Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 179 The Magic of Soul Water

"Mr. Ronin, this way please!"

Sitwell has always obeyed the director's orders very well, otherwise, he would not have been able to hide Hydra's identity in SHIELD for so long.

Not only him, but other Hi Claws believers are the same, and they are law-abiding in SHIELD.

On the surface, they cater to Fury, but secretly carry out Hydra's orders.

Fortunately, they concealed it very well and did not reveal any clues. In fact, their duty is to fool Fury.

Some wrong instructions were issued by Fury.

Walking out of the door, Sitwell stared at Ronin, always feeling that the latter's purpose was not simple, and there must be other intentions.

He has always been confused about the fact that Ronin knew his true identity. Even Fury and Coulson around him did not notice it. How did Ronin, who had nothing to do with him, know it?

Perhaps, taking this opportunity, he can ask clearly.

Sitwell took Ronin to see the main security system of SHIELD, which is particularly powerful.

Ronin couldn't help but admire. SHIELD did a good job in protecting the outside world. The Overwatch base, which has not yet completed security measures, can't be compared with this place at all.

But now, not everyone can enter the Overwatch base.

Compared with SHIELD's security system, it is not inferior at all.

? ? ?

Seeing Ronin's attitude, Sitwell couldn't help but frowned. Did he really come to visit SHIELD's security system?

Until he was taken to a place where no agents were walking.

Sitwell couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Ronin, do you know something?"

Coincidentally, he must ask clearly at this opportunity, lest his other identity in SHIELD can't be hidden one day.

"I don't know what you are talking about?" Ronin smiled slightly.

His faint smile, in Sitwell's view, always felt malicious.

From this answer, it can be seen that Ronin knows something about him.

"How did you know that?"

Sitwell suspected that there was a traitor inside Hydra. Although this possibility was extremely small, it was not impossible.

The person in front of him was not an ordinary person, but the commander of Overwatch. He might have methods that even he could not imagine.

"Guessed." Ronin said.

Sitwell was so angry that he could not do anything. This was SHIELD. If he attacked Ronin here, although he had a 90% chance of taking him down, Ronin, who was out of the protection of the Watchers, was just an ordinary person. Any agent could subdue him.

But he did not dare to do it rashly. If someone found out, his true identity would be exposed.

Since the last time he and Coulson visited Ronin, Coulson had been paying close attention to his activities, making him unable to do anything.

If Ronin died here for no reason, all the blame would be directed at him.

This would affect Hydra's subsequent plans, and he must not do this.

"Although I don't know your specific plan, I know that you are using SHIELD as a cover to disrupt social order. The biggest goal and the most ridiculous prospect is to conquer the world." Ronin said calmly.

Sitwell's face was as cold as frost. Obviously, Ronin knew more than he thought.

Okay, the game is over!

Ronin chatted with him for a few words just to test it. The place where Sitwell brought him should not have surveillance and no agents.

It's a good opportunity to take action!

"Sir, I advise you to be careful in what you say and do. It's not a wise move to offend there." Sitwell said coldly.

He really wanted to deal with Ronin here. Overwatch is the biggest threat to Hydra.

SHIELD is under their control, but Overwatch is an unstable factor. Who knows one day Overwatch will attack Hydra.

Hydra was so well hidden, but Ronin knew about it. It can be seen that he had a lot of information about Hydra, which was so frightening.

Sitwell made up his mind that he must find a way to eradicate this scourge in the future.

Only the dead will keep their mouths shut forever.

Ronin smiled and shook his head. The bald agent really thought Hydra was a great organization. An organization that even SHIELD didn't dare to confront, barely relying on inciting Fury to make a living, how could it be so rampant?

Soon, you will understand that as long as Overwatch gets the information of Hydra's major bases.

In two days, eight of Hydra's nine heads will be chopped off. It depends on whether you grow faster or Overwatch chops faster.

"Okay, Agent Sitwell, I'm done with the tour."

Ronin walked slowly in front. He knew that Sitwell didn't dare to attack him. On the contrary, he dared Sitwell to attack because his purpose was not to kill, but to control.

However, with his old man's hand speed, Sitwell would have dodged by the time he took out the water gun and turned around to shoot.

Sitwell is both a Hi Claw believer and a SHIELD agent, and he is definitely better than him in combat.

I just don't know if he can react to McCree's shooting speed...

Sitwell followed Ronin, absent-minded, his mind in a mess.

He didn't know the crisis was coming quietly, because he didn't even think that Ronin would dare to attack him.

He thought that he had spared Ronin and it was a gift to him, how could Ronin dare to attack him in return.

Facts have proved that Ronin has the guts!

After confirming that there were no footsteps around, Ronin instantly changed into McCree and turned around to shoot.

There was no sound, the water of the mind was shot out instead of bullets.

The blue water splash hit Sitwell's heart.

Sitwell didn't even react, it was too fast, he was thinking about something, and when he reacted, he had become a mindless walking corpse.

It is recognized that McCree's gun-drawing speed is the fastest in Overwatch, and no one in the world can match him.

In terms of the speed of drawing a gun, it is probably only 0.01 seconds, so fast that only slow motion can see his movements clearly.

When a cowboy fights with others, the speed of drawing a gun is related to his life and death.

For this skill, he naturally has to hone much more than others, after all, it is related to his own life and property.

After the hit, Ronin turned back to himself.

This is the safest way, but it also carries risks.

Fortunately, it succeeded!

Sitwell's pupils gradually became cloudy, which was a manifestation of the mind being disturbed by the energy of the Mind Stone.

A small water gun is much more convenient to use than the Mind Scepter.

Without close contact, with McCree's clean and neat shooting action, it can often achieve unexpected results.

But... this guy's eyes have changed, and Fury can tell at a glance that he is controlled by the user of the Mind Scepter.

Who controls the Mind Scepter? Isn't it him?

Ronin forgot about this, but he has done it, so he will ask for the relevant information about Hydra first.

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