Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 434: A truly wonderful infiltration battle

Transformers world,

There are intruders from outside the solar system. The first thing that comes to mind for the space gate garrison is the confinement in the original movie.

except him,

No one else!

Therefore, the garrison's star-class spacecraft immediately took off, preparing to intercept the confinement.

Arrogant and arrogant, he is heading to the confinement of the earth. He does not know yet,

Times have changed!

What greeted him was not the group of humans who couldn't even leave the earth.

But it is the great Eastern country that has been strengthened by the epic level of the parallel universe!

"The detector has sent back the parameters, and there is only one ship coming."

Autobot Ironhide smacked his lips and looked at Optimus Prime, unable to suppress the corners of his mouth.

"A spaceship?"

Optimus Prime turned his head and looked at the sky, looking at the giant spaceship built for them by this universe when they were transferred from the alien world to the Transformers world.

Looking at the star-class battleship that has taken off and is entering orbit,

There are also five old Aegis-class battleships that are continuing to take off.

It's just a boat to confine you.

How to fight us?

"Hehehehe, I can't beat him to death!"

Following Optimus Prime's gaze and looking at the sky, Ironhide smiled heartlessly.

He or something,

How to lose!

"Quick, quick, weapons loaded, shields activated."

The experienced Pang Hai was mobilized again to serve as the commander-in-chief of the fleet.

Looking at the mission briefing he received, he seemed to feel confident, and immediately informed the entire army:

"Comrades, the nature of this mission is special operations. To capture the local spaceship, I have only one request!"

"Low casualties, high speed, take down the opponent in one fell swoop!"

Of course the casualties are not the best,

However, accidents will always happen in battle, so Pang Hai can't talk enough.

You can't avoid being injured just for the sake of being injury-free.

Being timid can sometimes lead to more serious consequences.

What is important is to be decisive, act resolutely when it is time to take action, and not be sloppy!


In the ship's command room,

Many assistants and deputies responded seriously, then put on their synaesthesia equipment and entered combat mode.

The fleet has taken off,

The stellar-class battleship is at the forefront, acting as the protective core of the entire fleet.

Just the giant tearing shield activated by one of its ships is enough to block the entire fleet!

"The fleet has set off!"

Mr. Zhu walked out of the space door and murmured in a low voice.

"Yes, Mr. Zhu, don't worry, they will deal with their opponents as quickly as possible!"

Zhao Guangyao was not worried at all.

It was originally a crushing game, and coupled with the analysis of Cybertron technology, their current technology is no longer the same as before.

I guarantee that the confinement will be in vain!

"But why does Mr. Zhu promise to capture and confine him alive?"

This is what Zhao Guangyao is confused about.

"Haha, Xiao Zhao still needs to grow up slowly!"

Mr. Zhu looked at the sky and asked with a chuckle:

"With our technology, is it possible to invade Cybertron?"

"I'm sure, but if we invade by force, the Decepticons stationed on Cybertron are not vegetarians. The opponent has huge weapons at their disposal, and a counterattack may cause a large number of casualties."

Zhao Guangyao shook his head and replied somewhat cautiously:

"Besides, our space bridge undertaking technology comes from the other party. If the other party has forced interruption means, the ships we deliver cannot reach the scale and will easily be outflanked by the other party."

"Yes, what if it's the other party's ship?"

Mr. Zhu smiled lightly, but Zhao Guangyao understood instantly.

Zhao Guangyao's eyes widened and he said in shock:

"What Mr. Zhu means is to hijack the confinement and then hide it from the public and let the mechanical troops sneak into Cybertron?"

"Although Quintessa controls Cybertron, without Fallen King Kong and Megatron, there must be chaos within them and they are attacking each other."

Mr. Zhu nodded and affirmed:

"Hijack the opponent's spaceship, rush into Cybertron, destroy the opponent's countermeasures as quickly as possible, and then our fleet will go directly over."

Don't forget,

One of the conditions for the opening of a new world is on the planet Cybertron!

Mr. Zhu’s eyes were always fixed there!

In space, near Jupiter,

The confinement spaceship flew here, and the neutral Transformers on the ship were working. Suddenly, he felt something was wrong.


In the spaceship, there was a trace of what seemed to be something extra?

The support columns of the spacecraft are rotating,

A ray of sunlight shone in and passed in front of the Transformers,

This Transformer's pupils shrank suddenly!


I don’t know when, but it was densely covered with a large number of transparent lines!

"What's this?!"

Transformer just wanted to sound the alarm, but unexpectedly, those transparent spider-like threads just flashed a trace of light,

He immediately trembled all over and fell directly to the ground.


In the gap between the heavy industry-style spaceship, a robotic spider that was only the size of a thumb and looked similar to a spider quickly raised its six legs and quickly weaved a web on the spacecraft as it moved forward.

The same spider,

Tens of millions of them have sneaked into the entire spaceship!

The web they are weaving is a super communication network made of super fiber, an artifact to deal with Transformers!

Name: Robot Spider

Faction: This universe

Abilities: Spinning silk, weaving webs, concealment, clumping

This spider infiltration strategy,

Inspired by the mimic creatures from the world of Edge of Tomorrow.

The process is very simple. Hundreds of thousands of robot spiders are grouped together, wrapped in small meteorites, and directly delivered to the must-pass route of the confinement spacecraft using concealed space bridge technology.

After the clustered robot spiders hit the spacecraft, they immediately dispersed. A large number of robot spiders clung to the spacecraft and began covert operations.

The goal is to weave the entire convertible spacecraft with this super fiber network!

This plan is very covert;

At least for someone who is careless and confident enough to make no secret of his confinement, it is very hidden.

Until the entire peripheral working area was covered with this ultra-fiber network, no one noticed anything unusual.

After all, they are mercenaries.

Organization and discipline are very poor.

It wasn't until the robot spider invaded the cab that Confinement became aware that something was wrong.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Quan Quan is quietly waiting to arrive on Earth. He closes his eyes and meditates, his face is proud, and he is full of endless self-confidence.

But at this moment,

Outside the cab, along the metal wall, a subtle "click" sound was suddenly transmitted from the solid body.

"There's something!"

Opening his eyes, he stared blankly and stood up in shock.

In front of me, my companion standing at the door of the cab suddenly fell to the ground and twitched without warning!

Just like a disease,

The symptoms soon found their way into the cab, too.

The Transformers who were working hard to calibrate the waterway suddenly slumped in their seats, twitched for a while, and fell into a deep sleep.

"What are you posting?!"

His eyes widened, and a trace of fear appeared on his face because of the unknown.

He only heard the dense "click" sound of vibrations transmitted from his feet to the sensors.

This sound was like the declaration of death, getting closer and closer to him, getting closer and closer,



A small robot spider spit out super fiber, fell from the roof of the cab, and hit the prisoner's head. The transparent silk thread stuck to his body.

A flash of light,


Quan Quan's whole body trembled, and he fell to the ground in confusion.


At least as far as the data brain barrier is concerned, Confinement, like most Transformers, is weak!

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