Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 225: One sword in two!

In the deep seabed,

the searchlights of twelve mechas illuminated a bright area.

However, due to the deep sea, the light did not cover too much.

Ahead, it was still dark!

With the plasma cannon completely restrained, Fang Jing moved, and the Red Storm moved!

The Horizon Warriors, the Arctic Flying Army, and the Snowy Peak also held shields in both hands and moved forward.

The shield, which was nearly 40 meters long and wide, immediately protected the Red Storm on three sides.

In the back, the rest of the people also took out their weapons and quickly followed.

In the dark sea water, mud and sand were stirred into the range of the light from time to time.

Tones turned his head sharply and plunged out of the field of vision.

At this time, it was angry in its heart. These little bugs dared to play tricks on it?

If sneak attacks don't work, then rush!


The sound waves echoed in the sea water.

The meaning of this roar was very clear:

Those who are still putting electromagnetic pulses behind, come over here, I won't take it.

Prepare to assemble, and go for it!


Five level 6 monsters have assembled around them through sonic positioning.

The huge and ferocious beast suddenly turned its head, and Tones took the lead, raising his hands and holding the heavy shield, and led the charge!

Go straight to the enemy's front-

Horizon Warrior!

Beside it, four monsters charged in a V-shaped formation, lowering their heads to show the sharp diagonal horns on their heads.

They want to use the diagonal horns to completely crush the opponent!

"Here we go!"

The monster has entered the illuminated area and is clearly visible to everyone.

"We'll hold it!"

The Horizon Warrior and the Arctic Flying Army held their shields in both hands, pressed their bodies and pushed them out.

Their shields are not vegetarian either!



A violent collision occurred on the seabed.

The bone horns of the level 6 monster are indeed sharp, but they still did not completely penetrate the shield.

Only the tip of the sharp bone horn penetrated the shield.

The huge impact force caused the two mechas to use their legs to grind two huge marks on the ground.

"Looking for death!"

Fang Jing finally moved at this time.

Right now, take advantage of the moment when the level 6 monster pulls away and wants to hit again!

Crimson Storm holds a silver long sword and moves very flexibly in the chaotic scene.

Fang Jing stands in the cockpit, holding a sensor sword, his eyes glowing.

My sword is not an ordinary sword!

I'll give you a blow, monster, can you bear it!


After the collision, Tones roared angrily at the horizon warrior who blocked it and hit its head with a blunt weapon in his right hand.

It swung its body, and its huge beast mouth bit the huge iron hammer in the right hand of the horizon warrior.


Fang Jing, who was wandering in the outer circle, was best at seizing opportunities!

He did not hesitate, jumped, and a blue plasma jet spurted out from his back.

The red storm approached rapidly,

When Tones was about to claw the horizon warrior's arm with a sharp beast claw.

The sword blade, which was illuminated by the light, slashed down fiercely!

Red Storm jumped up, raised his hands violently, and at the moment of slashing down, the nozzle of his elbow sprayed out plasma jets crazily.

The huge power made the sword light flash in the water, which was particularly gorgeous!

"Hey! Take my sword!"


The sword light flashed.

The pupils of Tones shrank sharply, it...

Hey, I don't seem to be dead?

Wait, what is that!

Tones only felt a dizzy, and then it saw a huge beast body.

This beast body is so familiar,

so majestic, so majestic!

Why does it look so much like... mine? ? ?

Damn, it's mine!

A flash of astonishment flashed in Tones' eyes, what's wrong with it.

Is it beheaded?

After being beheaded, it is not dead yet, is its vitality so strong?

But, I suddenly felt so sleepy...

Not far away, Red Storm stood tall with a sword in one hand!

In front of him, the level 6 monster was beheaded by a sword and died on the spot!

The corpse, mixed with the gushing blue blood, fell to the bottom of the sea with a bang.

"This sword... is really fast!"

In the cockpit of the mecha, Fang Jing showed an uncontrollable smile.

This smile is harder to suppress than AK!

Just now, he held this "high-tech sword" and cut into the body of the level 6 monster, just like cutting tofu.

No obstacles at all!

What shield, what scales, what bones.

All broken at the touch!

Wait, it seems that a piece of something else was cut off?

"What a sharp sword!"

The Horizon Warrior driver stared at the huge and neat cutting edge on the shield, and his pupils shrank sharply.

This shield is made of titanium alloy!

It was so easily cut into this by a sword, that sword was ridiculously sharp!

"Stop looking, come and help!"

The Frost Flying Army was overjoyed when they saw Red Storm kill a level 6 monster with one sword.

Its shield was being bitten by a monster!

The claws almost broke his mechanical hand with one blow!

"Here we go!"

The Horizon Warriors and the rest of the warriors gained confidence!

Even without the plasma cannon, they can still blast these monsters.

Ahem, Red Storm is responsible for blasting, and they are responsible for quacking.

"Block the monsters, let me do it!"

Fang Jing also rushed out quickly.

After seeing the sharpness of the sword, he didn't need any plasma jet to boost his power.

He just started with a horizontal slash!

While slashing horizontally, Fang Jing shouted angrily:

"Abandon the shield and jump away!"

The Frost Flying Army was shocked. Seeing the sharpness of the sword, he did not hesitate to let go and kick his legs to retreat.

If you don't dodge, you will cut the monster and the mecha into two pieces!

In an instant, the sword slashed!

A stream of light flashed,

The monster and the shield it bit were all chopped in half!

This light sweep was unstoppable because of the sharpness of the sword.

"There are three left!"

Fang Jing's worry turned into excitement.

Yes, yes, yes, this is the feeling of using cold weapons to fight monsters!

His feeling came, monster, take my sword, I will let you run 49 meters first!

Monster:... Is that a sword? ? ?

Whose sword is like this!

Forget about slashing, they seriously doubt that your sword with the tip facing the ground, if it falls to the ground, can pierce the earth!

Fang Jing replied: No, it can't be pierced, because there is a sword guard!

"Roar! (Retreat, run!)"

The Chrysanthemum Beast, which had been sending electromagnetic pulses at first, was quite intelligent. Seeing Fang Jing's sword one by one, he knew that the opponent's weapon must be supermodel, and roared, and the sound waves vibrated in the water.

He was about to run away.

"Want to run!"

Fang Jing roared: "Stop them!"

Almost instantly, the positions of the attackers and defenders changed.

The horizon warrior who was preparing to chase behind suddenly stopped and stared at the Chrysanthemum Beast who was running away quickly. He suddenly realized something!

Then, he raised the plasma cannon in his right hand sinisterly and fired two shots at the Chrysanthemum Beast who was running away in the lead.

The plasma ball shot out.

The Chrysanthemum Beast felt a chill on his back.


Fell to the ground instantly!

With a grim smile, he put away the overheated cannon and chuckled:


"You have a magnetic shield on your chest, but not on your back. How can you run away!"

"Monsters are monsters. They are not smart enough. They only care about their heads and not their butts."

Because of his operation,

the battle scene was instantly stagnant.

The two monsters who were about to respond to the call of Chrysanthemummon and run away were also stunned.


It seems that there is no option to run in their settings? ? ?

Run, what's the point of running? You can't run away!

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