Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 327: Iron Armor Guild

This employer is a real estate tycoon in Kurdish, who thinks that building high-rise buildings manually is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also very inefficient.

So he wants to build an intelligent robot that is as big as a building. In this way, the robot can easily reach every part of the building with one hand, saving manpower and equipment and improving efficiency.

Even if Torbjörn doesn't do this, his colleagues will rush to do it. After all, the conditions offered by the other party are very tempting and ordinary people can't refuse.

The employer makes robots for building high-rise buildings with pure intentions. They have no reason to refuse and think that Torbjörn is worrying too much.

What is there to be afraid of intelligent robots? No matter how smart they are, they are still tools of humans. They have to do whatever humans ask them to do. Can they fly to the sky?

Although they are far inferior to Torbjörn in manufacturing technology, they are all masters specializing in engineering anyway. Creating a robot with intelligence is not a problem.

In view of this, Torbjörn finally compromised and joined the team researching intelligent robots after discussing with his wife Ingrid.

As for why, it was because he was afraid that what he was worried about would happen. If he joined the research, if the robot had any actions that violated the program settings, he would be able to easily destroy it knowing the internal structure.

This team is called the Ironclad Guild, which is composed of a group of skilled engineers from all over the world. Torbjörn is naturally the big brother in it.

Where engineers gather, of course, whoever has the best technology has the highest say. Torbjörn undoubtedly became the president of the Ironclad Guild, even though he is the shortest one in it.

Regardless of height, those tall and strong engineers all respect him very much. There is no other reason. Who makes him a genius engineer with an IQ of 250? There is no engineering problem that he can't solve.

In their eyes, the problem is as difficult as ascending to the sky. Just ask Torbjörn for advice, and the idea will be smooth in an instant.

In engineering, Torbjörn is a real giant.

In the Ironclad Guild, Torbjörn met many partners. Although he is the best engineer in it, other engineers also have unique insights into engineering.

Torbjörn knows how to learn from others' strengths and weaknesses. He is the most active person in the academic exchanges every day. In other people's eyes, he is a workaholic who is extremely obsessed with engineering.

An engineer named "Sven" often comes into his sight. He is a guy with a pointed face and monkey cheeks, and always gives people a sense of cunning.

Whenever he encounters a difficult problem, this guy always tries to use tricks to bypass the problem and doesn't think about how to solve it.

Torbjörn has taught him more than once about this. As an engineer, when encountering a problem, he should find ways to solve it instead of avoiding it or using tricks to bypass it.

Being clever proves that he is not stupid. It can be said that this guy is the smartest one in the Ironclad Guild except him, the one who asks him the least, and the one with the most ideas.

But there will always be a little mistake in the link he is responsible for at the end. As the project leader, Torbjörn can only clean up his ass and work with him to solve that little problem.

Torbjörn wanted to come alone. For him, it would be a nuisance for others to help him. But there was no way. Sven did not follow the rules at all. He did whatever he wanted. Various conductors were randomly inserted into the body, which made people's scalps numb.

After working together for a period of time, Torbjörn gradually understood him.

Sven came from a neighboring country of Kurdish Republic and seemed to have been affected by the war. Therefore, he hated the government of Kurdish Republic very much and said a lot of bad things about the government, such as **, dictatorship, and expansion of territory.

He just said it casually, and Torbjörn didn't care. At the same time, he also learned that he liked to manufacture weapons of mass destruction. In this respect, Torbjörn thought he was very similar to him.

Providing advanced weapons to certain countries can not only establish good friendships, but also sell them at a good price.

Tony looked at them and felt that he was very similar to these two guys. Stark Industries mastered the most advanced weapons technology in the world and manufactured high-precision weapons to sell to countries and forces in need. At that time, Stark Industries was the richest group in the United States.

But he doesn't do this anymore. Those guys will only bully the weak with weapons. We can't help the evil.

After two and a half months, the Ironclad Guild's project was declared over, and an intelligent robot taller than a building came out.

The Ironclad Guild defined it as a Titan-class intelligent machine.

Excluding the huge engineering fee, more than a dozen engineers including Torbjorn each received several million dollars. As the general project leader, Torbjorn received the most. The guild members had no complaints. Torbjorn's work was completely proportional to the money he received, and he deserved it.

With this Titan-class intelligent machine, the real estate tycoon immediately put it into use.

Seeing skyscrapers rising from the ground, he was satisfied. He might not be able to recover the cost in the short term, but in the long run, it would definitely be a steady profit. Labor costs are also very expensive these days.

This robot became the world's first intelligent machine and attracted much attention. The Ironclad Guild that created it became famous all over the world. Every engineer in it is now a hot commodity, and is fought over by major companies.

Torbjörn Lindholm is already famous, and a top 100 global company offered him an annual salary of hundreds of millions, but it still couldn't pull away from this wild horse who loves the grassland.

In the end, he still likes to create things and sell them himself. Working for others? It's impossible in this life!

After the project was over, Torbjörn returned to Gothenburg, where he took good care of his wife, reduced his working hours accordingly, and refused to take new jobs.

You can never make enough money, just enough is enough.

The Ironclad Guild set a precedent for robots to serve the world, so the world's technological powers began to mass-produce intelligent robots, mostly for factory mechanization.

Torbjörn's heart became increasingly uneasy.

What he was worried about finally came.

A group called "Onika" made revolutionary improvements to robot production technology, and the whole world seemed to have ushered in a golden age of economic development.

Large-scale factories that can automatically produce machines, called "Intelligent Machine Centers", and self-improving software algorithms were patented and installed on various continents.

An artificial intelligence with the ability to learn, self-upgrade, widely distributed, and engaged in production and creation, it is conceivable that the Intelligent Machine Center has infinite potential, especially in resisting and ruling humans.

Then, the Intelligent Machine Center began to collapse.

Independent analysts said that these factories did not increase economic growth and productivity as the group claimed.

After a series of investigations, the Onika Group was forced to close due to fraud, and the Omnic Central was also shut down.

Do you think this is the end?

No! This is just the beginning...

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