Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 217 This night belongs to vampires!

For this mindless monster, the water of the soul obviously has no effect.

Fury insisted on trying, so Ronin simply gave him the water gun. Anyway, the water gun only had the last bit of spiritual water left, and it would be over after it was used up.

After aiming, biu!

The water of the soul hit the monster's heart, but it was of no use. It was still biting the iron cage crazily.

Fury became so angry that he pulled out his pistol and killed the last monster with a headshot.

Then they came to the conference room and speculated who the culprit was, but SHIELD had made too many enemies, and the most likely Hydra didn't know their movements.

"Are there any reports about this kind of monster elsewhere?" Luo Ning asked.

"No, this should be the first case." Fury replied.

"Director, I think this monster is very similar to the Extremis Corps that Overwatch dealt with. Only headshots can give them a fatal blow, and their physical fitness is very high." Coulson said.

"No, the heart of terminal virus patients is also the fatal weakness, not just the head." Luo Ning said.

"No matter how powerful the monster is, the mastermind behind it must be found out, otherwise these monsters will continue to appear." Black Widow looked worried.

“So we’re back where we started, who’s the culprit?”

Luo Ning looked around, everyone was silent, and it was obvious that he couldn't find any suitable person who might be able to research this virus.

At this time, an autopsy worker wearing light green protective clothing came over and reported the situation to Fury: "Director, the autopsy results are out. The blood and secreted body fluids of the deceased contain an unknown substance, which is suspected to be a new type of RNA virus."


Fury murmured that in fact, he had expected that it would be a vicious virus, otherwise the agent would not have died on the spot after being bitten, and there would not even be a possibility of rescue.

"Could it be related to Adrich Killian? After all, patients carrying the Extremis virus and this virus have similar characteristics." Black Widow asked.


Luo Ning was categorical. It seemed that the performance of the two was similar, but in fact they were very different. One had abnormal self-healing ability, while the other had lethal toxicity. They were completely unrelated!

Besides, Killian is dead and Maya Hansen is in prison. No one except them can develop a new virus based on the Extremis virus.

While they were at their own opinions, Fury received an urgent call.


After hearing the situation explained on the other end, Fury's face was extremely solemn, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, as if he had encountered a very difficult problem.

"No problem, SHIELD will be here soon!"

After hanging up the phone, Fury put his hands on the table and said to everyone with a very serious face: "The National Academy of Sciences is surrounded by these monsters. There are so many monsters that the police can't do anything. Many scientists died as a result. We are closest to the Academy of Sciences. So we must go out and destroy those monsters."

What kind of trick is this?

Luo Ning was puzzled. He first sent six zombies to attack SHIELD, and then sent a large number of zombies to attack the National Academy of Sciences to provoke SHIELD?

Before he could figure out the reason, Soldier 76 suddenly sent a message: The base was attacked, and the enemy was a large number of living dead. The situation has stabilized. I wonder how the situation is over there, sir?

Soldier 76 is very strange. He has only seen creatures like the living dead in his original world. He did not expect that this world also exists and is more vicious.

Fortunately, Overwatch has experience in dealing with the living dead, so no matter how many enemies there are, they can deal with them calmly.

Especially with the blessing of the armed form, these living dead are even afraid of them, and the inner fear does not require consciousness.

It's like a divine dragon coming into the world. Feeling the power of the dragon, all living creatures will instinctively prostrate themselves on the ground without thinking.

"I'm safe, but the National Academy of Sciences was attacked by the living dead," Luoning said.

"We'll go there now."

"It's too late. I'll go with SHIELD now. You just stay at the base and protect the Psychic Scepter."

"Okay, by the way, sir, you can try the 'Vampire Earl' armed form, which is very effective against the living dead. It's just nighttime now."

Is there such an operation?

Luo Ning nodded secretly, it seemed like this.

Vampires are vampires who also have immortal bodies and are higher-level living dead. They have their own thoughts and have many more abilities than the living dead.

The only thing that is inferior to the living dead is that it is afraid of sunlight, but now it is night, which is a good time for vampires to be active.

After the call ended, Luo Ning fell into confusion for a while. Who was responsible for such a mess and a bunch of living dead beings brought out.

"The Overwatch base is also..."

Fury's eyes flashed with panic. He didn't expect that the manipulators of these monsters would even dare to provoke Overwatch. They were so confident that they wanted to go to heaven.

Luo Ning nodded, "The Watchers can handle it, but the National Academy of Sciences..."

Immediately he stood up and was about to leave, "Hurry up and don't let too many people die."

"Yes, hurry up!"

Steve picked up his shield and walked out.

Fury, Coulson, Black Widow, and Hawkeye also left together without further ado.

These monsters cannot be dealt with by the police. The police cannot kill these monsters with guns and grenades. They must be killed by headshots.

Steve, Black Widow, and Hawkeye all get into Ronin's sports car to rush to the National Academy of Sciences.

"Natasha, how are you going to deal with those monsters later?" Hawkeye smiled slightly. He had a bow and arrows, but he could kill people's heads from a hundred meters away. Don't be too easy with headshots.

Black Widow showed the dagger on her waist, "Of course I'll use it to pierce the heads of those monsters."

"But you...Captain Rogers?"

Black Widow smiled and looked at Steve. How could a blunt object penetrate the monster's head?

"I...hehehe...as long as I want to fly the shield out, their heads will bloom."

Steve smiled politely.

In normal battles, he always kept his hands open, otherwise with his strength and the hardness of the vibranium shield, anyone would be killed by hitting him, of course...except for the guy wearing a steel suit.

"Mr. Luo Ning, just leave the scene after you send us to our destination, because we have no intention of protecting you during the battle."

Hawkeye is outspoken and has good intentions.

Luo Ning didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded.

The National Academy of Sciences is also in Washington, only six or seven kilometers away from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Soon, they arrived at the scene.

The road where the Academy of Sciences is located has been blocked by the police.

Police lights flashed ahead, sirens blared, gunfire continued, and people screamed everywhere.

The lights in the Academy of Sciences flickered, and several black shadows could be seen jumping up and down in the room through the windows. Countless heartbreaking shouts were also heard.

There are even scientists who choose to escape by jumping out of the window, but end up falling to their death.

There are many living dead in the police encirclement, but there is nothing they can do. The living dead are attacking like crazy, and they carry level 3 armor and are not afraid of bullets. The police are constantly reducing their numbers.

The tragic scene couldn't help but remind Ronin of the Battle of New York. If Tony were present, his anxiety disorder would undoubtedly relapse.

"Guys, let's do it!"

Steve got out of the car and ran over with his shield in hand, not afraid of the monster.

Black Widow stood beside the car, her eyes stagnant, and she couldn't help but shake her head and said: "It's better to hold a shield!"

Hawkeye drew his longbow and climbed up a nearby tall building to find the best output position.

Luo Ning leaned against the car, looked up at the full moon in the night sky, couldn't help but licked his lips, and smiled evilly.

This night belongs to vampires!

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