Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 492: Easily Controlled

A hundred light-years away from the star system Xinggongxu,

Captain Pang Hai, who was transferred back, is preparing with his fleet!

"Captain, news has arrived from the Xingxiu that the other party has been hijacked, and the transmission has begun!"

The thoughts in the intelligence adjutant's mind flashed past at the speed of light and were immediately transmitted to Pang Hai's mind through the synaesthesia device.


"The robot troops are ready to attack. After the transmission is completed, they will land on the ship immediately!"

"Please be alert to all subsequent ships and be ready to attack at any time!"

There was not much time left for Pang Hai. According to the prior plan, the unmanned ship had already arrived at the teleportation point.

Because it is an unmanned warship, there is no need to consider so much in the design of the ship.

The owner of this spaceship is as wild as a Transformers spaceship. It is surrounded by ferocious steel circles. The outer hull is not even capped. There are protruding steel spurs on the outside of the ship. Through the exposed parts, you can see it at close range. There are densely activated robots inside.

If someone's ship is like a delicate and exquisite work of art, then this spaceship is a representative of rough and heavy industry!

It seems to have been specially designed for boarding battles and boarding ships in the age of space exploration!


In front of the rough unmanned battleship,

The space is like a stone thrown into the calm water, causing continuous waves.


The waves that were stirred up calmed down, and the Xingxiu, whose hull was wrapped in gleaming light, suddenly showed its shape, followed by more than a dozen ships whose shapes were completely different from those of humans.

"Zizzizi, accept the order and log in!"

On the unmanned warship's side, the tough steel spikes of the spacecraft reflected a sharp cold light, and it suddenly rushed towards the non-human ship.


The tough and slender steel thorns pierced the starboard side of the Totemka A-shaped spacecraft, puncturing tiny air holes.

The moment the pore appears,

Some kind of gas in the pressurized cabin was squeezed out from the gaps crazily!

"The bulkhead is damaged!"

"The bulkhead is damaged!"

"What happened, what happened?!"

"Watch tower, observation, periscope? Damn it, there's no response!"

Ibrahimovic, who was stunned by the continuous rolling, woke up and sensed the constant alarms from the detector. He panicked.

How did he suddenly faint?

How was the bulkhead damaged?

Why does it feel like he's the only one on the entire spaceship? !

"Service, is service here? Repair the bulkhead quickly, repair the bulkhead!"

"I'm awake and rushing to the damaged area..."

Fortunately, the people on the Totem Card spacecraft also woke up!

Following the instructions, he came to the damaged area of ​​the bulkhead and found that the bulkhead had been penetrated by a sharp object.

"The black metal spikes can penetrate our bulkheads. The material is very strong."

The serviceman slowly leaned forward and "used" some kind of equipment to "place" the detection head on the sharp steel thorn.


In the extremely dark corridor, there was a burst of gleaming light.

"The atoms inside the object are arranged along the spiked spiral, allowing it to penetrate almost all material entities and control..."

His spirit of service suddenly shook. He sensed the data on the "detector" and suddenly realized something.

What frightened him even more was,

Under the microscope equipment that was enlarged to the atomic scale, the top of the spike was actually continuously injecting a strange "atom" into the interior of the spacecraft.

"No, Commander, escape quickly..."


Right next to the totem card people working hard,

A black, two-meter-tall all-metal robot suddenly appeared on the spot. It raised its steel hammer and struck the strange creature in front of it almost on its head without saying a word.

The serviceman was severely injured and fell to the ground unconscious.

"The raiders have sneaked into the opponent's cabin corridor, the opponent's shipboard control system has been controlled, the drug that comatose the species has been analyzed, the data has been released, and the deformation base is automatically synthesized."

The raider raised his head slightly, a red light flashed in his steel eyes, raised his hand to give the attendant on the ground an anesthesia needle that had just been analyzed for the Totem Card, and then tilted his head slightly.

behind him,

Dense black mist is constantly drifting,

These black mist are all "deformed metal atoms" injected into the bulkhead through the steel thorn!

The black mist flew for a few seconds,

The next moment,

Hundreds of steel robots that looked exactly like the Raiders appeared in the corridor of the Totem Card spacecraft.

In the darkness, there were pairs of red lights, densely packed together.

At this time, another serviceman who had just woken up happened to arrive. He was used to the dark environment. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was frightened and stunned.

"What is this? Who are you?!"


Hundreds of raider robots all turned to look at him.

This movement, uniform and uniform, looked extremely strange.


Only a scream came from the communication channel.

"Duty, duty, damn, what happened!"

In the command room, Ibrahimovic felt inexplicable terror in his heart when he received the light translated from the communication channel.

This, what exactly happened? !


Within a few minutes,

A shock wave of steel colliding with the ship's ground suddenly came from outside the cockpit. Ibrahimovic could feel that this was not a movement that the Totemka people could make, nor was it a movement that the Tona people could make.

An unknown force has infiltrated this ship!

The vibration felt closer and closer, and the partition door slowly opened.


In the claustrophobic space, there was suddenly an extremely obvious vibration.

"Who is it!"

Ibrahimovic turned around in horror,

"call out--"

In the darkness, he only sensed a few pairs of symmetrical red lights. Then, he felt a sense of paralysis in his body, and he immediately lost consciousness.

"This is a raider, suspected of entering the ship's cab. All life forms in the cabin have been captured and the data is being read."


Several robots took one step and jumped in front of a computer-like device, stretched out their palms,

Slender ultra-fiber threads grew on the hands, and these thread-like objects slowly penetrated into the device like snakes.


In the pitch-black cockpit, an extremely brilliant light suddenly lit up.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, all the colors of light you can think of and unexpected, are available here!

"Reading completed, ternary simulated neuron computer, decoding database location determined..."

It only took less than a quarter of an hour,

The unmanned assault force has completed the occupation of the entire ship!

And the reason why the task is so simple,

Ahem, thanks to the Xingxiu, one move of the drum washing machine directly knocked the intelligence of the two fleets into confusion.

Also because of this,

The confused two sides faced the universe that was fully armed and prepared.

Easy to handle!

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