Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 290 The Way of Balance

At the Swiss headquarters, Genji's daily routine was to familiarize himself with his current body and try to make the mechanical body as flexible as before. In the end, he was impressed by the superb medical skills of Angel and the magic of mechanical materials.

Now, he is faster and more agile than before, and even his ninjutsu skills have been greatly improved.

But he still couldn't accept it. Every time he saw himself in the mirror, he had the urge to smash it with a punch, especially the face under the facial armor.

Angel would take time every day to enlighten him and do psychological treatment.

This lasted for more than a month. Finally, when Overwatch went out for an execution, Genji begged them to take him with him. He wanted to take the first step to accept himself.

A sentence that Angel said when treating him made him feel deeply: beautiful skins are all the same, but interesting souls are rare.

Isn't that the case?

There are so many good-looking people, but how many people are of noble character and willing to give for others?

So, Genji officially became a member of the Overwatch family and successfully completed his first mission.

The local people praised them highly.

It was the first time that Genji was praised for his cyborg image. Only then did he realize that appearance really didn't matter. As long as what he did was meaningful, it was better than anything else.

Dr. Ziegler didn't lie to him.

With the support of the mission, Genji's resentment towards his family gradually eased. He was the heir of the Shimada family. Even if his family did something wrong, there was no reason to attack his family.

On a mission to Japan, he found that Hanamura was blocked and guarded every day. Finally, he asked the local residents for news and learned that Hanzo had left the family.


Genji couldn't figure it out. Wasn't Hanzo fighting him just to consolidate his power?

It stands to reason that when the family members learned of his death, they should have cooperated with Hanzo vigorously. Moreover, with his brother's talents, governing the Shimada Empire would not be a problem.

And Hanzo awakened the dragon soul in his body. Under his leadership, the Shimada family will only become stronger.

Did Hanzo think he did something wrong?

Genji smiled bitterly and shook his head. It was impossible. Hanzo was so determined and didn't hold back at all. How could he think he did something wrong?

At Genji's request, Overwatch stayed in Shimada Castle, Japan for one night. Now he had nothing to do with the young master of the Shimada family, and people who had dealt with him before didn't know he was Genji when they saw him.

Genji, dead.

At night, he sneaked into Hanamura and saw a familiar scene in the lobby where his father handled affairs. He couldn't help but feel mixed emotions in his heart.

Especially when he saw the bloody inscription "dragon head and snake tail", he recalled the past, his father's rebuke, his brother's protection of him, and the scene of his duel with his brother.

It was as if everything happened yesterday, vividly, but painfully in his heart.

Below the inscription, there was a sword.

Genji recognized it as his brother Hanzo's sword at a glance. Hanzo used this sword to injure him severely. If Overwatch hadn't found him in time, he would be dead now.

"Do you want to find comfort with this behavior?"

Genji's lips curled up a disdainful smile, hoping to get my forgiveness?

He couldn't forgive Hanzo before, and it's still the same now. Hanzo's behavior completely disregarded the brotherhood and pointed the knife at his own brother for the sake of the family.

He was willing to sacrifice him to consolidate his position.

Genji clenched his fists and bit his lips, unable to let it go for a long time.

He didn't have so many great righteousness. In his opinion, Hanzo just didn't cherish the brotherhood, there was no other reason.

"Brother, I will definitely defeat you, for sure!"

Once, Hanzo defeated him easily. If he had the chance to meet him again in the future, he must defeat Hanzo, not for anything else, just to clear his name.

This is the Bushido spirit that his father often mentioned.

Failure is not terrible, but I am afraid that after failure, I will not dare to challenge my previous opponents again. I don't even have the courage, so how can I talk about improvement.

Here, Genji set a small goal for himself, to awaken the dragon soul in one month.

He knew that Hanzo had already awakened. To defeat Hanzo, it was not enough to practice swordsmanship, but he had to awaken the Dragon Soul.

In front of the Shimada family's dragon, all defenses were ineffective, and Genji knew this well.

Leaving Hanamura, the next day, Overwatch left Shimada Castle and Japan.

After that, Genji kept trying to awaken the Dragon Soul, but it was not something that could be done overnight. He had tried countless times a long time ago, and all of them ended in failure.

Now it seemed to be just repeating the same mistakes, and it seemed that he had not found the right method.

But he had no other choice but to do this. Every time he tired himself to the point that he had no strength at all, and then he forcibly drew his sword, trying to break through his own limits.

However, the tattoo used to communicate with the Dragon Soul did not respond at all.

Days passed by, and tasks were done day by day. Genji gradually regarded the Overwatch headquarters as his home, and got familiar with other watchers.

Especially Dr. Ziegler, who was known as an angel.

The angel helped him a lot, saving him, performing surgery on him, and providing him with psychological treatment after the surgery to help him get out of his troubles.

He treated Dr. Ziegler with special respect, just like he treated Commander Morrison.

Slightly different, he and Morrison were only superiors and subordinates, and at most had a comrade-in-arms relationship.

But there is an inexplicable feeling between him and Dr. Ziegler, which includes not only gratitude for her saving him, but also a different kind of feeling.

There is a sense of reliance, Angel always patiently listens to him talk about his past in the Shimada family, and appropriately guides him.

Let him be less confused and less entangled.

"You have to learn to forgive, not hate."

After he finished talking about the things between him and his brother Hanzo, Angel's words to him often lingered in his ears, learn to forgive, not hate.

Angel's words are always philosophical and right, so he tried to forgive, but he found that he couldn't do it, at most he could reduce his hatred for Hanzo.

Later, Angel also told him that forgiveness is a process of accumulation, and it can't be done overnight.

Genji deeply agrees.

Another mission of Overwatch is to go to Russia to eliminate a large terrorist gang, and many local residents were killed by them.

These guys have a high-sounding reason for killing people, which is called "balance".

There is no substantive purpose, just to make the world reach a balance, Russia is the starting point of their actions.

Many people have stupid dreams, and this gang has undoubtedly taken stupidity to the extreme, which is admirable.

Every time a new life is born, a corresponding number of people must be killed to balance "life" and "death", which is the way to balance.

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