Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 470 Madman of Science 2 in 1 (1/2)

"I'm used to it, don't worry."

On the plane, everyone was still very concerned about Genji's injury, but Genji was used to it. He would naturally not control the power of Shenlong twice in a few days unless necessary. At that time, he faced Ultron and his minions alone and had no other choice.

As an old teammate, Angel has never discovered Genji's problem. The reason is that there was no danger that Genji had to use the power of the Dragon Soul twice in just three days.

But this time, Genji's shortcomings were completely exposed. Although its physical strength was not bad, after using the Dragon God's Sword once, it still took half a month or even a month to recuperate before it could slowly recover.

The awakening of the dragon soul brings a majestic flow of energy, which will bring great pressure to the body. The sense of oppression will be transmitted to every nerve. People with poor physical fitness who forcefully control the dragon will only end up in self-mutilation or even death.

Also because Genji is a cyborg, the raging energy will react chemically with metal, producing poisonous gas. That's why there are so many air valves on his body, which are used to eliminate poisonous gas. If the poisonous gas is not eliminated in time, it is equivalent to chronic suicide.

Angel has only told these things to the watchers. It is naturally impossible to tell them all to people who cannot be completely trusted, because these are Genji's weaknesses.

Regarding the curiosity of the Avengers, the angel only mentioned it a little bit, saying that Genji would withstand huge energy when driving the dragon. It was the turbulent and uncontrollable energy that brought harm to him.

The Avengers couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. Without the free power, while Genji gained great power, he himself also suffered the same torture as the power.

The twins were willing to join forces with them to deal with Ultron, and Ronin and Hill, who were making decisions in the building, didn't have any objections. The twins are not bad in nature and are very strong. It is a good choice to guide them on the right track.

Originally, the twins still held a grudge against Genji. After hearing this, although they were still cold on the surface, their attitude towards him gradually changed in their hearts. This man is very strong, but he is naturally strong. He endures pain while fighting. His tenacity is rare.

They clearly remembered the oppressive force that Genji brought when confronting him.

The Scarlet Witch was particularly touched. She struck hard, and the heavy pressure made it difficult for her to breathe. She originally thought it was the pressure caused by Genji's external energy, but now she realized that it was caused by the dragon's soul. The dragon's soul came from within, and Genji herself was bearing it. Her own bearing must have been heavier than what she felt, it was unimaginable!

"So your brother Hanzo Shimada is like this too?" Steve asked curiously.

Genji nodded slightly.

Through a few exchanges, everyone deeply understood that if you want to gain powerful power, you need to pay an equal price.

"Wait a minute, Dr. Ziegler, you just mentioned energy. You mean... the energy brought by the Dragon Soul caused harm to Mr. Shimada, right?" Steve asked.

"Yes, that's right."

Angel could see that Captain America had good suggestions, so she was looking forward to it in her heart. She had no good solution except to ask Genji to pay attention to the frequency of controlling Shenlong.

"Mr. Shimada, the mechanical body fused with you is made of ordinary alloy, right?" Steve asked again.

"That's right, it's an alloy."

At this point, Tony, who was staring at the regeneration cradle in a daze, suddenly slapped his thigh, unable to restrain his excitement.

"Vibranium! Do you know? Vibranium is also called sound-absorbing steel. It is not only the hardest metal on the earth, but also the most stable metal."

Steve continued his words: "Vibranium hardly conducts heat and kinetic energy. This characteristic allows it to absorb heat, energy and kinetic energy."

He also picked up the shield at hand and explained: "Just like how I usually use it, it will not be transmitted to me in the face of any energy-carrying attack, because all the energy has been absorbed by it. Of course, I still have to withstand a small amount of energy. Part of that kinetic energy brings impact.”

Seeing that he had stolen the limelight from him, Tony curled his lips and asked him, "Do you know why?"

"Okay, three seconds of silence means you don't know. Let me, a professional, explain it. The reason why vibranium is indestructible is because its molecular structure is very special. I won't tell you the specific molecular structure, so that you don't have to listen. It just wants to take a nap. And because its molecules are relatively static, it hardly conducts heat and energy and only absorbs and digests itself."

