Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 409 National Good Boss

Ronin hasn't paid attention to e-sports events for a long time, and he didn't know that his team had made it to the semi-finals. Now that he knows, he can go and have a look.

The venue of the first International Invitational is in New York, not far away. With his status, it is easy to choose a front position. The Overwatchers are only interested in the game, and the others are still busy with their own things.

In the past, Feidu Entertainment seemed small-minded when hosting domestic competitions, but this international competition was unusually grand, renting a large indoor stadium.

The crowd was bustling and lively.

As the players wearing the shining Overwatch uniforms entered the venue, the audience burst into strong cheers, among which Dong Niya's cheers were the loudest. Ronin remembered that it was the blonde girl, a player with both good looks and strength.

Next, the entry of other team members was not so sensational, but there were also many fans, which shows that other teams have also slowly risen recently, rather than just one team dominating.

In the audience, Ronin and Song Hana were undoubtedly the focus, and they were also the most famous players in the dungeon, more eye-catching than the professional players on the stage.

Everyone just glanced at it for a few more times, and then focused their attention on the big screen. The game started.

"I've been following all the recent games. The four teams that made it to the semifinals are all very strong and know each other's playing styles." Song Hana said.

"Those who can make it to the semifinals must be strong teams. You can't get there by luck."

Luo Ning knew that teams of this level were competing in teamwork, and to be honest, the individual strengths were not much different.

After several games in a row, the team narrowly advanced to the finals. The finals will be held tomorrow, so they went back to the base first.

Before they could even sit back, they were on the hot search again, and there was a photo of him and his team sitting together.

Luo Ning got used to it, and went to watch the game as usual the next day. It wasn't until the team won the championship that Luo Ning's indifferent mood became slightly excited. The gold content of those previous championships was far less than that of the International Invitational.

With this game to justify its reputation, the team has completely established a firm foothold in the e-sports circle, a milestone team.

To celebrate the championship, Roning treated the team members to a big meal.

What to eat is not important, what is important is who to eat with. Roning and his presence make everyone happy even if they eat instant noodles.

This makes the members of the division envious. When can they have a meal with Mr. Roning and Miss? First set a small goal, win the championship of the largest domestic competition, and then play internationally to make achievements. In this way, maybe there will be a chance.

For this goal, the Overwatch Division, the League of Legends Division, the Blue and White Legend Division, the Jedi Warm Division, etc., have redoubled their efforts. In the past, they were just muddling through the days, but now that the Dungeon Division has won the championship in an international competition, they are like chicken blood, training all night long, so that one day they can also stand on the international stage to receive awards.

In addition to treating a meal, Roning also gave each member of the Dungeon Division tens of thousands of red envelopes, which is even more enviable.

In addition to the envy of other divisions of the team, other teams in various countries are also very envious. When can they also have such a boss?

Their bosses are all vampires who will not stop until they have squeezed them dry. They will only be slightly more optimistic when they have achieved results. As for bonuses, they do not exist. At most, they can improve the food and give a few days off.

So, Luo Ning has a new title: the national good boss.

Luo Ning was also confused. He was happy that the team won the championship. He became the national good boss by giving out some red envelopes? This requirement is too low!

E-sports has now taken shape. Many games have professional competitions. The team is developing faster and faster. There are dungeons that have achieved results. The boss is Luo Ning. The club has good welfare, so there is no shortage of people.

There are more people who come here because of the reputation, and there are more choices. Those who can join the team are basically the elite among the elites. At the very least, they are a good seedling with unlimited potential.

Taking advantage of the popularity of the first International Invitational, many companies found the club and wanted to cooperate with popular players. Managers have no right to decide on such matters, so they naturally found Luo Ning.

In fact, some companies wanted to find players to endorse advertisements long before, but Roning refused at that time because he felt that the team had not really achieved results, and taking advertisements and engaging in commercial activities would distract the players.

Now, the team's dungeon division has won the international championship, which can be said to be successful and famous. The players' gold content has greatly increased, and those companies have to spend a lot of money to cooperate.

When this opportunity came, Roning, an entrepreneur, naturally did not refuse. The dungeon division has become the top in the industry in e-sports, and the players can participate in commercial activities to create value for the club.

There are many companies that want to cooperate, and Roning does not just look at who bids the highest, but chooses a company that promotes positive energy.

He will not let players take stupid advertisements such as "Dragon Slaying Sword, click to get it!", "Brothers, come and chop me!", "Your time is very valuable!", "Come and attack the sand with me!" for money.

It's too stupid, it damages the image of the players. After all, it is the first world championship team, we don't make this money!

Not to mention that the players will lose face if they take it, Roning feels ashamed.

Compared to this, it is good to accept advertisements for some peripheral brands or endorse a game of decent quality, which is in line with the characteristics of game players.

This is a win-win situation.

The club is developing rapidly, and another plan has been formed in Ronin's mind, but it's a bit early to do it now. We have to wait for the game industry to develop further. Recently, due to various crises and disasters, the entertainment industry has developed slowly.

It should be about the same in a few years.

The heat of the Dungeon International Invitational has just passed, and another heavyweight n Junkrat premiere day has arrived!

Game fans and movie fans are not two completely different branches. Nowadays, there are many people who play games and watch movies. If you don't watch Overwatch movies now, you may not understand the topics others are talking about.

So whether it is for the sake of simply enjoying the movie or for the sake of being able to interrupt friends in the future, watching Overwatch movies seems very necessary.

For the Watchers, watching movies is purely an entertainment activity, and it is accompanied by understanding the personality characteristics of Junkrat so as to help Ronin make plans. This is a headache.

In the screening room, everyone is there, and McCree is the last one to arrive after smoking a cigar outside.

At 11:00, the screens of major cinemas lit up, and the screens in the screening room of the Overwatch Base also lit up. The Overwatch Films "Folding Hands" logo appeared first, and it still had a familiar taste.

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