Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 552: Long time no see, Hydra!

In Dr. Pym's residence, the watchers were in the living room guarding the crystal blue transmission panel, waiting for news from Scott's team, and the atmosphere was a little anxious.

To be honest, Setya was not optimistic about this team without rules. Scott Lang was better. He wanted to fight for a chance to make up for his mistakes. This time was his chance to show his ability. He would definitely not mess around, but his three friends were not sure.

When making plans, they laughed and laughed. No matter what method they proposed, they thought it was feasible. They had the momentum of a newborn calf not afraid of a tiger. But in her opinion, this was reckless and did not understand the danger and importance of this mission. They were just playing around.

She had also heard about the yellow shirt. As long as there were enough Pym particles as the source of power, it would be a terrible weapon of war. Once used in the military, the world would fall into chaos.

Once the ambitious but forbearing powers take this weapon, it is bound to set off a bloody storm around the world. It may not form a world-class war in the short term, but as time goes by, this is inevitable and beyond doubt.

So she was worried, afraid that Scott's team would go wrong.

"Scott and his team have already infiltrated the company. Pym Technology's server has been destroyed. Scott has deployed the bomb in the particle storage room. Next, he will steal the yellow shirt and return along the original route." Roning said to everyone.

As the middleman between the two parties, Roning received the news very promptly. Almost as soon as the other side was completed, this side received the latest news.

Roning paused and continued: "But don't hold too much hope. There may be accidents, and our mission is to turn this accident into an expected accident. This is still part of the plan, part of the unexpected situation."

In the original plot, Ant-Man Scott Lang will be caught by Darren Cross, and the yellow shirt will fall into Darren's hands. This is actually enough. As long as the Yellow Jacket is forced out, Scott will use the EX super-shaped quantum cannon to blast out an exit, place the transmission panel, and then Overwatch will take over.

No matter how sophisticated and powerful the Yellow Jacket is, facing this group of long-time watchers, there is still no possibility of escape. Scott is the best example.

Hearing this, Setya breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the temporary team is still capable. Breaking into the company is half the success. Next, it depends on Scott Lang's performance.

If he performs well enough, this mission will end quickly. If he performs poorly, there may be twists and turns.

However, this is beyond her expectations. She originally thought that they had no chance of breaking into the company because it was an action team composed of idle people in society. The only time they worked together was to steal the Ant-Man suit from Dr. Pym's house, and that was when Pym deliberately let them get it.

Now it seems that their performance is unexpectedly good.

"Get ready, guys. We may be on stage. It will be a big surprise. It would be great if there is a passionate music over there." Reinhardt said with his arms open.

"By the way, can so many of us go in through the teleportation panel? Is there no limit on the number of people?" Tracer asked.

"There is definitely a limit on the number of people, but it is no problem to send us over there." Setya said.

"That's good."


In the particle storage room, Scott Lang became a turtle in a jar.

Hank and Hope did not expect Darren to know their plan so clearly. Maybe it was not clear enough because the server was destroyed and the bomb was successfully set. Darren may have just guessed that Hank would let Scott steal the yellow suit to stop their deal.

Then, Darren welcomed Mr. Carson, the buyer of the yellow suit and Pym particles.

Listening to their conversation, Hank and Hope knew that the buyer was Hydra, but Darren introduced that this was no longer the previous Hydra, and they were doing some very interesting work now.

In Hank's eyes, Hydra is the creator of chaos. Any transactions and actions involving them will harm the world, so this transaction must not be completed.

When the news reached Ronin, the Watchers were instantly excited: Long time no see, Hydra!

Why didn't Hydra come to play with them for such a long time? It turned out that they had been hiding and didn't dare to come out. Now it's interesting. Maybe this is the last head of Hydra, so they are so cautious, but how could they expect that Overwatch still captured their movements.

"I have always suspected that you hid a set of equipment somewhere, which raises a new question. Who is the new Ant-Man? Who is the person who is more trusted by my mentor than me?"

Before the transaction, Darren spoke with emotion, and finally said a name that made him want to tear it into pieces when he heard it, "Scott Lang."

"A martyr who challenged the authorities and paid the price for it, and lost his home and only daughter in the process, exactly like you, Hank!" Darren looked at Dr. Pym.

"He escaped from prison without leaving any clues about his escape, even though he had no money to his name. He disappeared magically, and now he has brought me the Ant-Man suit, which is the only thing that can compare to my invention."

Darren put the yellow shirt into the suitcase, walked to the glass cabin, looked at Scott and laughed. There is so much confidence that it is almost overflowing from the body, as if everything is under control.

He felt that he used this trick very well. Now, he not only has the Yellow Jacket suit invented by himself, but also the Ant-Man suit invented by Hank.

Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too, isn’t it possible now?

"You didn't expect that, did you? Scott Lang!"

Darren pressed his face against it, only an inch away from the glass cabin. He wanted to see Scott become angry but unable to kill him.

However, the next moment he suddenly widened his eyes, not in fear, but because he wanted to see what Scott had taken out. Was it like a gun? Or a cannon?

After seeing it clearly, he smiled, very mockingly, "Don't waste your efforts, Scott, do you think I am a glass window used in a house? Even if you use a rocket launcher, you can't break it, unless you can put a nuclear bomb." ,hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe...

Scott is unsure, but he can only try now. Mr. Luo Ning said that the EX super-shaped quantum cannon is the latest weapon developed by engineer Torbjörn Lindholm, and it is extremely lethal.

Whether it's huge or not depends on this shot, and whether it's successful or not depends on this time.

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