Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 474: Realistic version of the Omnic Crisis

"The vibranium core inside covers the magnetic field, which makes the rock layers gather together."

Tony flew away from the floating Scovia, and Friday analyzed the changes in the city's underground.

"What if it falls?" Tony asked.

"For now, the destructive power will endanger thousands of people, and when it rises to a certain height, it will be a global disaster."

Hearing this news, Tony's heart tightened.

"Stark, what progress have you made?" Steve asked over the radio.

"There is bad news. It seems that we can only blow up the city. After you evacuate the citizens, try to avoid the aftermath of the explosion from endangering the ground." Tony said.

"What I want is a solution, not an evacuation plan."

"The scope of the destruction will only get bigger and bigger, and we must make a choice."

Black Widow walked up to Steve and said, "Captain, there is no safe place to settle the citizens here. If Stark has a way to blow up the city..."

"Wait until everyone is safe." Steve couldn't bear to give up any life.

"Can everyone here be compared to everyone below?"

Black Widow couldn't understand why abandoning the citizens of Skovya could save everyone below. Although this couldn't be compared to a deal, it was worth it.

"There's no comparison. I won't leave anyone in this city."

"Steve said very firmly. As long as there's one person up there, he won't give up."

"I didn't say we have to evacuate. There are other worse ways to leave this world, but where else can I see such a view?"

Standing here, you can see the thick clouds. What a beautiful view!

"I'm glad you like it, Romanov. Everything will be fine. "

Just then, an abrupt but familiar voice came, and then a warship appeared in the clouds. It slowly rose, pushed away the clouds, and its outline gradually became clear.

Black Widow laughed. She was very familiar with this warship. It was the aerospace carrier of SHIELD, and the owner of this voice was also obvious, that is, Nick Fury.

Steve also ignited hope in his heart. With the aerospace carrier, they could transfer the citizens to a safe place.

The arrival of SHIELD was like a timely rain, bringing hope to the masses.

"Not bad, right? This spaceship was specially driven from the reserve warship. Although it was covered with dust, it can still help." Fury said.

"Fury, you bastard." Steve cursed with a smile.

"Oh! You greet your own mother with this face?" Fury cursed back with a smile.

"The city is located at an altitude of 18,000 meters and is still rising." Hill reported the situation in real time.

"The lifeboat has been safely deployed, out of preparation, three, two... launch! "

Under the command of a staff member, the side of the aerospace mothership close to the "floating city" opened the hatch, and several lifeboats flew out.

"Is this SHIELD?"

Looking at this scene, Quicksilver couldn't help but sigh, SHIELD is better than he imagined, much better.

"This is what SHIELD should be like."

Steve was very pleased. SHIELD had been disbanded for a long time, and this time it finally stood up again for humanity.

"Not bad." Quicksilver smiled.

Seeing that the lifeboat was approaching the edge of the city, Steve commanded: "Escort the citizens up."

"Sir, multiple bodies are detected attacking the right wing of the spacecraft." Hill reported to Fury.

Fury was not surprised, but raised the corners of his mouth and raised a contemptuous smile.

"Show them some color."

"It's your turn!"

Hill issued an order, and the war machine, which had been itching for a long time, entered the air battlefield like a beast and destroyed the attacking robots.

"Great, this will be a good story. "

Rod was satisfied with this. War Machine should appear in this manner, and save the people from danger as a hero airborne.

"Only if you can tell the story alive."

Seeing the aerospace carrier supporting them, Tony was relieved and helped Rod to destroy the attacking robot army.

"Are you worried that I can't handle it alone?" Rod said.

"If we can survive, I'll help you."

"Do you have to say it so strangely?"

The high-altitude battle was going on. On the ground, the Avengers, the Watchers, and the police began to escort the people onto the lifeboat. The originally chaotic battlefield suddenly became orderly.

The gradually improving situation made the heroes feel much more relaxed.

"Ultron and the others are coming towards the core. Everyone hurry up. It's time to fight for survival. "Thor sent support.

Soon, the highest combat power of the human camp gathered in the church.

Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, Hawkeye, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver in the Avengers. Soldier 76, Shimada Hanzo, Angel, Reinhardt, D.Va, Junkrat, Roadhog in Overwatch.

Steve pointed to the metal cylinder in the center of the church, "Once Ultron's hand touches the core, we're done."

Cleaned up the surrounding robots, Ultron floated in the air and confronted them.

"Is this all you can do?" Thor roared at him angrily.

Ultron waved his hand, and behind him, a dense army of robots appeared in an instant, like ants forming a river and sweeping towards them, swallowing up the mountains and rivers.

Thor was stunned, Steve sighed, and said to him: "You just have to talk too much. "

"This is what I am capable of, this is what I want, ridiculous human heroes, against my Ultron army, do you still expect to stop me?"

Ultron opened his arms, as if he was the master of the world at this moment.

Tony looked at Steve, "Just like this old guy said, unite as one."

"Reality has staged an omnic crisis, let's work together to write the most perfect ending!"

Soldier 76 was once the battlefield commander of Overwatch, and he was no worse than Captain America in boosting morale.

"Come on, scumbags, can't you blow up your boss and your group of soldiers?" Junkrat shouted.

The Ultron army swarmed in, and the heroes fought fiercely around the core. At the beginning, there were battle plans and so on. In the later stages of the battle, everyone relied on the purest instinct to cooperate and help each other.

The Ultron army suffered heavy losses, and the strongest human beings united to burst out stronger than Ultron imagined. He had no choice but to join the battlefield, but was blasted out of the church by Vision using the energy of the Mind Stone.

Tony and Thor flew out to assist Vision. The power of Vision's Mind Stone plus Thor's thunder power, plus Tony's double palm cannon, made Ultron experience the feeling of being suppressed by the Dragon Soul again.

The vibranium melted and peeled off, and the 50% loss rate instantly increased to 90%.

Hulk rushed over and punched him into the sky. The remaining robots who resisted stubbornly received Ultron's order and turned around and ran away.

Ultron was scared. After all, he still underestimated the team composed of human strongmen. He just wanted to escape now and wait for the next comeback.

Next time, next time will definitely be a bloody storm!

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