companies.

This...this is no small matter.

These are three big countries, and they are preparing to merge around the South and North sticks!

Sensing that the United States seemed to be serious about coming, half a million troops quietly gathered in the Northeast, and troops were stationed at the Beibang border.

Of course, except for the fleet, the armies of the three parties did not respond so quickly.

But if this continues, in one month, two million troops will be gathered on the peninsula!

When a spark does fly, the consequences will be disastrous.

Moreover, this time, Beibang was obviously really angry.

Nanbang soldiers massacred the people of Beibang for no reason. As a sovereign country, Beibang is not a dog like Nanbang, how can it be tolerated?

That afternoon, the artillery troops opened fire at the South Korean garrison, regardless of the United Nations' dissuasion!

South Korea immediately counterattacked, with artillery fire from both sides lasting two hours.

The total number of casualties instantly rose to 400!

Moreover, around the 38th Parallel, both sides began to lay minefields.

Beibang Mars Club even issued a solemn declaration to the world:

"The innocent people of our country in the North were massacred, and the South has actually declared war on us. From now on, our country's nuclear missiles will immediately target Washington and the aircraft carrier fleet of the United States. If there is any change in the American imperialism, we will not show mercy!"

A video was played along with the announcement.

Video of the Mars series ballistic missile standing up and mounted on the launcher!

After the video was released, the tension in the situation skyrocketed.

Even U.S. allies quickly called the United States to remind them not to make the matter a big deal.

When you play with nuclear bombs, everyone has to finish playing in the end!

It seems that the threat of the North Korean team is really effective, or the United States feels that it has gone too far.

After China's press conference issued a serious warning to a certain country, calling on both countries to calm down and let the peninsula cool down, it came out.

The United States has also changed from normal.

They first gave a stern warning to Beibang at a press conference.

It is said that the fleet was sent out to prevent the North Bang from invading the South Bang. In order to maintain fairness and order, the Mi side intended to mediate the contradiction between the two parties.

Moreover, the United States also proposed to invite diplomats from China and Mao to gather at the 38th parallel to discuss how to solve this problem with the North and South clubs.

Regarding this rare proposal, more than 200 countries in the world have rushed to urge the three parties, no, five parties, to agree.

After thinking about it for a while, Hua Guo and Da Mao felt that there was no trap, so they readily agreed and agreed to discuss it together at Panmen on July 29.

It seems that the "prelude to the Third World War" ended in such an anticlimactic manner?

When the whole world, including China, turns its attention to the peninsula.

To the south, on a strange beach, several boxes floated ashore.

Then, several white "tourist groups" with long noses and white skin quietly came to this deserted beach.

Opening the box, there are actually weapons inside!

"Everyone, the mission is here. Our main purpose is to wait for instructions after the internal response fails, break in and get the data."

The leading white man raised his arms and whispered instructions.

"We understand!"

Everyone responded in unison.

After receiving the equipment one by one and putting it on, the white team leader Akers said sadly: "We are all poor people whose family members were arrested. We will definitely not be able to make it back alive during this operation."

"I hope they will really let our family go!"

"May there be no American country in the next life, Amen."

After praying, a group of twelve people quietly got into the van prepared in advance.

Judging from the appearance of the van, the person who proposed the attack plan must have been premeditated.

The van is very old. Moreover, there are various advertisements for repairing refrigerators and receiving TV, which is full of life.

This is great for concealment.

Arriving at the designated location, Akers looked at the communicator and glanced at the people walking leisurely outside the car, his mind filled with apologies.

"I hope that spy can succeed..."

The bay, the computer research center, some secret room.

At this time, the room has been converted into a combat command center.

Chen Limin and a senior colonel in combat uniforms were sitting together, looking at the content on the screen with serious expressions.

"According to intelligence from the Information Department, an unmanned cruise aircraft discovered a group of armed men on the beach."

"Damn, what on earth do these people want to do!"

Chen Limin couldn't understand.

Is the United States crazy?

Come to steal data. If the spy fails, we will know the other party's intentions.

China was therefore vigilant and calculated the data secretly. What could the other side do?

Is this something they can stop?

"This is a warning to us that if we continue to stick to the plan, they will do whatever it takes."

The colonel sneered.

The United States has made this plan very clear.

The data cannot be obtained. At this time, it is just a matter of time.

The most important thing is that this attitude must be worn in place.

"He will do whatever it takes, wouldn't we?"

The colonel was obviously angry too.

As far as you, the United States, are concerned, we are really determined to launch this spaceship, and no one can stop it! .

"I immediately contacted the Northwest and asked them to restart their nuclear test plan, so that the United States can come as soon as possible."

Pointing to the van in the picture, he turned and told his deputy, seriously: "Evacuate the surrounding people and let the exoskeleton armored troops deal with them, leaving no one behind."


The deputy immediately gave a military salute and then hurried away.

"Colonel, will restarting nuclear testing cause too much noise?"

Chen Linong was very shocked.

Wouldn't it be too much to just do something big?

"The international situation has changed. Peace is no longer the mainstream. New and old forces have alternated. There will inevitably be some friction. We...have to start preparing."

The colonel smiled when he heard this and explained: "It has been stable for so many years. Everyone thinks the world is really peaceful?"

"And don't worry, the intellectual and tactical nuclear bomb launched this time is very weak, so don't worry."

"So that they, the United States, will know that you are the only one who will do whatever it takes?"

"As for telling the truth and being bullied to the gate, we are still afraid of this!"

"I understand!" Chen Limin nodded repeatedly.

This time, China is no longer as poor and weak as it was a hundred years ago.

The United States, in terms of strength, is no longer qualified to be condescending and look at others with its nose!

"Well, let's take action!"


Several helicopters flew to the beach.

At the same time, beside the park, plainclothes police officers began to clear away the crowds.

Next to the Bay Computer Station, a large area was closed to traffic.

From behind the building, three teams of nine people, wearing exoskeletons and armor, were quickly approaching the van!

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