Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 229 We are not fools. There is something wrong with your sword!

Hull realized it keenly.

There is a big problem with the memory of the level 6 monster that was read.

That sword in particular was very wrong.

The bones and magnetic shields of level 6 monsters are made of highly targeted materials, derived from 11 years of combat trials with humans.

According to the predictions of the pioneers, humans cannot be easily exterminated.

However, that sword is clearly supermodel!

Humans should not be able to forge even a milligram of this material!

"Reporting this news should be regarded as more than enough merit."

Hull felt much more relaxed.

Although it was exposed early and lost a level 6 monster, it at least got a very important piece of news.

That is the colonized human race, and the technological situation has changed.

The pioneer family's grazing plan must be changed accordingly, otherwise problems will arise in the continuation of the "pioneer" genes.

After all, they have spent too much time on this front!

With this in mind, Heluo immediately reported to the leader of the group through the mastermind.

The leaders and elders of the group have been transformed into genes again and are stored in the rear.

Usually in a dormant state.

But once information points to it, it will immediately be stimulated to wake up.

How does a string of genes wake up, start up, and think like a human being?

In fact, it’s easy to understand.

After receiving Huerluo's message, the biological computer mastermind located in the rear immediately accessed the leader's genes.

Just like a quantum computer accesses the data of digital life,

The leader of the pioneer clan was completely revived on the biological computer!

"Herder Heluo discovered that the civilization of the planet being herded has abnormal technological nodes, a big leap in generations?"

Like a meat ball, a biological computer composed of a nervous system and telex signals is beating like a heart.

On it, there are densely intertwined wrinkles, and the color is pink and looks like——



On these wrinkles, blue light flashed rapidly, the color was just like the blood of monsters!

The leader of the pioneer clan is thinking.

It has finished reading the memories sent back by Hull.

that sword,

Human beings can never create it now!

"There is a 99.99% probability that human civilization has received support from other civilizations; there is a slim possibility that the other party's technology will explode within 11 years."

The leader came to a conclusion instantly.

During the 11-year war, monsters devoured countless humans and plundered their memories.

They already understand human civilization extremely well.

I want to achieve this level of explosion within ten years.

Unless humans directly pick up the production equipment of other civilizations,

Moreover, this equipment must also be in line with human technology cognition!

But how is this possible!

How could such a coincidence or such a good thing happen?

Therefore, there must be a higher-level civilization secretly supporting the other party.

"Things have changed!"

The leader's attitude was cold, and the entire biological computer began to shake violently.

It's angry!

This is the grazing target targeted by their pioneer clan.

Think of the majestic pioneer family, traveling across the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy, how majestic it is!

Those who are just hiding their heads and showing their tails are actually supporting human beings.

court death!

Thinking of this, the leader immediately ordered:

"The grazing plan has changed. Notify the Presbyterian Council and prepare for a storm immediately."

"Dig out the supporters behind humanity and see which of our 'old friends' it is!"

There are not many civilizations that dare to confront the pioneers.

At least, in the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy, it's pretty much dead.

The leader would like to see it.

Who is it that dared to provoke the leopard after eating the bear's heart?

Pacific Rim World,

Countries around the world are anxiously waiting for the notification from the Eastern powers.

Several days have passed since the end of the impact gap mission, and the news of whether it was successful has not yet been confirmed.

This makes them nervous.

"Why are you still not sure whether it's successful or not?!"

Broken Dome, Chuck sounded a little impatient.

Why is the efficiency of doing things so low? Just confirm the news!

"Maybe they are studying the corpse of the level 6 monster."

A flash of fear flashed in Heike's eyes:

"Level 6 monsters, just the information that Marshal Stike got from diplomats is terrifying."

"Our raiders can't even break through the opponent's frontal defense. If monsters like this appear in the future, the consequences..."


He had already thought of that image in his mind.

The mechas they were proud of were torn to pieces by level 6 monsters one after another!

"This may be an exception, but it deserves our vigilance."

Stike was also extremely uneasy.

It seemed that the monster's drastic changes exceeded his original expectations.

What happened to the impact gap this time!

Just as everyone in Broken Dome was discussing in the command room, suddenly the "monster detector" they installed sent out violent fluctuations.

"Beep! Beep! Beep--"

The piercing siren sounded immediately.

The observer who was in a meeting immediately turned around in a hurry.

"General Stike, it's an emergency. Another monster's energy wave is coming from the gap!"

"Report the energy level!"

At this time, energy fluctuations came from the gap again. This message was undoubtedly a response to everyone. The other party's mission to attack the gap should have failed!

Steck remained calm in the face of danger and spoke in a steady voice.

They are professionals in dealing with monsters!

"Energy level is being tested!"

The observer immediately called up the detector, but after seeing the data on it, his hand trembled, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his lips trembled:

"The energy level results show that..."

"It is an unprecedented level!"

"This is, this is a level 6 monster!"


Steck, Heike and his son, who were originally quite confident, were stunned for a moment.

They immediately confirmed in disbelief:

"A level 6 monster, are you sure?!"

"General, we can be sure that the energy level of this monster is unprecedented."

The observer sitting in front of the computer, his lips dry, a trace of despair in his eyes, he pointed at the dense dots on the computer screen, and suddenly laughed miserably:

"It's over, we're done."

"General, it's not just one level 6 monster."

"This is a group, there are already thousands of them rushing out of the gap, and the number is still increasing, we're done!"


After confirming the news, not only the observer, but also Marshal Steck was stunned.

What scenes he hadn't seen before, he was a pilot of the first generation of mecha!


Now, seeing the dense red dots rushing out of the gap.

Steck was so desperate that his nose began to bleed crazily.

This scene...

He really had never seen it before.

Even if there were thousands of level 5 monsters, they would have no way to deal with them, not to mention that these were all level 6 monsters!

Can humans stop this?

It seems that Stek has seen the scene of the monsters attacking the city and the earth's inhabitants suffering.

How to save it, who will save it?

Relying on the few mechas they broke the dome, plus the twelve mechas of the Eastern Power?

It's very difficult!

"It's over, it's completely over, we failed..."

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