Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 222 The Dead Resurrected

Under the holy light, everyone felt full of vitality, as warm as the spring breeze, and contained infinite vitality.

"Too sacred!"

The Black Widow sighed, the holy light cleansed her heart, allowing her to throw away her obsession with the past, and her thoughts at this moment were only full of beautiful visions for the future.

The rest of the people were the same as her. At this moment, they had no evil thoughts about hatred and killing. What they had was only awe of life and vision for the future.


The divine voice containing the power of revival spread out.

As the angel fell, the holy light shone on the body of the dead.

The floors could not stop the holy light from coming.

The light penetrated the hard floor and lingered on the skin of the dead. The flesh and blood eaten by the living dead actually grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Isn't the angel a native Swiss? How can he speak English?" Steve asked.

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Besides...Dr. Ziegler was a top student during his school years. He taught himself many languages ​​and speaks English well, but with a bit of a hometown accent. Captain, did you really watch the movie?" Black Widow questioned him.

She admired heroines very much. D.Va made her crazy for a while, but D.Va was a little girl after all, and she was still a little immature in all aspects. She liked the mature and intellectual angel more.

"Uh... I forgot."

Steve was embarrassed by the question. To be honest, he often watched movies for fun and forgot them after watching them. In the end, he could only remember the protagonist. As for what he did, he really couldn't remember.

"Too strange!"

Coulson couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the corpse of a passerby grow new flesh and blood.

Perhaps only the gods who control the source of life can do this!

The SHIELD agents and Falcon members all showed incredible expressions. No matter how damaged their bodies were, even if they were gnawed by monsters and only a corpse was left, they could still grow new flesh and blood.

They firmly believed that only true gods possessed such great power.

Everyone cast respectful eyes at the angel shining with golden light in the air.

Although Dr. Ziegler was a mortal, he was also half a god. His sacred act of resurrecting innocent people deserved their highest respect.

The figure of the angel was infinitely magnified in their eyes, and they were glad that Overwatch had such an angel who had compassion for all living beings.

Compared with doctors, they preferred to call her an angel, and her actions were worthy of this title.

After the body was restored, the dead did not come back to life, because this was only the rebirth of the body, and the three souls and seven spirits had not returned.

Under the continuous shining of the holy light, the dead finally ushered in a new life!

The bodies of those who came back to life were still surrounded by golden luster, but it quickly dissipated.

They opened their eyes blankly and saw the familiar ceiling. They felt unreal. Aren’t they dead?

Their tattered clothes proved that their death experience was real, but how did they come back?

Heaven is not like this!

The scientists in the Academy of Sciences building climbed up one after another, and then looked at each other with wide eyes. They used themselves to interpret what it means to be naked.

The angel's resurrection ability does not include restoring the integrity of clothes.

Everyone was covered with only a few pieces of rags.

The scientists who came back to life screamed when they saw their colleagues. It was okay for men, but it was a problem for men and women. The men quickly covered their eyes and said "Don't look at anything indecent."

The women naturally ran away and had a beautiful encounter with other female scientists in the bathroom.

They washed their faces with cold water, not understanding what happened. In their memories, they were dead and bitten to death by monsters.

But the scene in front of them told them that they were alive!

They themselves were engaged in life science research, so they naturally knew that there was no drug for resurrection on Earth, and it would not appear in the next hundred years.

The female scientists discussed with each other, and the male scientists also gathered together to discuss this journey of death.

Finally, they came to a common conclusion: they were resurrected from the dead!

For a group of scientists studying life sciences, such a thing would never be believed in the past, but now it happened to them, and they had to accept the concept of "resurrection".

As for who resurrected them, no one could find the answer until they changed their clothes and walked out and saw the beautiful figure surrounded by golden light in the sky.


The angel in Overwatch!

Most of these scientists were too busy to watch movies, but the Overwatch series of movies was popular all over the world. Even if they didn't watch it, they knew from the news that the angel was the protagonist of the new Overwatch movie and was a battlefield doctor.

Then they saw the monster corpses all over the ground, and they deduced what happened.

First they were killed by monsters, then S.H.I.E.L.D. arrived and destroyed all the monsters, and finally the angel came to resurrect them.

They excitedly raised their arms and shouted "Angel", not looking like scientists at all, but more like a group of happy children.

Originally, they had said goodbye to this world, and their family and friends would cry for them.

But now they are alive, they don't have to worry about no one to take care of their elderly parents, nor do they have to worry about the future lives of their wives and children. All of this was saved by the angels.

So, these cries of "angel" are their cries from the bottom of their hearts.

They were excited for a moment, and it was because of their emotions.

They wanted to express their sincerest gratitude to the angel, but their excitement made them forget that there are many ways to express gratitude.

They just adopted the easiest way, the most primitive and innocent way, which is verbal gratitude, which is also gratitude from the heart.

Seeing everyone resurrected and hearing everyone's gratitude and blessings to the angel, all the members of SHIELD and Falcon smiled with relief. The angel did it!

This sudden disaster minimized the losses because of the angel.

No innocent people died, only the buildings destroyed by shells, which seemed insignificant compared to life.

Buildings can be repaired if they are gone, but people can't come back if they are gone.

Of course, now that there are angels, they can do this, but they know that angels can't summon holy light without limit.

The ability to resurrect, which transcends the rules of reality, must have many limitations.

Seeing everyone resurrected, Ronin's tired face also showed a smile, and then he flapped his wings and fell towards SHIELD.

Summoning holy light consumes a lot of energy, no wonder it has to be used every three days, if it is used every day, it will be exhausted sooner or later.

Ronin landed in front of them as an angel, with his golden wings retracted, holding the angel staff, and a little fatigue between his gentle eyebrows.

All Falcons saluted him, and all SHIELD members bowed to him to show their gratitude and respect.

The lady in front of him just did a very great thing, which is something that others can't do.

The name of angel is well deserved!

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