Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 523: Use whatever means necessary

Sethya used the photon emitter to shoot out an arc-shaped barrier to block several rays. Then the photon barrier turned into an explosive energy ball under her control and exploded between several people.

She would not kill people unless it was absolutely necessary, so she controlled the intensity of the photon energy very well, so the explosion of the energy bomb only paralyzed the agents' nerves and made them lose their combat ability.

Without hesitation, Setya rushed to the pre-deployed transmission panel and returned to the roof in the blink of an eye.

After crossing the light bridge to another building, she lifted the photon skybridge and immediately reported the situation to her immediate superior.

"Sethya, did you hear that? I'm afraid I didn't find enough evidence. Maybe we can investigate the mayor and find something."

The other side said, "It's disappointing, but there's nothing we can do."

Suddenly, a violent explosion pulled Setya back to reality from her boredom.

She stared at the building opposite in amazement. The explosives from nowhere blew the whole building to the point of collapse, and the beauty of flames bloomed in the dark night.

"Boo! That's how life is full of surprises, so cool!"

Junkrat couldn't help but shout, until he met the unfriendly eyes of others and quickly covered his mouth, hesitating, "Uh... I was a little excited when I heard the explosion, sorry."

"Why... there are people inside?" Setya whispered in disbelief.

"What did you say?" Seya asked.

Then, Setya saw that the building was the explosion base point, and the flaming fireball was thrown around, surrounded by those low houses, which were also slums.

"God..." She seemed to understand something.

"Karlado can't stop us from improving this city." Seya's tone was full of determination.

"Not only Karlado, but also slums." She added with a clear conscience.

She knew what Viska was going to do, and if this could really bring a new look to the city, it would be worth it.

When Setya heard someone calling for help from below, she immediately used the photon launcher to shoot out a photon rope and fixed it on the roof. Then she jumped with one end of the photon rope and landed steadily on the ground.

A group of people ran out of the flames in panic, and some people paced back and forth around the fire scene anxiously, not knowing what to do.

"My baby!" A woman shouted desperately.

Setya used the photon launcher to separate the flames and saw the little girl lying on the ground. It was the little girl who showed her the way yesterday. She was now in a coma.

"I'm here. You're fine now. I won't let anything happen to you."

Setya propped up the photon barrier to separate the flames, then hugged the little girl with one hand, walked out of the fire, and handed the child to her mother.

"My lovely little angel." The woman shed tears while holding the child.

Setya then noticed that half of the little girl's face was burned...

For this reason, her peace of mind just now was questioned by herself. Is this really right? Did Viska really do nothing wrong?

She was troubled by this for several months.

Is the working philosophy of Viska right or wrong? In order to get this contract, they would do anything, even hurting innocent citizens.

"This little loss can be exchanged for a better tomorrow. Soon, the city will be renovated and countless poor people will have the best housing. Setya, what are you sad about?"

"To deal with these stubborn elements with rigid ideas, we have to use some tough measures. We do this to build an orderly and prosperous city, instead of a group of poor people living in the wind and rain like now, full of chaos and sin everywhere."

"Order can bring beauty. For this city, we must be a bad guy. Moreover, we have tried our best to minimize the losses, right? No one died, only a few people were injured. A few people injured can be exchanged for a better tomorrow. Setya, what else do we have to worry about?"

Under the indoctrination of many people's thoughts, Setya no longer questioned herself as frequently as before, but she could not look at Viska Group as before.

She used to think that the Fiska Group was sent by God to repair the trauma brought to the world by the omnic crisis, but after experiencing that secret operation, she no longer thought so. Fiska has a bright disguise, but under the disguise, there are some unknown things hidden, things that even she doesn't know.

But she can't question it in person, nor can she betray the Fiska Group. It was Fiska who gave her everything.

At first, she was a girl who was worried about food. She might starve to death on the street one day. It was Fiska who took her to the Fiska Photonic Architect Academy and trained herself to become a top photonic architect, and also won the title of "Light of Order".

Of course, no one helped her in the process of learning, and it all depended on her personal efforts and talents. But it was Fiska who gave her this opportunity to allow her life to enter the world protected by order.

With order, everything is beautiful. There is no chaos, no sin, only civilization and harmony.

In the end, the Fiska Group and the mayor signed the contract to rebuild the city.

At the newly built engineering fortress of Fiskars, Seya announced to the citizens in a resounding voice, "Well, finally on this day, despite occasional accidents... we are proud to announce that the new city center is officially open!"

The citizens were not as excited as the people of Feska. They were not happy, but rather depressed. The girl whose face was not burned looked up at them with a puzzled look. She saw the lost lady and heard her mother say that she saved her at the fire scene.

"Will we provide them with housing?" Setya asked.

"We will." Seya replied.

"But will their lives change?"

She thought of the poor people who held up signs in protest, but still didn't know why they were protesting.

"They get proper housing, and we will bring a greater order. This is Feska."

"The fire in the slum... is it also part of the plan?"

"How can you still have such an idea? You have to know... the development of rebirth always has a price. Isn't it, Setya?"

Setya hesitated for two seconds, "Yes... of course."

Seya is right, we are making the world a better place... a better place.

She tried to numb herself with Seya's idea of ​​sacrificing small things for big things, so that she could accept all this with peace of mind.

She looked down and could not see the citizens' happiness at all. Their faces were filled with helplessness and disappointment, and the little girl's angelic face was also filled with doubts.

After returning, what she experienced today was like a needle piercing her heart, unable to be removed. If you want to chat with more like-minded people about "Overwatch Coming to Marvel", follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat to read novels, talk about life, and find confidants~

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