Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 534: Subverting cognition

In another world, there are two concepts that can explain it. One is the existence of intelligent species on another planet, and the other is a parallel world of the earth.

Setia believes that the current Overwatch commander is talking about the first type. After all, human scientists have explored alien planets. Although no signs of life have been found on any planet so far, there are many stars in the universe. What humans have explored is just a speck of dust in the vast sea of ​​stars. It is impossible to pinpoint a certain one. There is life on stars, and there are civilizations that are more advanced than human civilization.

However, even the group of scientists on Earth who use national resources to conduct scientific research failed to discover it. How did Overwatch discover it?

As for the concept of parallel universes, this is rather mysterious. It has only been mentioned in scientific magazines so far. This concept has not been clearly proposed in traditional science books. At most, it can be explained with one line in the annotation. It can be seen that the concept of parallel universes is a What is inconclusive remains to be verified.

"The other world I'm talking about is another Earth. I believe you have heard of the concept of parallel universes. You are also a scientist. No one can surpass you in your achievements in beam technology. You must also pay attention to other fields. ”

Setia smiled. This was the first time she laughed. She smiled so lightly. Did these people treat her as a three-year-old child?

"Haha...then you mean that I am in a parallel world of the earth now? Anyway, with your mouth, you can say whatever you want."

She looked around and saw that this place was no different from the original world. The architectural style and interior were the same as there. Even if the concept of parallel universes is true, can they come if they want?

Seeing this, Luo Ning said slowly: "It seems that you don't know enough about parallel universes. Let me explain it to you."

"Parallel universes refer to other universes that are similar but different from a certain universe and exist parallel to the original universe."

“In these universes, there are also universes that were born under the same conditions as ours. There may also be planets that are the same as the planets inhabited by humans or have the same history. There may also be people who are exactly the same as humans. ”

"At the same time, in these different universes, the development of things will have different results: species that have become extinct in our universe may be evolving and living in another universe."

"But the current parallel universe is very similar to that there, but also different. There is no beam technology here, cars still use gasoline, and artificial intelligence is in its infancy."

As he spoke, he picked up the tablet placed on the armrest of the sofa and walked slowly towards Symmetra, who still held the photon emitter in his hand.

"Sir!" Winston told him to be careful.

Luo Ning raised his hand and told them not to worry. One must trust the other first. Symmetra will definitely not trust Overwatch so easily, so he should trust Symmetra first.

It can be seen that Symmetra is now full of questions, and her initial anger has been diluted by the bizarre encounters.

"I have no weapons."

Luo Ning deliberately showed his hands. Symmetra's body was still tense at first, but it relaxed a lot the next moment.

He slid the pictures saved on the tablet for her to look at. The further she looked, the more incredible she felt.

Although this world is mostly the same as that world, there are huge differences in terms of technology. In that world, artificial intelligence was rampant, but here it is still in the development stage. In that world, new energy sources have completely replaced gasoline, and the structure of motorcycles has also adopted the It’s a brand new model, but it’s still the same thing here.

In addition, the national leaders are also different, and all the celebrities are no longer the ones she is familiar with.

Only this time, she began to believe that what Luo Ning said was true, but only a little. In all things, seeing is believing. Pictures may be fake unless she sees them with her own eyes.

"I want to go out and have a look," she said.


Luo Ning agreed readily. He expected Symmetra's caution. He didn't expect to gain her trust with just a few words and pictures.

"I'll drive, Soldier 76, Torbjörn, you guys come with me and show Ms. Vaswani this new world."

A car, with Ronin as the driver, Tobjörn in the passenger seat, Setia and Soldier 76 in the back.

After taking a stroll around the city, through the car window, Sethia saw a scene that exactly matched the picture. The wheeled motorcycles and pedestrians were all human beings. There was no overflow of artificial intelligence. The building advertisements were playing videos endorsed by unknown celebrities. Unknown brand products...

Everything shows that this is not the world she was in before, but a brand new world, a bizarre parallel world.

Back at the base, Setia couldn't calm down for a long time. Who would have thought that when the parallel universe was still a vague concept, she would personally come to the parallel universe.

"This is stranger than the fairy tales I heard!" Setia found it difficult to accept all this.

"When it comes to mythology, by the way, there are also mythical characters here. Odin, the father of the gods, Thor, the god of thunder, and Loki, the god of trickery in Norse mythology, all of them are real."

Setia shook her head absentmindedly, feeling instantly that all her previous perceptions had been overturned.

"I want to go back," she said.

"Sorry ma'am, we are not yet capable of allowing a person to come and go freely in the parallel universe." Luo Ning told truthfully.

"Despicable means!"

"Listen, Viska's 'Light of Order', if we don't eliminate the enemy lurking in the dark, all life in the universe will be threatened. At that time, the universe will be completely disordered. This world cannot be without order, but order cannot be too much."

After saying all the nice things, Soldier 76 lost his temper and had to make her understand Overwatch's intentions. They were not playing a game of gathering heroes, but preparing for a huge disaster.

The more capable people there are in Overwatch, the greater the possibility of defeating the enemy. No one wants to see the universe destroyed. Anyone with good intentions will think so.

"Why should I believe you?" Setya asked.

"Time will prove everything. When the mission is completed, we will try every means to achieve reverse teleportation and send everyone back. No one wants to stay in a strange world. We don't want to, but we have a mission."

Ronin said with full energy. This is the fact. Everyone except him comes from the Overwatch world. Torbjörn has a wife and children to take care of, Mercy has many refugees who need help, and D.Va has her companions...

Aren't they willing to abandon those things to make the universe run peacefully and without disturbances?

Even though one's own efforts are small, when combined together, they are a force that cannot be ignored!

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