Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 812: A coincidence

In the Shining Raid Group,

Captain, some kind of silicon-based life form,

He is so excited now!

Not only based on his observations during this period, his informants also sent information from the Broken Star Territory, where human civilization once had a huge consumption!

After his multiple confirmations, informant information, and personal observation,

Now, he was sure!

Human food, rich,

A real big fat sheep!

"Send a message to the rushing human fleet and ask them to pay two million alliance coins, and we will leave, otherwise!"

The captain snorted coldly, pointed to the start button on his screen, and said loudly:

"Our focused energy beams are not vegetarian either!"

"Destroy their home planet, and we can find valuable things in the wreckage!"

"Understood, the message has been edited and sent, and we are waiting for the other party's response!"

The deputy's body shone brightly, and he looked forward to it.

Two million alliance coins is already a lot!

Enough for them to squander for hundreds of years!

If you eat this wave, then go to the alliance trade war, and you can live happily for another hundred years.

As for a hundred years from now?

Let’s wait until then!

After all, they are wanderers, let’s have fun first, and we’ll talk about the rest later!

"Well, just in case they think we don't dare, Ship No. 6, there happens to be a wandering planet nearby, let's fire a focused energy beam to make human civilization listen!"

After thinking for a moment, the captain made another decision.

Blow up a planet to show human civilization their strength, lest the other party really wants to resist.

It's really troublesome to clean up, it would be best if you can give in!

"Understood! Don't worry, Captain, I promise to scare the other party and hand over the money obediently!"

The operator of the No. 6 ship chuckled and immediately started the operation.

on the other side,

When Pang Hai received the message sent by the other party, he was immediately laughed out of anger!

two million,

Why don't you rob... No, this is just robbing!

"How brave!"

"The left and right wing ships are ready to outflank them and catch them off guard!"

This was Pang Hai's original tactic.

The forward fleet attracted firepower, and the left and right wing fleets quietly entered the field, cutting off the opponent's retreat and completely annihilating the opponent.

However, the information suddenly reported by the intelligence agent made him change his mind.

"Captain, Predator Fleet Ship No. 6 suddenly aimed at a stray planet in the chaotic asteroid belt and fired a focused energy beam!"


When Pang Hai heard the news, he was stunned for several seconds, and then he suddenly realized,

Go against Tiangang,

Go against Tiangang!

Isn't this just blowing up a planet to threaten us?

Isn't this his favorite method to scare other civilizations?

Today, someone actually used it on me!

Good, very good!

Pang Hai's eyes flashed with a fierce gleam at the behavior of this group of predators who were destroying precious space mineral resources around the solar system.

Threat of bombardment coming to his head?

"High-energy particle beam weapon, 30% charged, fire at the interstellar dust area!"

"Remember, if you don't hit, it will be considered as a response to the other party!"

Pang Hai sneered,

Make a threat, this shot will shatter your dream of two million!


The deputy smiled slightly, not expecting the captain to have such a bad taste.

High-energy particle beam with 30% energy,

It's 10 times more powerful than the Predator, but it's not too outrageous for the Alliance to notice, it's just right!

After receiving the order, the munitions adjutant has already begun to use his assistants to help the battle managers perform calibration.

Star source charges, weapons activate,

Done in one go!

It's just a moment,

The Panghai Fleet gave the predators the most powerful response!

"Hey, the other party didn't respond. It seems he was scared!"

On the Marauder side, the captain felt,

That focused energy beam will definitely scare this human civilization.

So he has already begun to think about his life of "living and drinking" in the next period of time.

I just haven’t had time to think about it.

The deputy next to him suddenly changed his expression. Looking at the data on the detector, he suddenly said in horror:

"The human fleet has high-energy energy accumulation and is very fast. No, it's a high-energy particle beam!"

"Quick, turn on the curvature and get out of the way!"

The matter was urgent, and the deputy directly forcibly turned on the emergency braking system of the spacecraft.

The seven plundering spaceships were also well-trained and cooperated tacitly. As the deputy shouted on the communication channel,

No one questioned, they all activated the emergency avoidance system!

Curvature bubbles formed around them instantly,

The seven spaceships spread out to avoid being directly destroyed by one shot.


Pang Hai originally let the attack hit him crookedly!

In the end, it’s okay if I don’t hide, but if I really hide,

I didn’t expect it to be a hit-and-miss!

A dazzling orange light shot out from the edge of the solar system at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, it reached the interstellar dust area and the asteroid belt.

It was meant to pass by the Predator fleet,

But with the predator fleet full, they couldn't be sure at all. They just thought it was coming towards them!

Especially the captain of the No. 3 ship,

Even more panicked, he directly controlled the spacecraft and sprinted for a short period through the curvature.

It flew several thousand miles away from the center of the fleet.

"It should be fine now!"

After the quick operation, the captain's body was shaking with excitement. He exhaled heavily. Didn't he have time to rejoice?

"The enemy is locked, the enemy is locked!"

"Particle beam strike detected, too close, too close to avoid!"

The ship's intelligent system sounded a warning sound frantically.

Hearing this voice, the captain of the No. 3 ship suddenly lowered his head and was completely stunned!

Because, he

Their spaceship, by coincidence, was hiding directly in the path of the particle beam!

"I XXX, this particle beam was not shot at the fleet by him!"

Eyes widened,

Captain No. 3 suddenly woke up, and the word "danger" flashed red on his head!

in the universe,

The huge orange light beam flew past silently, strongly wrapping the entire cylindrical spacecraft together with the curvature bubble. Under the impact of the high-energy particle beam, the spacecraft, its shield and curvature bubble were like a small boat in the sea.

Under the impact of huge waves,

The shield ruptured, the curvature bubble exploded,

The particle beam collided with the hull, and the entire dark hull began to turn red and even melt.

to the end,

This spaceship, which can span hundreds of light years, was directly transformed into basic elements by the particle beam, and returned to the vast universe!

A particle beam is emitted from this universe, and then the No. 3 ship is turned into powder.

How many seconds in total!

When the particle beam penetrates the spacecraft and continues to crash out aimlessly,

On this space fleet,

Pang Hai in the cockpit burst into laughter.

You have to testify for me?

I'm not planning to fight the No. 3 ship!

That guy was hit, it was pure bad luck!

He couldn't hide anywhere, but he just happened to be in the path of the particle beam!

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