Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 266 The Ancient Tree Has Something to Say


The piercing sound of electric saws sounded, and the soldiers driving heavy cavalry were really about to follow the instructions!

A chainsaw more than ten meters long,

With this saw, the ancient tree will be completely destroyed!

It directly cost half a life!

"Rustling, rustling..."

Just as the saw blade was getting closer and closer, the tall and dense trees and dense crowns suddenly began to shake.

"Bip! Blop! Blop!"

In front of Horos and others, the originally stable data on the detector's display suddenly increased!

a peak.

Violent electrical signals appeared around the giant tree!

This sudden fluctuation immediately attracted the attention of all biologists present.

"Really reacted!"

"The electrical signal fluctuations are stronger than before, which is scary."

"Amazing, really amazing!"

"Do we still want to hold it?"


The violently changing electrical signals frightened and shocked Horos!

The evidence was right in front of him, and it was impossible for him not to believe it.

This tree really “reacts”! ! !

Even, going one step further, it can react emotionally to their threatening actions, maybe it has intelligence!


With his eyes widened and his head raised in surprise, Horos looked at the huge ancient tree and took a deep breath.

If this ancient tree is like this, it is a natural change.


The research value of this tree,

It will be unexpectedly big!

Plants with clear "animal-like intelligent responses" simply open up a new category of research.

For biological civilization, this kind of research is extremely valuable!

Horos thought a lot.

If this occurs naturally,

Now he not only wants to lead the engineering clan to glory,

Keep going like this,

If he continues to get in touch with the strange creatures and biological civilizations in these parallel universes, he can even become the Deacon of the new era!

At that time,

The entire engineer clan will praise my name!

Ancestral God—Horos!



Hey, what's that sound?

This sound sounds like the sound of a chainsaw, I guess.

etc? ? ?

Horos thought of this ancient tree and the information about the pioneer civilization. He felt happy because he had the right to read it because of his military exploits but the Supreme Elder did not.

In the end, I actually started to fantasize about it.

As a result, he suddenly reacted when he heard the "sizzling" sound.

Damn it, he forgot to tell those soldiers to stop!

"Wait! Don't cut down that tree!!!"

Horos's face changed greatly.

He hurriedly shouted a few words on the communication channel.

That is the only seedling to be studied!

! ! !


In front of the ancient tree, a man in heavy cavalry was holding a ten-meter-long super-large chainsaw and was sharpening it.

On the heavy cavalry, the red light to stop action suddenly came on!

Seeing the red light, the squad leader raised his eyebrows and immediately gave the order and shouted:

"The action stops!"

Then, look behind you.

Looking at the "braised eggs", I wondered what was going on. Should this tree be cut down?

In the distance, Horos exhaled heavily.

Damn, I almost lost it!

Fortunately, the opponent's heavy cavalry has intelligent recognition. After hearing his voice, the password was directly converted into a data command.

Otherwise it will be over!

Save, really saved!

Pioneer star, hosting 1 planet, in the scientific research ship.

Regardless of the ancient tree emitting emotions of fear, horror and anger.

Horos commanded the soldiers and came back after cutting some branches.

The wise tree cannot be cut down, but the branches are different. These are equivalent to the opponent's hair.

"Sure enough, this is not a simple tree. The inside of the tree has been modified to accommodate functions such as holographic projection and reading."

Horos stood in front of the electron microscope, pointed at the image above, and smiled confidently:

"It's just that plant intelligence is difficult to evolve!"

"Look at the genes here!"

"The pioneers changed the genes of this tree so that the other party could use crystals to achieve a structure similar to optical fibers."

"The whole tree is a tree on the outer shell. There are no problems in the laboratory tests, but at the core, it is actually a biological computer covered with a tree outer shell."


When Horos explained it like this, everyone understood it instantly.

While understanding, everyone was immediately a little disappointed.

After all, this thing is not the plant intelligence that evolved naturally, but an alternative artificial intelligence that was accidentally born on a biological computer after being transformed by the pioneer tribes.

"What a pity!"

Horos also shook his head.

After being remodeled, the value plummeted.

Bad news, Deacon is no longer in the new era of being an engineer.

Good news, at least the engineers' theory of biotechnology is correct.

We need to reopen without biotechnology!

"Ahem, I don't have to stand upside down to drink soup."

"Horos, what did you say?"

Pan Wei next to him suddenly turned around and looked at him doubtfully.

"Oh, it's nothing, I was thinking about something else just now."

Horos shook his head.

No matter what, the scientific research value of this tree is still very high.

Although it is a pity.

In the distance, the ancient trees were about to burst with anger.

Yes, it is intelligent.

As a database that stores huge genetic data, it has huge computing power, which makes sense.

Coupled with a little miracle of life, it is not unusual for an intelligence to be born.

Life will always find a way out!

But although intelligence was born, it is so annoying now!

I hate myself for not growing two legs,

Otherwise, he could pull out the root and run away! ! !

These two-legged creatures are nothing at all;

The branches of the trees were cut down batch after batch.

What, you said that tree branches are equivalent to human hair, so it’s okay to take some?

I'll fuck your grandma's legs!

How do you know if you are not a tree?

"Rustling, rustling—"

The huge ancient tree's crown was constantly swaying, and the dense leaves made a sound like raindrops, which was sporadic, not to mention quite loud.

Horos and others, who were far away, were immediately attracted to their attention.

"What? This tree is swaying. Are you happy?"

Horos grinned.

"It doesn't look like...happy to me."

Pan Wei pointed at the radio wave detector, looked at the wavelength representing anger on it, and smashed it.

"That must have made him laugh out of anger."

Horos waved his hand, pointed at the ancient tree, and said:

"Look, isn't this swaying, matching the music, just dancing?"


Pan Wei stared at the detector and coughed twice.

Brother, you have selective myopia, right?

The emotions on this oscilloscope are about to explode.

Translated into people from the big Eastern countries, they are now greeting your ancestors.

Are you still happy? Are you happy?

It just bullies the other person into speechless state.

But who cares?

It was impossible for Horos to give up studying this ancient tree just because of this.

Pan Wei couldn't give up just yet.

Just let it be angry.

Anyway, we just take some branches, leaves and so on.

Anger, continue to be angry, and you will stop being angry when you get used to it.

Gushu: I am qnmd!

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