Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 38 How did you guess it?

That's right, Uncle Yang personally conducted Fang Jing's aerospace training.

When Fang Jing saw Uncle Yang, he wondered if he was dreaming.

Even Zhou Yuan, Wu Xi and others were surprised.

I was so happy to see this aerospace hero, Zhou Yuan, a big man, turn into a fan on the spot, shouting Brother Yang one after another!

However, Uncle Yang did not join Project 237 after all, so he did not know Fang Jing's secret.

All he knew was that Fang Jing seemed to be related to a certain project of the military.

It is possible that as a certain group of payload experts, they will ride on a spacecraft and enter the future lunar base.

But since he is going to enter the sky, he will be responsible to the end and must train people well.

So on weekdays, he has very strict requirements on Fang Jing.

Here, Uncle Yang left temporarily because the manned moon landing project has not yet been completed.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Uncle Yang left, Zhao Guangyao found Fang Jing excitedly.

"Good news, Xiao Fang, there is new progress in the manufacturing of electromagnetic pulse weapons!"

As soon as Zhao Guangyao opened his mouth, big news came.

Electromagnetic pulse weapons.

It is also commonly known as EMP.

If you have played related games, you will know that this weapon is a weapon that uses electromagnetic pulses to destroy enemy electronic information technology equipment.

It has another resounding nickname - "The Second Atomic Bomb"!

But it's different from the game.

In reality, there are no large-scale non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs that have actually been put into use.

In fact, nuclear weapons are by far the most powerful electromagnetic pulse bombs.

It is said that in 1961, the Soviet Union exploded a hydrogen bomb over Novaya Zemlya, which sent out an electromagnetic pulse thousands of kilometers away.

Since then, all countries have been actively researching this weapon.

Fortunately, Fang Jing found the relevant technology for non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs in the open Category C technology library of Wandering Earth!

This is an electromagnetic pulse bomb built using a complete Aosha exoskeleton battery, a battery the military calls "kinetic energy".

Although the range of this kind of pulse bomb is much smaller than that of atomic energy weapons, it has reached the point where it can be used completely.

In this universe, it would be even more of an artifact!

"Is there any progress?"

Hearing Brother Zhao's excited tone, Fang Jing also became happy.

"How's it going? Has it been made?"

"The Academy of Military Science and the Electromagnetic Field Effectiveness Research Institute have cooperated to produce a prototype and installed it on the Dongfeng 17. It is estimated that the experiment is now being prepared!"

"Preliminary estimates indicate that the range covered by battery pulses is approximately three hundred kilometers."

Zhao Guangyao could not hide his excitement.

This is EMP!

In modern information warfare, whoever masters EMP bomb technology first will be in an absolute leading position.

In modern warfare, why don’t you use electronic components?

As soon as I fire the EMP, all your drones, communications, and electronic operators will be scrapped.

This thing can be used as a trump card.

At the critical moment, fight out.

The U.S. aircraft carrier fleet can be completed directly!

This directly raised China's combat effectiveness to a new level!

Therefore, since the military obtained this technology, it has attached great importance to it and has made it its primary target to conquer.

"Three hundred kilometers!"


Fang Jing took a breath of cold air.

One missile will directly destroy all electronic components within 300 kilometers.

This weapon is so cruel!

"Yes, this weapon is simply more terrifying than nuclear weapons!"

Zhao Guangyao did not lie.

If you use nuclear weapons, for other major countries, it means that you are going to play for real.

There is nothing to say, the enemy can only use it.

In the end, both sides can only lose.

But this EMP weapon is different.

If used well, this thing is countless times more terrifying than nuclear weapons.

It can turn the tide of the battle in an instant!

While Zhao Guangyao's eyes were excited, he suddenly seemed to remember something, frowned and said with some doubts:

"However, when we gave the technology to Academician Ma Weixing, he seemed to have discovered something..."

He still remembers that when he brought this technology to the Academy of Military Sciences, Academician Ma Weixing browsed the entire technical summary and made some nonsense remarks that seemed to be joking.

"What happened? Something was found wrong?"

Fang Jing was a little confused. What could be wrong with this? Isn't Class C technology not much more advanced than this universe?

"Well, at that time, Chen Limin and I showed the technology to Academician Ma Weixing. After the academician looked at it, he said with a half-smile:"

"This technology doesn't look like something from this era."

Zhao Guangyao recalled the scene at that time with some surprise in his eyes. He was almost certain that the academician must have seen something.

"What else did he say?"

Fang Jing was a little curious.

"He also said that the people in the Secret Service can relax. This technology does not have core data. Even if it is given to the United States, the other country will not be able to learn it."

Zhao Guangyao was not a technician either, so he scratched his head.

He really didn't understand what he meant.


Fang Jing also had a big question mark in his head.

Uh-huh, I don't understand.

Just when the two people were communicating underground in Xishan Base.

After getting the data from the Electromagnetic Field Effectiveness Research Institute, Ma Weixing left here.

He did not return to the Academy of Military Sciences, but went directly to the capital.

Beijing, Bauhinia Pavilion, he found Mr. Zhu.

"Hey, Academician Ma, what brings you to Beijing?"

Mr. Zhu sat on a wooden chair, calm and composed. He picked up the cup and poured a cup for the other party, then took a sip.

"Mr. Zhu, I came here to find you on purpose."

Looking around, Ma Weixing chuckled and sighed in a low voice: "After all, this is where No. 1 lives, absolutely confidential!"


As the fragrant tea entered his mouth, Mr. Zhu raised his eyebrows and stared at Ma Weixing with some curiosity.

Absolutely confidential, is this kid going to tell me something important?

Could it be that the Academy of Sciences has made some important technological breakthroughs!

Thinking in his heart, Mr. Zhu couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Thinking about it, he took another sip of the fragrant tea.

"Mr. Zhu, has China dug up some alien relics?"

Ma Weixing spoke frankly and openly, and the result was that he didn't stop until he said something shocking!


Zhu Jincheng was so shocked that he spit out the tea in his mouth.

Ma Weixing quickly handed him a tissue.

Old Zhu wiped his mouth quickly, and when he was done, he widened his eyes and asked in surprise: "What are you talking about?"

"What alien relics?"

"How could there be such a thing!"

"Where did you hear that from!"

Old Zhu looked at Ma Weixing with a guilty conscience.

This guy must have seen something.

How did he see it?

The level of confidentiality of Project 237 is unprecedented!

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