Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 512 Fan Support

The experience of transforming into Tracer was quite good. Speeding up his time flow felt like flying. If he hadn't met that family, he would have been able to stay high alone for a long time.

In addition to her unique personal abilities, Tracer itself is a very charming character, so her cultural symbols are forming extremely quickly and have a tendency to become closer.

When asked why, Luo Ning smiled bitterly. Perhaps Shouwang Pictures has put too much pressure on movie fans in the past two years and has released several movies with male protagonists. Nowadays, it is rare to release a movie with a female protagonist. The movie naturally moved those male fans to tears.

Don’t you see that in recent years, movie fans have become tired of seeing all kinds of angel fan works, including novels, comics, animations, etc.

Of course, these works spread through the Internet are not officially authorized by Overwatch Pictures, and Luo Ning does not want to pursue them. As the saying goes, "the law does not punish the public," there are too many individuals or teams making money through fan creations. If they litigate each one one by one, I am afraid that the series will not be able to catch up in my lifetime, and the fight will last until the next life.

Simply let it go. This will also be beneficial to publicity. It will let more people know about Watchmen, understand Overwatch Pioneer, and then pay attention to Overwatch Films. In addition, it will also promote the formation of cultural symbols. But if fan works are full of vulgar content, Luo Ning will take up the weapon of "law" to defend his rights. Watchers are the embodiment of justice, and they really exist in the world, so they cannot be tainted like this.

In this regard, Luo Ning will never tolerate those who make money without conscience. Fan creations must also be positive. There is no need for you to praise the motherland and praise the leaders. At the very least, you must stick to the bottom line of morality and create positive content.

This is the bottom line of morality, and it is also Luo Ning's bottom line. I don't know how many people have been sent to prison for crossing this line. They are all lunatics who will do anything for money. If you commit the crime once, Shouwang Pictures will warn the client. If you commit the crime twice, Shouwang Pictures will send you a lawyer's letter. If you commit the crime three times or more, there will be nothing to say. See you in court.

The audience doesn't care about these. They like the derivative stories of Watchers. If there is such content, although the conscience is against it, the body is honest. They don't mind watching it as a spice to the monotonous life.

Although there are endless fan works, there are only so many that come and go.

For these heroines, the most they can do is change their style of painting, their costumes, and their story backgrounds. I’ve long been tired of looking at their faces, and I hope Overwatch Pictures can produce another female hero.

As a result, fans have been waiting for two years, but they still haven’t found a female hero. It’s a male hero and a little hamster, so much so that some viewers can look at Hammond’s fan art and smile like crazy.

After being single for a long time, even looking at a hamster feels pretty.

And now, they have finally waited for another female hero after Angel and Angel - Tracer. Male movie fans are like dry land that has been exposed to manna for a long time, greedily absorbing the rain and dew given by God to nourish their already hungry and thirsty people. body.

They are satisfied from the story of the movie, but it is not enough. They also need fan works to maintain this state of satisfaction, otherwise they will feel empty one day.

Tracer's fan works are like a burst of water flooding the land. The first batch of fan works appeared a few days after the trailer was released. After the film's premiere, a large number of fan works appeared on the Internet, gaining popularity. Very timely.

The number of works is much greater than that of Junkrat and Roadhog. Because she is a female hero, she has great potential from a creative perspective and has a wide audience. Because Overwatch fans are mostly male, and based on the principle of opposites attracting, fans naturally prefer to read fan works of female heroes.

Many non-Watch fans know about Watch because of fan works. It may be a picture, a text, or a short film.

After arousing curiosity, these non-Watchmen fans will take the initiative to learn more, which may include something that Overwatch Films vigorously promotes-Watchmen's mark, which will speed up the formation of cultural symbols.

Movie fans made up for the regrets in the movie from various fan works, and also brought many novel stories and touching plots that were impossible to appear in the movie. The benefits Luo Ning got from this were the increase in peripheral sales and the early formation of Tracer's cultural symbol.

First, we notified several people who had a good relationship with Tracer in advance and asked them to take time and make appropriate preparations. When none of the members involved in the persuasion showed up at the coffee shop, Ronin asked Athena to start Tracer's advent ceremony.


The familiar seven-pointed star magic array appeared, and Luo Ning skillfully dropped the banknotes to activate the array. A golden Tracer mark suddenly shone in the center of the array.

The whole process was like an invisible hand controlling an invisible pen to draw a circle on the mahogany floor. The circle was filled with obscure runes, like God's notes, and the mark was God's emphatically carved mark. A single stroke, mysterious and vivid.

"Hmm? Athena...Athena?! Who pulled this prank? How long has Overwatch been disbanded?"

Tracer's voice exuded a youthful vitality, crisp and cheerful, even with this question that should have been surprising.

Luo Ning's eyes passed over them, but no one spoke. He suddenly stamped his feet in a hurry. He looked anxious, but he could only grit his teeth and whisper: "Let's start the show. Anyone can come."

"It's really a prank. It's boring. I was looking forward to seeing which old friend would come to reminisce with me." Tracer seemed to be talking to herself, and then her voice seemed to increase a little, "If you don't talk, I'll die."

"Ahem, it's me, Winston."

Winston clenched his right fist and put it in front of his mouth and coughed a few times. He felt a little strange and embarrassed after not seeing each other for many years.


Tracer said excitedly: "A few years ago, you said that you would do the last thing for the disbanded Overwatch. I thought you would never come back. We used to spend Christmas together. Do you want to consider it this year?"

Tracer's usual enthusiasm made Winston open his heart and said a lot, including greetings and explaining the current situation of Overwatch. There is no need to hide from old teammates. Being sincere is the best way to face them.

He talked so much that others had nothing to say and became background boards and listeners.

But it's better this way, so that everyone doesn't talk about this and that, and Winston explained the matter at once, so that Tracer doesn't ask questions.

The only thing I'm afraid of is that Tracer can't accept such a bizarre reality and thinks that someone is imitating Winston's voice to play a prank on her.

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