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Tony felt satisfied.

"Okay, here's the point. We only need to build a vibranium body for him to reduce the damage caused by the Dragon Soul to the body."

Angel feels that this is indeed a feasible method, but there is a certain risk, because Genji is a semi-mechanical body. After such a long time, the physical body and the machine have been integrated into one, and it is not difficult to separate. However, he is afraid that the tissue will be destroyed in the process of separation. cell.

She expressed her worries, but Dr. Zhao Hailun smiled, "With the regeneration cradle, there is no such worry. It can regenerate tissue, as long as it is not the kind that has lost its activity for a long time."

"Then you can give it a try." Angel said.

Genji, who had given up hope for this body for a long time, felt a glimmer of hope in his heart at this moment. It would be great if this could happen, but it didn't matter if it didn't work.

"There's another problem. We don't have access to purchase vibranium." Steve said.

"Isn't this ready-made? The body created by Ultron with vibranium, can't it just be melted?"

Hawkeye smiled and lightly kicked the regeneration cradle with his toe.

Hearing this, Tony's face tightened, and then he said seriously: "It's not difficult to melt a metal body. Even vibranium can be used, but there is a physical body with the strength of vibranium inside. This will involve the field of organic biology. It's better to go back. Besides, Banner is good at this."

Banner was controlled by the witch and fell into distress and self-blame, so he didn't call him when he came to Seoul for the operation, and he definitely wouldn't come if he was called.

"Then make careful arrangements after we go back." Steve said.

No one has any opinion.

With substantial expectations, the angel was silently happy for Genji, while Genji himself had an attitude of letting everything go. If he could achieve the best, it wouldn't matter if he didn't. Anyway, he had long been used to it.

After ending this topic, Kuaiyin suddenly remembered something, so he stared at Genji with squinted eyes and asked: "Okay Ninja, let me ask you a question, what do you mean when you called me 'Second Man' when we were in the laboratory?"

When asked this, everyone laughed in unison.

Of course, there are still those who are not smiling. Girls like Hana Song who are in their early twenties are burying their heads and blushing. As for Angel, Black Widow and Wanda, they just have a smile on their lips, which is far less exaggerated than the smiles of those men. . Tony smiled the most, opening his mouth so wide that he could fit a hot dog in it.

Kuaiyin blushed and finally realized something. He brought a gust of wind and teleported to Genji, raised his fist fiercely, bared his teeth, and had a fierce look on his face.

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After making two gestures, he lowered his fist angrily and said in a threatening tone: "Because you are a wounded person, I won't argue with you, but don't let it happen next time, remember!"

"Next time? I believe you will run faster next time, Pietro." Wanda looked serious.

"Wow! Sister, are you so troublesome?" Kuaiyin was speechless to the extreme.

Everyone laughed. The twins were quite interesting. If they were no longer enemies, it would be easy to get along with each other.

Genji frowned and said in a calm tone: "The 'second man' I said means 'second man'. You can always teleport to various places in one second. I have never met anyone like you." I didn’t know your name at the time, so I called you that opponent who used your speed to the extreme.”

After listening to his explanation, Kuaiyin lost some of his anger and was still a little proud, so he showed off to everyone: "Did you hear that? What is the concept of second speed?"

To save some face, he said to Genji: "But you should take back this title. You didn't know my name before, but now you know it. My name is Pietro Maximov."

"My name is not Ninja, my name is Shimada Genji."

Back at Avengers Tower, although everyone failed to destroy Ultron during this trip, it was not all without gain. At least, with everyone's efforts, Ultron failed to get what he wanted. The rebirth cradle and the body inside were taken away by them, successfully preventing Ultron from achieving both mental and physical invincibility.

Everyone gathered around the regeneration cradle, and Banner said: "I can destroy the body tissue and leave the vibranium part, but Dr. Zhao, I need your help. You need to shut down the operating system you implanted in the regeneration cradle."

