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Chapter 411 Bomb Tire

There is nothing in the land except rubble and rubble. If you want to find a place as rich in resources as an abandoned factory, you may not be able to find it.

Junkrat keeps moving forward, and hope will always be born if he keeps moving forward. If he stagnates, he will never find the next resource place.

He will not go to places he has visited again. Only in places he has never been can there be large resource points.

Maybe it's far away, but it must be far away, because the nearby resource points have basically been explored by Junkers, and only the distant places are still waiting for him to explore.

Going further means increased risks. If you don’t have enough dry food and water, you may die outside or be attacked by poisonous insects, and the end will not be much better.

The average Junker will only look for garbage within a ten-mile radius of Junker Town, and only a handful of Junkers can make it back alive after more than ten miles. Either starve to death outside, or be attacked by unknown creatures in unknown environments. The possibility of returning alive with scars is slim.

For more resources, Junkrat is ready to give it a try. Junker who dares not take risks will only become a humble man struggling to survive.

He doesn't want to be such a person, he wants to get rich, get rich!

Then he can leave this inhospitable place and see the prosperity outside.

Thinking about his dream, Junkrat was suddenly filled with energy, and his legs became stronger and faster.

When you're hungry, eat hard black bread. It's cheap, filling, and easy to carry. It's the most commonly purchased food among Junkers. Water is much more expensive than black bread. This place is exposed to radiation, and there are very few clean water sources. However, they do exist, but they are not particularly clean. Anyway, drinking it will not aggravate the impact of radiation on the body.

People living in Junkertown have lowered their standards for survival to the lowest level. They must adapt to the environment. If you wait for the environment to adapt to you, you will fall into the abyss no matter where you go.

"When I go back, I must give you a little surprise."

The wind gradually picked up, blowing sand. Junkrat covered his mouth and nose and continued to move forward, still cursing the group just now.

If it weren't for the lack of projectiles, we should have blown them all over just now.

After walking for about half an hour, the wind stopped, and Junkrat saw an iron lump, a big one, irregular and hollow.

Junkrat was not in a hurry to get closer, and first carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

Compared to the empty land before, there is much more waste here, but there are only a handful of valuable things. It can be seen that this place was a city before, but the big explosion of the omnium center razed the place to the ground.

Confirming that there was no danger, Junkrat slowly approached, feeling that it was like a well that had been blown apart.

When he got closer, he found that it was blocked tightly by large rocks and iron blocks. The crowbar must not be able to pry it open, he thought, but he still tried it, and sure enough, it didn't work, it didn't move at all.

Any stone is half the size of a human being.

"What's down here?"

Junkrat sat nearby and thought about it. It was most likely a well. Even if the water source was not clean, it still had some value. Junkers often used unclean water to wash things.

"Blow it up? Blow it up!"

Junkrat worked vigorously, stood up, patted his butt, and loaded a few grenades into the grenade launcher.

Stand fifty meters away and throw a grenade at the well.

Bang! Bang bang!

Five or six grenades exploded, and the stone and iron blocks blocking the well mouth loosened slightly, but they still could not be pried open.


This method didn't work. Junkrat immediately thought of other methods in his mind. After sitting for ten minutes, he still didn't come up with any good ideas. The explosives he carried with him were not enough to blow them up unless he had a more powerful bomb.

The reality is, no!

Junkrat stood up, stared at the well, walked around it a few times, and after confirming that there were no loopholes, left.

It was time to leave. There was no other way. If I stayed any longer, I would have to die outside sooner or later. It didn’t matter whether I had the black bread or not, but the water was running out.

Go back first, you can only go back first.

After a long journey, Junkrat returned home. The so-called home was a house made of wood. Although it was simple, it was very stable.

Things were arranged in a messy manner, especially the work table, with small parts scattered everywhere, which made people feel dizzy just looking at it. It was just as unkempt as his appearance.

On the way back, there was a bit of harvest, the remains of a motorcycle. We took away the usable things, a tire that was still in good condition, the motorcycle engine, and a few pieces of steel.

After going to the black market to buy a bunch of gunpowder and shell casings, Junkrat sat at home for a day, thinking about developing a high-explosive bomb in addition to homemade grenades.

Blow up the well, and if there is water, he can make a fortune from that well, and no one will go there because no one has the guts like him.

The motorcycle tire leaning against the wall suddenly broke into his line of sight, and he glanced past it. He immediately turned back and took another look, then stood up and walked over to pick up the tire and take a look.

The motorcycle engine was also nearby, and the combination of the two things gave Junkrat a fantastic idea.

The difference between genius and madness is just a thought, and with this thought, the madman becomes a genius.

His brain was working rapidly. After confirming that the plan was feasible, Junkrat immediately started work and stocked up on dry food and water for a few days.

He didn't go anywhere for three days. He just tinkered with tires and motorcycle engines in the house. He also kicked out of his daily garbage picking activities. He blew up the well and found everything, including a hammer and garbage.

"Ho ho ho!"

Outside the room, Junkrat screamed with joy as he watched the tire fly out quickly.

The tire and the engine have been assembled. Next, we just need to make the tire into a remote-controlled bomb. It will be a very terrifying weapon. We don’t want to blow up rocks and iron blocks, but just blow them loose enough.

It took another day, and the bomb tire was officially born.

The donut-like tire was filled with explosives to become a solid circle, and there was an iron chain on it to start the motorcycle engine and provide power for the tire.

Junkrat has absolute confidence in explosives. He knows it will definitely explode without trying. There is no such thing as a dud in his works.

The next day, he carried the bomb tire on his back and walked out of Junkertown with full energy. This time he was well prepared, with ammunition, food and water, enough for him to consume for two or three days.

Ten miles away, the distance is very far, but I have expectations in my heart. Thinking about the wonderful life in the future, it is not very tiring to walk.

First, I walked to the well to observe it, and then walked fifty meters away. I deduced the whole process in my mind, and a smug smile appeared on my face.

This time it is definitely a king bomb!

Take off the bomb tire on your back, put down the iron chain wrapped around it, temporarily step on the tire with your awl legs, and then pull the iron chain with one hand.


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