Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 619 They are really serious!

strange world,

On behalf of a certain Chinese community, Gu Mouxun solemnly announced this message to the world!

Countries around the world basically have radios in this frequency band.

After all, no matter how poor the current big Eastern countries are, they are still countries with nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.

After all, it is a big country!


When receiving this message,

Many people wonder, is this big country suffering from convulsions?

In the north of the big eastern country, a big red country that has not yet been disintegrated but still exists,

Moscow Liaison Office for Relations with China,

Toniewski was sitting in front of the radio, working leisurely.

His job is considered one of the easier ones in the entire league.

He just needs to sit here and accept the greetings sent by comrades from the East.

It's an ordinary afternoon,

But for him, it was destined to be an extraordinary, even unforgettable time.

In front of him, the familiar sound of a radio starting up sounded.

"Oh, another letter has arrived. Let me see if it is a greeting to our leader or an inquiry about the recent tense situation."

Toniewski immediately moved his eyes and focused on the paper being spit out from the printer.

However, when he saw the words at the beginning of the document, his back straightened involuntarily.

"A Chinese news agency called the world on the 22nd? Is this going to start a war? Is it a problem on a certain island? They finally couldn't bear it anymore?"

"This is not a good time! If it goes wrong, a world war may break out!"

Feeling refreshed, Tonevsky quickly took out his glasses from the box and waited anxiously for the printer to finish printing.

"Didi - ba ba ba."

Printing completed,

He quickly reached out and took out the document, lowered his head and took a quick look...


When you can see the contents of the file clearly,

Three big question marks appeared on his head.

What the hell?

Aliens, Antarctica, "targeted strike" operations, orbital airborne? ?

The allies in the East finally couldn't stand it anymore and went crazy?

Similarly, in the United States, there was a burst of joking and contemptuous laughter in the research room that was paying close attention to the trends of the great eastern countries.

"Hahaha, you're laughing so hard. You're airborne into orbit, using the Storm-1 rocket they launched in 1981, which has a carrying capacity of only 2 meters?"

"It's hard for a pig to get up there. It's unreasonable to try to impress others!"

"Jones, go and see if we are colluding. Is this really a notification from the great Eastern country to the world?"

"There is no conspiracy, I think they are completely crazy, driven crazy by our strength!"

"Now we can laugh!"


Here in the United States, the laughter is even more unrestrained.

Dougal laughed heartily, his tone full of sarcasm.

If this message was sent by the big red country in the north, they should still be nervous and nervous. What is funny is that it was sent by the big country in the east?

Great Eastern country,

Isn’t that an agricultural country?

Dougal, who has a good understanding of rocket technology, still clearly remembers that in 1981, the other side launched a carrier rocket named Storm 1. The rocket's payload was a returnable spy satellite, with a carrying capacity of only 2 mi.

2 secrets!

What can you do?

I just sent back a film of photos taken by a spy satellite!

"This will be the biggest joke of the century, returning aliens, hahaha, I want to see how they can pull off this lie..."

Dougal was about to continue taunting,

At this time, the assistant of the anti-missile system suddenly ran in quickly. He threw the door open, held the handle, and gasped:

"Oh no, people from the Air Defense Department have detected a suspected fusion strike on the way!"

"Yes, it is an unidentified flying object, rising from the ground, and its flight path is suspected to be a ballistic missile!"

"What, where did you start from, and where did you calculate the target of the attack?"

As the saying goes, if you don't say anything, you will die. The assistant's words made the whole office afraid to say anything.

I was so panicked that I silenced everyone with just one sentence.

"The launch location is the southwest hinterland of the great eastern country. The landing point is probably... Antarctica. The opponent is heading straight for the Antarctic continent!"

When the assistant said this, he looked a little flustered.

If the other side bombs the Antarctic continent, World War III will not break out as a result, right?

After listening to his explanation,

Dougal breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought it was a red power that launched nuclear missiles towards the United States, but it turned out to be an eastern power.

It turns out it's a big country in the East, so that's okay...what a ghost!

They are all nuclear weapons, and the power of whoever uses them is very different, right?

"Wait a minute... The big country in the East is headed to Antarctica??"

After reacting, Dougal suddenly locked on these two keywords, and then his eyes widened suddenly.

No, buddy, you are serious!

Of course Fang Jing means it!

After the big eastern country issued a notice,

He immediately started in the distance of the 677 base. The propeller behind the mimic armor was running at full strength, dragging a long blue trail, like a missile, straight into the sky without stopping for a moment.

With a set of armor, you can directly escape the gravity of the earth.

This is incomprehensible to Hou Zhongyun and others.

But for Fang Jing, it was a familiar road.

It took a few minutes, and after reaching low-Earth orbit,

Then deflect the nozzle, aim it in the direction of the Antarctic continent, and make a turn.

Divine soldiers descend from heaven!


Recaptured by gravity, the high-weight, high-quality target scene is hitting the target location at a rapid speed!

Fire burst out beneath him,

Violent friction with the atmosphere, light and heat mixed together, enough to burn most materials.

However, in the face of these, Fang Jing was not afraid at all,


His eyes only have his own goal!

When he re-entered the atmosphere, it was only 7 minutes before he set off!

He is speeding so fast that he can ignore it.

But the outside world, other countries that already live in the shadow of nuclear war, have many things to consider.

After the big Eastern country issued a global announcement,

Immediately a huge high-speed target rose up,

This target reached the earth's low-Earth orbit at an extremely fast speed, then without stopping at all, maneuvered its orbit, sailed to the sky above the Antarctic at high speed, and finally plunged directly into the atmosphere again.

Actually, this is nothing.

You can pretend not to see it, after all, the big eastern country is hitting Antarctica.

But after carefully comparing the takeoff and loading data,

Several major powers in the world were horrified to discover that

Between the mass of the take-off object and the mass of the loaded object, the mass loss during the entire process does not exceed 25 kilograms!

Why is it 25 kilograms?

Because the error of their detector is 25 kilograms,

In other words, this take-off object from the Eastern Powers departed from the ground, flew to a low-Earth orbit at an altitude of 200 kilometers, and then sailed halfway around the world without any mass loss when it re-entered the atmosphere?

This is definitely not a chemical rocket!

This is not even a flying technology that humans can master now!

What the hell is this!

Toniewski looked at the space agency's mass loss report of the flight object and was silent for a long time. Until finally, he remembered the announcement from the Eastern Powers he had just received, and finally realized:

"They...they actually mean it!"

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