Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 364 Between Justice and Sin

Terry House was born in a poor family and could only rely on excellent academic performance to bring a glimmer of hope to his struggling family. Only when he saw him, his parents, who were tortured by life, would smile with relief, thinking that their son would definitely be an outstanding scientist when he grew up.

Terry House liked to tinker with equipment when he was seven or eight years old. He often liked to disassemble the alarm clock into parts and then reassemble it. This was his only pastime at home.

One day, he came back from school a little late and was surrounded by a few gangsters on the road, asking him for money.

The first time he encountered such a thing, Terry was so scared that he stuttered and was laughed at for being a stutterer. This was the first time he heard this term, stuttering, stuttering.

He was beaten up because he had no money. Since then, he had a shadow and paid special attention to stuttering. The more he paid attention to it, the less fluent he spoke. In the end, he could not change it completely.

His parents, who wanted their son to be successful, saw that he stuttered and criticized and educated him many times, and even received a scolding from his father.

Since then, Terry has been stuttering more and more. His classmates laughed at him at school, and his parents didn't understand him.

Terry once shut himself in, but fortunately he was talented in mechanics and could learn by himself at home with books and materials. Later, when he grew up, he succeeded in his career with his extraordinary skills. He gradually regained his confidence and his stuttering symptoms were greatly improved.

But it seemed that fate was always against him. One night when he was coming back from a social event, he was blocked by several robbers on the road.

The scene when he was a child kept appearing in his mind, and Terry was scared back to his original form. The stuttering symptoms that had improved became more serious, and he couldn't even say a complete sentence. It was like his mouth didn't belong to him, and he couldn't control it to make sounds, or he would repeat a word n ​​times.

After that, he was depressed and often drank to drown his sorrows. One night, he drove back alone and hit a large truck because he was drunk.

He was rescued, and at the same time, a bold idea came to his mind.

Terry House had died in the car accident, and he would have a new life.

In the following decade, he has been studying mechanical knowledge, and at the same time, he was planning how to punish the robbers who ruined everything for him. In the end, he used his previous property to start a company, let a trusted friend be the nominal CEO, and he operated behind the scenes and provided technology.

At that time, the movie was released, and Terry saw the intelligent machine in it, which inspired him. For him, people can't be trusted, but machines can be trusted.

So he spent two or three years studying robots and artificial intelligence. It was not until recently that the first robot that can execute commands came out. The two robots that Mr. Shimada and Hulk encountered were Terry's first action.

The first action was commanded by him personally. Cameras with microphones were installed in places where robbers often moved. Once they committed crimes at night, the robots crouching everywhere would receive orders and shoot those who were locked by the controller.

Originally, the little white-haired robber would die, but Terry heard his voice, and he was also a guy troubled by stuttering, so he hesitated. Soon the patrol came over, and he did not act. It was not until the patrolman left that he attacked the Shimada brothers in order to test the power of the robot.

The strength of the Watcher is still much stronger than the robot. In the first operation, no robber was killed, and one robot was damaged.

The operation cannot be considered a failure. Although it was not successful, it was enough to prove that the robot created by Terry could kill people.

After that, all the robots were deployed and placed around the alleys where robbers often appeared in various districts. In just half a month, all the robbers in New York were cleared by him.

However, Terry did not feel happy, nor did he feel the pleasure of revenge. There was only emptiness.

Later, when he got the news that Overwatch intervened, he simply stopped doing it. Most of the robbers were sanctioned by him, and the remaining ones were just lingering on, and they dared not come out to make trouble recently.

All of this was said by the technician. Obviously, Terry House was unwilling to speak, afraid of being laughed at by others.

"Who is Chief Baldwin to you?" Roning asked.

"They are nobody. Mr. House just did something that made him very grateful, so that his daughter could go to school and play like a normal person without being discriminated against. The current prosthetic technology is not perfect. Only Mr. House can create such perfect prosthetics for his daughter, just like the real ones. As long as she doesn't wear a skirt, no one can tell." The technician said.

"Then who are you?" Roning asked.

"Abel Holt, Mr. House's childhood friend. When others were playing, we often played with equipment together." The technician said.

"So you have turned over a new leaf now?"

Roning narrowed his eyes. This matter was a bit difficult to handle. After listening to the story, he was touched, but from an objective point of view, they still committed a crime.

"What do you mean by turning over a new leaf? We have never done anything bad. Is it wrong to clean up the bottom garbage for this society? With healthy limbs but not working, they have to rely on robbery to make a living. In the United States, are there not many citizens who have been stabbed to death by robbers because of resistance?" Abel spoke fiercely.

"They will be punished as they should be, but you don't have the right to execute them." Luo Ning said.

"So you still won't let us go?"

Abel knew that they would not be Overwatch's opponents, so he said so much in the hope that they would understand. But now it seems that these guys are no different from others, always criticizing them from the moral high ground.

"It's not that we won't let you go, it's the law. Surrender yourself." Luo Ning said.

"Don't force us!" Abel stared.

House tugged at the corner of his clothes, shook his head at him, and then typed out a line of text for Luoning to read: "I have finished my work and have no nostalgia for this world. I can go with you and surrender. Maybe. "I will spend the rest of my life in a cold cell and may be shot, which is actually a relief for me. I have had enough of ridicule and ridicule, really."

"Terry..." Seeing the words on the phone, Abel was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

Then House typed another line: "However, please let Abe Holt, Director Baldwin, and the people in the company go. They did nothing wrong. It was all because of me."

Luo Ning really didn't know how to make a decision. It would be fine if they were heinous sinners, but they were stuck between justice and sin, which was very difficult to deal with.

If he agreed, it wouldn't be an exaggeration. If he didn't agree, he would be afraid that the other party would play tricks and die together. He didn't believe that there were no other robots here. Once they self-destructed, they would all be finished.

"Destroy everything here, then cancel the company, and we will promise you."

When Luo Ning was hesitant, McCree stood up and made the choice for him. Luo Ning didn't say anything and acquiesced.

Terry House nodded and put away his phone... He wanted to chat with more like-minded people about "Overwatch Coming to Marvel". Follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat to read novels, chat about life, and find close friends~

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