Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 413: Mimicry card production line, start!

Fang Jing smoothly took the other party's plane and arrived at a production base in the rear area.


This is where the armor for fighting mimic creatures is produced.

In the conference room, Duan Zhen sat opposite Fang Jing, looked at him, then looked down at the documents, the shock in his eyes did not disappear.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, how can it be like this?!"

It can also travel through multiple parallel universes and unite the great Eastern countries.

This is a situation that Duan Zhen never imagined!

"So the experiences of our parallel world were projected into the Node Universe and formed into literary or film and television works, which is this "Edge of Tomorrow"?"

He turned it over carefully,

Every word on the document is chewed carefully:

"It is true that western France is also fighting a decisive battle, but I didn't expect that the changes in the entire front would occur in a civilian position."

"Damn it, these mimic creatures can actually turn back time. No wonder they hit our vital points every time. Damn it!"

Seeing the back, he couldn't help but cursed angrily.

Closing the document, Duan Zhen took a deep breath to calm down, then looked at Fang Jing with bright eyes and said firmly:

"We agree to the cooperation mentioned in the document!"

When he said this, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked at Fang Jing with very fiery eyes.

“Happy to work with!”

Fang Jing didn't expect it to go so smoothly, so he held Duan Zhen's hands tightly together.

"Then what..."

After shaking hands, Duan Zhen coughed slightly and suddenly became a little restrained, but his eyes suddenly became firm as if he thought of something, and he asked Xinxin sincerely in a deep voice:

"So Colonel Fang, when will the technical assistance for our world be..."

The reason why Duan Zhen accepted and agreed so quickly was

This is largely due to the tightness of the front line.

Their war with the mimic creatures in Yinshan has reached a decisive battle.

Moreover, what made him very anxious was that they were at an absolute disadvantage!

He wanted to see the frontline soldiers fighting hand-to-hand with those monsters, and to see the soldiers being harvested like wheat in a single blow; he did not want to see the mimicry break through the Yinshan defense line, rush straight into the city, and cause devastation to all living beings.

Therefore, before understanding Fang Jing's character, he kept his attitude very low.

“Technical assistance starts now!”

Fang Jing pursed his lips and was quite moved when he saw the old man carefully catering to his attitude.


Duan Zhen raised his brows, blinked his eyes, and looked at Fang Jing, who was alone, thinking that the other party didn't understand what he meant and wanted to personally instruct Fang Jing on the technique.

They don’t want technical guidance now;

Instead, we need production lines, mature weapons, weapons that can be used directly to defend against enemies!

"Colonel Fang, no, we..."

"Mr. Duan, you are the elder, so I will call you that."

When Fang Jing saw Duan Zhen's lower posture, he took the initiative to break the deadlock and called him Mr. Duan. Then he stood up and said with a smile:

"We will directly support your mature weapons and production lines, allowing you to completely defeat the enemy."

"This happens to be a production base. Give me a workshop and all the raw materials for fighter planes!"

He's going to start showing off!

Give the other party a little shock of this universe!

Mr. Duan didn't know how Fang Jing took out the production line.

But with his words, he was undoubtedly relieved, so he immediately arranged a huge workshop as instructed.

"This is the production workshop that was originally prepared to expand the scale of the war armor. However, due to the intensification of the attack by the mimic creatures, the production line base was raided before we could even arrange the production line."

Fang Jing was taken into a huge production workshop,

Mr. Duan looked at the empty workshop with a sigh on his face.

"The necessary raw materials are also being sent here."

"This is it!"

Fang Jing nodded slightly and chose a corner of the entire workshop.

"What's going on here?"

Mr. Duan was puzzled and looked at it with some expectation. Could it be that some kind of space technology was going to be used to take out the production workshop?

In a sense,

Duan Lao guessed right and wrong.

Ahem, that’s right.

Fang Jing stood in the empty workshop with no one around.

After issuing an order to the mimic mecha attached to a section of nerves, Fang Jing's whole body suddenly flew out with dense black dots.

The black dots flew regularly in the air and soon gathered into silver metal particles.

The metal particles continue to increase, continue to increase, and then gather and reorganize on the ground!

Suddenly, three pocket production lines with a length of more than 20 meters were born in the originally empty workshop!

"This, this, this!"

Duan Zhen and other staff members standing next to them all stayed where they were.

They saw with their own eyes that a large amount of strange substances densely flew out of Fang Jing's body, and then these substances suddenly gathered and turned into some kind of metal. What's even more amazing is that these metals finally became a production line!

And there’s more than one,

What a special three!

What technology is this, what science is this?

The scientist who was invited by Duan Zhen to observe and take a pen to record rubbed his eyes repeatedly. After confirming that this was true, his mouth opened wide and the pen fell to the ground with a "click".

How can I remember this?

This process has been recorded. Are you planning to read fantasy novels to others?

Black gas suddenly surged out of Fang Jing's body, and the black gas suddenly changed into three production lines? ?

If he remembered it this way, he would be beaten to death by his peers!

The only excited person at the scene was the internal photographer sent by the military.

He felt that this was a valuable material.

Although the photographer was also shocked, he turned it into a passion for photography, so he faithfully recorded the whole scene.

"The production line is in place, Mr. Duan, let the raw material transport truck drive in!"

Fang Jing's mouth curled slightly,

Mimic creatures, that is an insult to the word mimicry,

See, this is called mimicry!

"Oh, oh, oh, yes, oh, let the truck in!"

Duan Zhen suppressed the shock in his heart,

and his mouth curled up unconsciously.

He is very happy now, very happy, and there is no doubt in his heart.

The technology of the parallel universe has reached the point where they don't understand it at all, and it is comparable to a myth in front of them!

That's it.

The more this happens, the more real the weapons they promise to provide will be.


the greater the hope for victory for the frontline soldiers!

They will also have fewer casualties!

"Just let the trucks unload the raw materials here, and these production lines will work on their own."

Although small, it has all the necessary organs.

The production line that the Mimic Armor has become is based on the multi-standard micro-processing machine tool of this universe. The latest achievement is that it can even make space bridges, and making weapons is extremely simple!

The Mimic Transformers production line is started!

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