Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 626 Damn, so arrogant

The supernova flagship is scanning the Earth-Moon orbit,

Captain Pang Hai is also monitoring news from Antarctica and the Earth.

Seeing in the holographic projection, Lao Mi first fell out of the plane, and then three people jumped out, and he couldn't help laughing.

This is too much,

It's just a joke,

The first one to jump was actually knocked down by the plane's convection!

Who the hell are you looking for to reason with?

I can only blame that person for being so unlucky!

"Captain, are we just going to let those four people run around in Antarctica?"

The deputy tilted his head, his eyes a little seductive.

These goods are not far from the Norwegian scientific research station. If they are allowed to roam around, what if they are also infected and become strange?

"Well, send drones to control them first... No, save them!"

Pang Hai looked a little weird,

For a moment he didn't know what words to use.

Let's call it control. These people probably won't survive until the end, so controlling them becomes saving them!

"Forget it, just keep them away from Norway Station!"

shook his head,

Pang Hai stopped paying attention to these four unlucky guys.

"A blizzard is coming, let them freeze for a while first, and then send the drone when they wake up to avoid panic."

The deputy grinned at this moment.

"Oh, you have to be ruthless, so let's do it like this!"

Pang Hai looked at his deputy, pointed at him with his index finger, and laughed in agreement.

This is a good suggestion,

So that you don’t have to scream after being rescued.

First, let these people experience what Antarctica is!

Let them experience the Antarctic blizzard!

Freeze it well.

The brains were frozen and their IQ returned to high ground. Let them realize how precious life is and save it again!

"Yes, I will give the order right now!"

The deputy chuckled twice and immediately conveyed the order.

"By the way, ask Ship No. 3 to keep an eye on the Antarctic. Lao Mi's fleet is probably almost here. They know what to do!"


After giving the instructions, Pang Hai turned to stare at the detector in front of him, and his thoughts turned out to be true.


A spacecraft sailing to the far side of the moon,

After a wide range of scans,

The remnants of the strange gene were actually found on the back of the moon!

"Suspicious phagocytic mimic cells were found wrapped in a corpse, which was suspected to be the corpse of an alien creature that was thrown out of the spacecraft!"

The assistant judged the data,

After hearing the explanation, Pang Hai suddenly realized.

It all makes sense,

During the voyage, the spaceship encountered a lurking strange attack, and subsequently a large number of similar people died.

In order not to be affected by the strange corpses, they chose to use the simplest and crudest method, wrapping the corpses of the same kind and throwing them out of the spacecraft!

How should I put it?

The moon is indeed the best shield for the earth.

No, the corpse infected by the strange shape was just like a meteorite flying towards the earth, just blocked by the back of the moon!

"Mark the location and wait for the unmanned ship to come and collect it!"

Pang Hai breathed out,

This alien is also a carbon-based creature,

What is certain is that, except for Antarctica, the other continents on the earth are at least safe.

Because of the discarded bodies,

When it re-enters the earth's atmosphere, it will probably be burned to the ground!

Thanks to the atmosphere,

Saved another dog's life!

Antarctica, nearby waters,

The fleet that set off from Argentina sailed at full speed, and it took a long time to reach the vicinity.

The fleet captain was not in a very good mood at this time.

Because he has heard about it,

The plane that originally planned to land in Antarctica encountered the space forces of the Eastern powers and was forced back!

"It's simply ridiculous. Where did the Space Force come from? Their rocket payload is only two densities! Unless they launch nuclear warheads!"

The captain's angry voice carried far away,

He felt,

This was the captain's excuse to escape!

This is shameful, he is simply ashamed of his military uniform!


This fleet captain also has standard human flaws!

Don’t give up until you suffer!

He simply did not believe the intelligence of the captain who was supposed to cooperate with his actions.

He even stubbornly believed that the other party was giving him an excuse to run away!

"Captain, we are already reaching the target sea area. The helicopter is ready. We can make an emergency landing on the Antarctic ice cap at any time!"

The fleet deputy is very confident,

This is the self-confidence cultivated by Lao Mi Haijun who has been invincible for too long.

This honor makes every navy in Laomi feel honored and proud.

Of course, while they are proud, they have never looked down upon other opponents.

Even the navy of a certain alliance that was invincible was so vulnerable and full of flaws in their eyes.

This kind of pride has evolved to the point where it has reached a state of arrogance since it forced the navy to retreat.


They dismissed the airborne commander's intelligence,

America's navy is not afraid of anything!

"Let the helicopters prepare. Let us do what those craps in the Air Force can't do for them!"

The captain snorted coldly,

"Let the landing personnel change into winter clothes and keep up with supplies and heating. Antarctica is a very cold place!"

This is the advantage of a large fleet,

At least, they docked here and could provide enough warmth and food for the landing soldiers.

The helicopter is ready,

The soldiers also held weapons and were ready to board the plane.

The captain stood at the tower window and looked at the surging ice caps.

What about the space forces of the great Eastern countries?

Why didn't you come out to drive them away?

Why didn't he see it?

That's right, how could something that doesn't exist pop up!

"After I go back, I must send that damn captain to the military...fa,fa..."

The captain, who looked a little angry, swallowed his words abruptly.


On the tall ice cap of Antarctica, a shuttle-shaped spacecraft was steadily suspended in the sky.

He just floated quietly like this,

But the cold aura revealed actually made the captain feel that it was even colder than the cold wind outside!

Is there really a "Space Force" here? !

"I don't believe it. This thing is bigger than an aircraft carrier. How can this thing come from a big Eastern country? It must be a fake airship!"

The captain shouted angrily.

He didn't believe it at all!

Human technology simply cannot reach this level!

The technology of this universe is far superior to that of this world, and the gap is so great that most people simply cannot understand this technology!


This captain is one of them.

"Arms Adjutant, the fire control radar is activated, aim at the opposite side!"

The captain gritted his teeth, showing no fear.

He doesn't believe it,

In his impression, a large Eastern country that was still transforming from an agricultural country to an industrial country, with a technical strength that was not even good enough to lift shoes, would have such a ship?


Absolutely impossible!

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