Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 263 Target, Interstellar Dust

Somewhere in orbit thousands of kilometers away from Mars,

The dark warships were slowly passing by, and the mandatory beepers were constantly issuing instructions to all spacecrafts.

"THJ area is closed, no spacecraft is allowed to approach, repeat..."

This is a mandatory order from the military. All aircraft that receive the order must execute it immediately!

Of course, nowadays in the universe, almost all spaceships are from the great Eastern countries, so no one dares to speak against it.

Within almost an hour, all the spacecraft in this area left on their own.

Captain of the Axis Age.

This Axial Age is not the era of Mustache, but commemorated BC, the Axial Age when human thought exploded.

Captain Wang Wuzong stood on the command platform with a serious expression.

On the side, the crew members were closely monitoring the entire THJ area.

This is a fatal order from above. All unplanned aircraft must be expelled!

"Captain, all mining ships have left."

The intelligence adjutant turned back with a smile and reported to Wang Wuzong on the execution of the mission.

"There are 34 small mining ships in the area, and they have all been driven away...wait a minute!"

At the end of the report, the intelligence adjutant turned on the headset, and his expression suddenly became a little strange.

"What's going on?"

Captain Wang noticed something strange and immediately asked.

"There are also... aircraft in the THJ area."

"There's also an aircraft. There's no way the other party didn't hear the paging!"

The captain frowned, very puzzled.

The intelligence adjutant's face became even weirder. He listened carefully for a few seconds with his headset pressed, and suddenly smiled inexplicably.

After the intelligence officer finished his report, he raised his head and explained:

"The other party really can't hear the page, because it's not 'our' at all..."

"This is a probe launched by the American Federation a year ago!"

As he spoke, the intelligence adjutant pulled out the holographic projection and amplified the signal source.

Sure enough, in the pitch-black void, an ancient aircraft wrapped in golden moorings, equipped with solar panels and several nozzles, was slowly flying forward.

Ahem, it’s not that old, it’s just the style from a few years ago.

The holographic projection continues to enlarge, and then enlarge.

The entire aircraft was projected, including the small stars and stripes in the corner, which was clearly visible.


After listening to the intelligence adjutant's information and seeing the aircraft in front of him, Captain Wang Wuzong's lips twitched.

He was stunned, and after thinking for two seconds, he pointed at the holographic projection screen and laughed twice:

"Haha, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that other countries still have aircraft in the sky."

"Hey, don't tell me, it's quite novel to see the American flag in space."

"By the way, don't they still have their detectors on Mars?"

Suddenly, Wang Wuzong remembered this matter.

"It was thrown out a long time ago. Mars is our territory now."

The intelligence adjutant curled his lips disdainfully and guessed:

"This American aircraft is supposed to be going to Jupiter to make a gravity slingshot."

"Captain, what should we do?"

"what to do?"

Wang Wuzong's novelty wore off, he waved his hand and said casually:

"Send a signal, find a mine ship, follow its trajectory, and throw it out of the THJ area. This area must be cleared!"


Earth, in the remaining aviation bureau of the Mi Federation,

Looking at the detector that suddenly accelerated and flew millions of kilometers, the researchers were confused.

What the hell?

Why did their spaceship suddenly fly so fast!

Outside the orbit of Mars, the huge THJ area has been completely cleared.

The reason why this place is cleared is because the super-light spacecraft and transport ships from the alien world are ready to set sail.

Today's transport ship has been modified so much that even its designer may not be able to recognize it.

Except for the power system and command system,

All active structures have become passive.

How can we go to such a far place without weapons?

They are not reckless humans from the alien world. The scientific research ship is really a scientific research ship, without even a weapon!

Whatever neutron beams, plasma weapons, and space shock bombs can be stuffed into it.

Now that we have weapons, we must also have the necessary defenses, right?

Tear the shield, stop!

The armor needs to be thickened and thickened.

The escape hatch must also be prepared in advance.

After such a big change,

The originally huge cargo hold of the transport ship was filled to the brim with equipment.

This means that the internal space of the transport ship is too large. If it were to be another ship, the hull would have to be rebuilt.

The spacecraft modification personnel responded with high emotional intelligence: This transport ship is really a platform with huge potential!

Same as a certain -27.

No matter what, the spaceship has been modified.

As for flying and leaping, it's barely possible.

Since you can fly, then get ready to leave the cabin!

Among the dense asteroid belt in the THJ region,

There is a huge military space port area hidden in it, next to the dock in the port area.

The execution team of Plan 237 has arrived.

Zhu Lao, Zhou Zhezhi and others stood opposite Fang Jing, Zhou Yuan and others.

At this time, Fang Jing, Zhou Yuan and others were wearing modified biological outer armor, standing upright against the internal pressure, and solemnly nodding towards Mr. Zhu and others.

"Mr. Zhu, it's only two light years away. We will be back soon."

Fang Jing smiled softly, his tone full of relaxation.

It's only two light years. In the alien world, he flew hundreds of light years in the engineer's spaceship!

With a superluminal spaceship as a vehicle, two light years is only half a year.

Even so, it is still a safe low-speed cruise!

This time is just a drop in the bucket for them who are in hibernation.

"I understand, 2 light years."

Zhu Lao nodded, then turned his head to look at the dock, feeling a little complicated.

Once upon a time, even entering the sky was very difficult, and now two light years has become nothing, which is really impressive.

After a pause, Zhu Lao suddenly smiled at Fang Jing and said:

"It seems that in the future, the farthest distance reached by humans can only be refreshed by you!"

"Of course!"

Fang Jing raised his head proudly when he heard this.

"I am the one who expands the boundaries of human activities, whether in this universe or in parallel universes!"


Mr. Zhu nodded approvingly, then pointed to the transport ship behind him and reminded:

"Go, the spaceship is ready!"

"Goodbye, Mr. Zhu!"

Fang Jing nodded affirmatively, waved to him, and turned around without hesitation to walk towards the spaceship boarding gate.

Zhou Yuan nodded to everyone, then dragged his equipment and led the team to follow Fang Jing.

In the dock,

The hatch of the spaceship slowly closed, and the take-off prompt sounded throughout the port area.

"The spaceship is about to take off, please evacuate the tail jet direction immediately..."

After confirming that it was correct at the air show stand, the take-off order was issued.

Then, the nozzle of the tail cabin sprayed out a faint blue light.

After it flies to the orbit of Jupiter, it will directly start the jump mode and enter the superluminal stage.

Target, the interstellar dust zone 2 light years away.

Target, the new world!

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