Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 341 Meeting in the Cave

Led by Hill, they entered the cave.

The cave has indeed been constructed. There is no earth or gravel inside, and the top and sides are covered with cement. It can be regarded as a temporary stronghold.

Arriving at a simple ward, the person lying on the bed was none other than Nick Fury.

The pillows were cushioned relatively high, so Fury could see Luo Ning and others walking in at a glance.

"You guys are here."

He was still weak when speaking, but this was already very difficult for a man who was almost dead.

"How's it going?" Hill asked.

"The spine is injured, the collarbone is shattered, the sternum is broken, the lungs are ruptured, the liver is perforated, and the head hurts terribly. Apart from these, everything is fine." Fury said slowly.

For a resolute commander, it was uncomfortable to speak so slowly, but there was no way, he didn't even have any strength, and it was very difficult to open his mouth to speak.

"They disemboweled you and your heart stopped." Black Widow still couldn't figure out how Fury came back to life.

"Tetrodotoxin B can lower the pulse to one beat per minute. Banner wanted to use it to relax, but it didn't have much effect on him. We used it as waste." Fury said.

"Why are you keeping it secret? Even us?" Steve asked.

"To make it look like the chief was really murdered," Hill replied.

"People who die can't be killed again, and besides, I don't know who to trust," Fury added.

"Maybe you can recover faster with us," Luoning said.

"They must have guessed that SHIELD is connected to Overwatch. Going there will only cause you trouble, and it will never be as hidden as here." Fury said.

"Actually, you can tell me where the Mind Scepter is, and I'll get it back. SHIELD is a mixed bag now." Luo Ning was afraid that the Mind Scepter would be taken and destroyed by Hydra.

Fury's chest tightened when he mentioned the Mind Scepter, and he almost forgot about it, but there was no need to worry too much. He kept the Mind Scepter, a vital thing, very well.

"That place is very hidden. You can't find it even if I tell you, and it requires super-level authorization to open. No one except me."

At this point, Fury stood up abruptly, gritted his teeth and groaned. The pain in his body could not dissipate the anxiety in his heart.

Big trouble.

Fury insisted on getting up, and Hill helped him get dressed. Fury took out a photo from his briefcase, a black and white photo, a photo of Alexander Pierce in middle age.

"Pierce is a man who refuses to accept nbrpnn, who says peace is not an achievement but a responsibility."

He spoke more pleasantly than anyone else, and acted like a gentleman. But at that time, he naively thought that Pierce was a great person, and there was no one more dedicated to the cause of peace than Pierce.

As a result, he has now colluded with Hydra to do things that even God cannot forgive, endangering the country and even the entire world.

"Look! It's because of people like this that I can't trust others!"

Fury threw the photo on the table and poked it heavily with his fingertips, counting the crimes Pierce had committed behind his back.

"At that time, Mr. Ronin cooperated with us to destroy Hydra within S.H.I.E.L.D., which caused a manpower shortage for a long time. Pierce sent several talents to the agency in the name of recommendation. I didn't take it seriously because I believed him. . A few people are certainly not enough to cause such consequences. I suspect that he is still secretly fabricating false information to install Hydra members in the bureau."

"Yes, that must be the case!"

Fury banged his fist on the table. He didn't dare to use force, so he didn't sound very energetic, but it could be seen from his eyebrows that he was very angry at the moment.

"Pierce also has a SHIELD-level license, so I'm worried."

Fury's worries were exactly what Ronin was worried about, and this was bad.

But compared to this, it is obviously more important to stop the Insight Project, because it is related to the lives of millions of people, including everyone here.

"The Mind Scepter can be put aside for the time being. The top priority is that we must prevent the space carrier from taking off." Luo Ning said.

"I don't think the Council will answer my call. Those old diehards have been completely deceived by Pierce. They want the space carrier to fly to the sky more than anyone else, because the Insight Project is the self-defense method they support the most so far."

After Fury finished speaking, he opened the suitcase at hand. There were three crystal elements embedded in the thick sponge pad.

"What is this?" Falcon standing nearby asked curiously.

"When the three space carriers fly up to three thousand feet, they will form a triangle with the InSight satellite and then be completely weaponized."

Hill turned the screen of his laptop towards them. The graphics vividly showed the area connected by space carriers and satellites covering the entire earth. It was terrifying.

"We have to attack those space carriers and replace the positioning blades with our own." Fury said.

Luo Ning nodded. It turns out that these three crystal elements have a special name, called "Positioning Blades". Their function should be to replace the algorithm for self-identification of enemies.

"It's useless to just replace one or two. We have to connect all three space carriers, because even if only one can operate normally, many people will still be killed." Hill added.

"We have to assume that there are Hydra people up there. We have to break through them and use the positioning blade to n. Maybe, we can only say maybe, we can save them."

Steve was unhappy to begin with. He first placed an agent neighbor next to him to monitor his every move, and then carried out this bullshit insight plan in a muddle, causing them to escape death several times. Now he was even more angry after hearing this. , still want to rescue?

No way!

"We're not going to rescue them, we're going to destroy the space carrier and SHIELD." Steve said with a serious face.

"SHIELD has nothing to do with this," Fury said.

"You give me the task, and I have to do it. SHIELD has rebelled. You said so yourself. Hydra is growing under your nose, but no one notices it."

"Why do we need to meet in this cave? Because I found out that it was all done by Pierce's old king."

"How many people died in vain before this?"

Steve's question left Fury speechless. Indeed, it was his negligence and absolute trust in Pierce that caused such a disaster, which resulted in the deaths of many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

"SHIELD, HYDRA, leave no one behind!" Steve said firmly.

"He's right." Hill agreed.

Fury was extremely conflicted in his heart. He didn't want SHIELD to perish like this. It still had its great mission yet to be completed and its glory had not yet blossomed.

"Don't look at me, this is your SHIELD business."

Facing Fury's eyes with a hint of hope, Luo Ning waved his hand.

"Okay, now we follow your orders, Captain."

After all kinds of hesitation, Fury finally compromised.

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