Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 257 Dream, Shattered

Pacific Rim,

In the southwest hinterland of the Eastern Power, somewhere in the mountains and forests.

A middle-aged man named Ailong, wearing mountaineering clothes, carrying a backpack, stretching his neck and looking far away, and looking down at his watch from time to time, sighed.

He has an Asian face, but a pair of blue eyes.

This watch is not a simple thing.

In addition to displaying the time, it also displays the longitude and latitude.

"Not far from the indicated target, the space gate?"

The man frowned, pinched his palm, aligned the direction with the compass, and continued to move forward.

His task is very simple,

Approach the space gate for observation.

The countries around the Pacific Rim have not completely compromised.

It is true that they can only act like grandsons in the hands of the Eastern Power in the parallel universe, which is extremely powerful.

However, after a long period of thinking, they think like this:

Since there is the Eastern Power in the parallel universe, what about their country in the parallel universe? !

Especially America on the other side of the ocean, the Eastern Power in the parallel universe is so strong, then they are not stronger? !

So, there is this spy.

He had only one task, to find a way to approach the space gate and find out the situation nearby.

If possible,

contact the United States in the parallel universe!

Really, no country would not envy the Pacific Rim China, whose technology is becoming increasingly outrageous with the help of the Eastern power in the parallel universe.

So the United States wanted to take a risky move,

maybe if they really contacted the United States in the parallel universe, the situation would not be so difficult!

"It is still 30 kilometers away from the area observed by the satellite."

Ailong looked at the boundless flat land in the telescope and felt deeply shocked.

Because according to the satellite map, more than a year ago, this was still a hilly area with an average altitude of 800 meters.

However, the dense hills disappeared, leaving only a huge flat land of unknown size.

In the place where the telescope could not see, there were vague spacecraft taking off!

"That's it!"

Ailong took a deep breath and prepared to speed up his pace to look for opportunities along the mountains and forests.

He will definitely contact the United States in the parallel universe!

In the distance, the dispatch center.

Cheng Yuan looked at Ailong's figure in the laser thermal imager and chuckled lightly twice.

"What do you think, Captain? Are we going to catch him?"

Beside him, the deputy captain was a little excited.

Damn, this is the first spy who dared to approach the space gate in centuries.

This guy is brave!

Foreigners in this world are brave!

"Don't worry, the higher-ups found him after he entered the mountain."

Cheng Yuan shook his head and explained to the deputy captain:

"'Assistant' has been connected to the network of this world through optical fiber. When the United States was planning this plan, we had already discovered it."

With the computing capacity of the 'Assistant' artificial intelligence,

it is easy to monitor all people on the earth, and it will not even take up 1% of the computing power.

So, in fact, all places in the Pacific Rim that are connected to the Internet are now under the control of Plan 237.

The other party's little trick was naturally discovered without any effort.

"What does the higher-ups mean?"

The deputy captain was puzzled. If it were him, he would directly send someone to catch Ailong!

"Haha, of course you have to destroy the heart before you kill someone!"

Cheng Yuan narrowed his eyes and grinned:

"We will deliberately expose the flaws and let the other party intercept some real information from this universe."

"Let them see what the United States, the parallel universe they regard as their hope, is like. Wait for him to send the information back, and then catch him!"


"Spying on the space gate, this account must be settled."


The deputy battalion commander widened his eyes and grinned.

It's really cruel. Not only destroying the heart, but also killing people!


In the mountains in the hinterland of the southwest,

Ai Long has been here for three or four days. He quietly held the signal collector in the woods, looking for opportunities.

He always believed that there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

Maybe he can't do anything about the military base built with high walls, but this huge square is not concealed at all!

The Eastern power in the parallel universe is extremely arrogant, and the signal fluctuations are directly exposed.

There is no cover-up or change!

Of course, Ai Long will not understand that this is the absolute confidence of the technology of this universe.

With the help of quantum key distribution, if this universe doesn't want to, even if Pacific Rim has three lifetimes, it won't be able to crack their information!

That's how confident it is!

"Ding ding ding——"

In the headset, the radio signal is constantly flashing.

This is all meaningless information, and it has no value at all.

But Ailong is still waiting here, because he sees hope here!

This is Pacific Rim, a supply station of the Eastern Power. There are a small number of people from the parallel universe, so there is a certain connection with the parallel universe.

These connections are mainly radio waves.

Flaw! A flaw!

Hiding on the top of the mountain, aiming the antenna of the equipment at the supply station, Ailong entered a long wait, waiting.

And he himself is now flipping through the code book.

"The internal code book of the Eastern Power, wait... here!"

Ailong's eyes lit up. This was the data cracked from the backdoor of a certain brand of printer chips when recycling them a few years ago!

A universal decryption code within the Eastern Power!

The key is that the decryption was extremely covert this time. Even the Eastern Power did not realize that the imported printer sent for repair actually had a backdoor.

This can be regarded as one of the successful infiltrations into the Eastern Power in recent years.

Opening the code book, Ailong carefully flipped through it.

Beside his ears, continuous radio signals continued to ring.

Until a certain moment, a long "beep" sounded in the headset.

The familiar sound made Ailong's mind clear and he became energetic.

"The opportunity has come!"

The frequency of this signal fluctuation was cracked by the decoder!

This is a long code that matches the code book!

Ailong's eyes widened and he quickly recorded the information of the long code.

"Short, short, w, short, short, o, page 6, I..."

When the information can be decrypted, Ailong is ecstatic.

Next, he just needs to decrypt this string of information according to the code book. This supply point is really his treasure land!

With joy in his heart, Ailong immediately crouched in a depression on the top of the mountain, using dense plants as cover, and began the decoding project.


when he decoded to the end and formed a complete sentence,

the surprise on Ailong's face froze instantly.

Because, the decoded information was a long string of news, news from the parallel universe, and one of them made Ailong completely break down:

"The Eastern Power promulgated the "Regulations on Navigation in the Solar System" and triggered protests from the countries on Earth. The forces represented by the United States Federation denounced this as the beginning of the Eastern Power's monopoly of the solar system. Although all countries have not yet gotten rid of chemical rockets, this is not..."

Haven't gotten rid of chemical rocket power yet!

Ailong swallowed hard and looked down at the spaceship that took off in the telescope.

Looking at the faint blue light behind the spaceship.

He was speechless instantly!

This, how is this possible! ! !

The Eastern Power in the parallel universe is so developed, but other countries are still "indigenous to the earth"? ? ?

This universe is somewhat deformed! ! !

Ailon's dream was shattered, it collapsed with a loud bang, and it couldn't be put back together again.

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