"This is not difficult." Zhao Hailun said, "Shall we start now?"

"As soon as possible, or now, the sooner the better, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Steve said.

Tony paced back and forth anxiously. He had to explain the situation, even if it caused public outrage, otherwise everything would be lost when they destroyed the body.

"Helen wait, about that..."

Tony hung his head. It was difficult to speak in front of so many people. He had already made a mistake. If he made this request at this time, he would definitely be rejected.

But there is no way.

"Say what you have to say. When did even the confident Tony Stark start hesitating when speaking? Or is he not a man?" Steve said with a smile.

Tony took a deep breath and said: "I went to the Hyperlink Internet Center in Oslo, our ally... the person who protects the military's nuclear weapons code, and I found him."

As soon as he finished speaking, he took out the card and waved it, and Jarvis' golden image appeared in front of everyone.

"Nice to see you again," Jarvis said.

Everyone felt incredible for a moment. Wasn't Jarvis "killed" by Ultron?

"Ultron attacked Jarvis not out of anger, but out of fear of him, of what he was capable of. So Jarvis went underground, analyzed the system, wiped the memory cards, but kept the communication protocols. I put He didn’t even know where he was until he fixed it.”

"So what are you going to do?"

Steve had a straight face. It was obvious that Stark had another naughty idea. The last naughty idea made him and Banner create Ultron. What about this time?

Except for Steve, the Avengers, including Banner, all looked suspicious, as well as some of the Watchers and the twins, but not as strongly as he did.

Ronin did not express his position, but if necessary, he would stand up and speak for Tony, because it was necessary for Vision to be born.

"I want to put Jarvis into this body."

Tony said this under the pressure of being targeted by everyone, and then added: "I know my idea is very bold, but please believe me, there will be no accidents this time. With our ability, it is difficult to completely destroy Ultron's consciousness, but he can."

"Why do you think Jarvis can defeat Ultron's computing matrix?" Banner questioned.

"Jarvis has unconsciously defeated Ultron from the inside. This is an opportunity for us to create another Ultron, a perfect version that does not regard murder as a personality. We must do this." Tony said.

Jarvis also said it was worth a try.

"Stark, your self-righteousness will always bring trouble to everyone. Have you never realized this? The perfect version of Ultron, to put it lightly, is it actually true? This is still an uncertain attempt on your part. We can't go crazy with you." Steve firmly refused to allow him to do this.

I have to say that the captain is very appealing. Everyone was a little shaken at first. Tony was right about one thing. It is difficult to completely eliminate Ultron with their abilities. Why not give it a try?

After hearing what he said, everyone immediately changed their stance. Yes, Stark is a scientific madman who does not consider the consequences and only has idealized results in his mind.

What if it fails? Things will only get worse. Double Ultron and double disaster are unthinkable.

"Guys, this is our only way to defeat Ultron, no matter what, we have to try." Tony will not give up, no matter what.

However, facing him, there were only endless accusations, and the Avengers had the urge to lock Tony up.

Tony didn't know how to persuade them to agree. He knew that his teammates were afraid. They were afraid of Ultron, so they were also afraid of this unknown thing.

At this moment, Luo Ning stood up, "I think we can try. The worst result is just one more Ultron. There is not much difference between one Ultron and two Ultrons. On the contrary, if we create an Ultron that can suppress Ultron's things can completely destroy him instead of destroying each false body."

The Watchers naturally sided with Luo Ning.

Although they don't quite understand Luo Ning's thoughts, they know that Luo Ning must have carefully considered his decision. From his many previous actions, they can infer that Luo Ning's decision is nine times out of ten correct.

Tony was looking forward to having someone on his side. He thought it was Banner, but he didn't expect it to be Ronin, but it was better. As the commander of Overwatch, Ronin's speech was more authoritative and convincing.

Sure enough, after some persuasion and ideological guidance, Banner was the first to waver, and finally the Avengers led by Steve also compromised. However, they all held an attitude of neither supporting nor blocking, and just stood aside and watched Tony and Banner quietly making these fancy things.

Let’s talk about it later...

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