Overlord: Start from the Goblin Lair

Chapter 88 The Unfinished Fifth Floor


A huge impact smashed through the ceiling, and in the smoke, a thick tree trunk swept towards Ron's team. Ivy was the first to bear the impact, but was directly knocked out.

“Damn, this bastard actually found a giant as his master?!” Sera cursed and rushed up with an axe.

"And it's a hill giant," Ron recognized the other party's actual race, "Mindatis, I really didn't expect you to fall to this level! A hill giant?"

"Don't ridicule me," Mindatis said coldly, "It's not my master, but a cooperative relationship."

"The ghouls here steal its food every night. I help it find it back, and it will help me."

"Since you have solved the culprit, then unfortunately, you will have to bear its anger!"

"As for me, I'll see you when you are resurrected, hahahahaha!"

"Don't run!" Victoria was about to cast a spell to immobilize Mindatis, but the hill giant's attack had already arrived, so she had to interrupt the spell herself and roll to the side to avoid the tree that seemed to be pulled out of the ground at random.


The hill giant roared in a stiff common language, and was not afraid even if he was alone against six.

"Hey! Big fool!" Driver jumped onto the hill giant's shoulder and attacked its neck and face. Sera and Ivy had almost no advantage against this heavy and relatively slow opponent, but Driver was able to deal with it.

However, the other people were unlucky as the giant hit and fell randomly without any rules. They kept dodging around, fearing that the heavy tree trunk would hit them. That was no joke.

"Hey! You found the wrong person!" Ron shouted, trying to make the other party hear his words clearly, "We are not thieves! You were deceived by that elf!"

"Nonsense!" The hill giant was angry and smashed a big hole in the ground with a tree trunk, "Elf, good! You, thieves, bad!"

The giant is probably a typical example of a person with a large body and strong strength. Although the space here is a bit small for it, it can easily bring fatal threats to Ron and others by just waving its weapon casually.

Maybe it was a little irritated by Driver's harassment, or maybe it was troubled by the long-term attack. In short, when the hill giant's stick landed in the air, the giant began to stomp the ground frantically and beat the ground with the stick.

"What is it doing?" Ivy asked with a heavy breath.

Is it throwing a tantrum? Or is it some kind of innate magic?

"Hill giants have nothing to do with magic," Sylvia murmured, "but do you remember that the dwarven diary said that there is an unfinished fifth floor in this mine!"

"Stop it!"

But this is futile - they can prevent the hill giant from attacking themselves, but they can't stop the other party from attacking the ground under their feet!

With a loud bang, the hill giant smashed the stone slab again, and everyone fell down without exception.

"Oh my..." Ron groaned, he seemed to hit something and hurt his back.

"You fell into the arms of a skeleton," Sera fell beside him, looked at Ron and said, "The one called 'Old Hammer' ate it quite cleanly back then."

Ron put his hands on his back and stood up, and saw a pile of bones on the ground. Not far away, there was a big pot with a leaking bottom, and a skeleton was lying inside, as if trying to crawl out.

At this time, the giant also jumped down and continued to attack indiscriminately.

"It's really terrible..." Ron opened the preface of the weaving method and patted Sera on the shoulder with one hand, "Enlarge!"

"Please hold on for a while, I want to see the situation around me!" Ron shouted to Sera who was growing bigger, and hurriedly ran to the bones.

"Leave it to me, Chief!" Sera laughed, and her clothes and weapons also grew bigger, and soon grew to the same size as the hill giant.

"Hey! Let's play again now!"

The reason why the hill giant is difficult to deal with is largely because of its size and the size of its weapons. When facing an opponent of the same level, the giant who lacks fighting skills will soon suffer.

While Sera and the hill giant were fighting fiercely, Ron trotted to the other side, where he could still see the pickaxe and shovel without handles, and there were obvious signs of digging. The change at that time should have started from here.

But now when Ron went there, there was nothing left.

"Hole..." Ron put on gloves, wrapped his mouth and nose with cloth, and touched it carefully. A few gravels were knocked off, revealing round holes as thick as little fingers behind.

"There are also traces of energy," Victoria turned around after confirming that Sera did not need support, "After so many years, there are still traces left. You can imagine how big they dug out back then."

"How could the energy of the abyss leak here?" Sylvia frowned, "I'm afraid the first ghouls were infected here."

"Look over there," Ivy pointed into the darkness, "The road down here is blocked by rocks. They must have taken a lot of effort to dig it out back then."

"Ordinary people can't do it at all. They only have such energy and strength after becoming ghouls." Sylvia looked at it, "What the hell, they just want to go back alive, but they brought them with them More deaths!"

"And they themselves are not immune."

Ron looked around and saw that there seemed to be nothing else. "Old Hammer" and the others seemed to be serious people and did not have the habit of writing diaries.

On the other side, the battle between Sera and the hill giants has also come to an end.

"Are you convinced? I ask you if you are convinced!"

The giant barbarian rode on the hill giant, turned the ax handle and smashed it at the hill giant, but the latter could only hold his head in his hands and kept whimpering and groaning.

"I surrender! I surrender!"

The hill giant shouted. The tree in its hand was cut into three pieces by Sera, and he was pushed to the ground and beaten hard. The hill giant was not such a tough race or individual, and he quickly announced that he surrendered and gave up.

"Are you going to hit us again?"

"I don't dare anymore!"

"Aren't you going to call us thieves?"

"No, you are not thieves!"

"Do you want any more food?"

"No more! I don't want any more!"

Ron: "Sera, wait a minute! Why don't you want something?! We didn't steal it at all!"

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