Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 583 Soul Handsome Man

Lucio has only done one thing these days, which is to get familiar with the Overwatch headquarters, and then learn about this world through the Internet.

At the same time, he also chatted with the Watchers, asking questions as a pretext to get them to talk, trying to get a way to return to that world. As a result, everyone's answer to this question was surprisingly consistent, saying that there was no way. Among them, Junkrat even said that if there was a way to go back, he would have slipped away long ago, and the Light of Order Setya would not stay here.

Lucio had to give up this idea for the time being. It seems that the young man named Ronin did not lie to him in this matter, but what should he do now? After thinking for a while, he decided to use static to control dynamic. This world has not been figured out yet, and it is not easy to act rashly, so most of the time he surfs the Internet.

He also played music while surfing the Internet, making his bedroom like a nightclub.

The more news he saw, the more surprised he was, especially when he saw that there were so many strange people in this world besides the Watchers. What Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, etc., he had never heard of them, but they seemed to be very powerful, and they also formed the Avengers Alliance, which was bragging.

Looking at all the big news in the past, it is found that Overwatch and the Avengers are both justice organizations, dedicated to maintaining world peace, and have suffered a lot of injustice for this. Just like the recent war, Scovia suffered many casualties. Many people pointed out that the Avengers and Overwatch were not right, and believed that the disaster was caused by them. Although they minimized the losses, many families were broken because of it.

Lucio didn't know what to say about this. If it comes to responsibility, that useless Iron Man, uh... Iron Man, does have to bear part of it. If he hadn't insisted on doing so, this intelligent machine crisis in the other world would not have broken out. But things have already happened, and they have tried their best to minimize the losses. What else do you want? Besides, all the merits of Iron Man before were ignored because of this incident?

It's ridiculous to ask for punishment.

Lucio, an outsider, was indignant when he saw it. Maybe he has too positive values ​​and can't tolerate any injustice. If this continues, who will dare to show off when the disaster breaks out?

When the disaster subsides, the people who have lived in peace under the protection of the heroes will stand up and accuse you of wrongdoings:

Look! You demolished my house, it's all your fault!

Fuck you! My wife is gone, you bunch of rubbish should all die!

Look at the trouble you've caused, if you continue like this, you will have to apologize to the people of the whole country!

This is the naked reality, Lucio sees it very clearly, it was like that in that world, and it is still like this in this world. Overwatch was forced to disband, but have you ever thought about who led the omnic crisis to be resolved?

He is not interested in Overwatch for personal reasons. From a broader perspective, Overwatch has resolved the omnic crisis, and no one is qualified to slander them for this one achievement. Even he cannot say anything about this matter, and he even has to thank them for giving him a stable home.

So he made up his mind not to participate in the Overwatch operation, not to do those thankless things, so as not to be inexplicably blamed.

Just stay at the base, go out for a walk, and wait until you return to that world.

Seeing the movie called "Lucio", Lucio suddenly became very interested, but he thought it was silly to just watch the movie, so he went out and brought back a bunch of snacks, as well as fat house happy water, and put them on the table.

A movie, a bunch of snacks, a can of Kola, such a simple configuration, but it constitutes incomparable happiness.

He was still smart, knowing that he had to find D.Va first to find snacks. Although he didn't know Song Hana very well, he knew that there was an axiom in this world: women are all foodies!

This is a nice title, and the unpleasant one is a glutton.

So much so that some guys with incorrect values ​​​​also associate this title with appearance. Pretty girls are called foodies, and ugly girls are called gluttons.

Lucio has always sneered at these people. Guys who judge people by appearance are destined to become the objects of others' judgment by appearance. If you want to ask why, birds of a feather flock together.

When these people get together, they can only rely on their appearance to support themselves. Once it is exposed, they will only be lost in the crowd.

People like him only value communication at the soul level, and naturally the friends they make are all people with interesting souls. Although there is a self-praise element in it, it is the fact that many people envy, jealousy and even hate him.

The reason is that a soulful man like him who has both appearance and soul is rare in the world. It is normal to be envied by those who only have a good-looking appearance. I can understand it!

Put aside distracting thoughts, watch movies quietly, eat and drink happily. The content presented in the movie also won his heart, and he got both spiritual and physical satisfaction, especially when he saw the scene in the movie where he led the masses to resist Feska, he felt that his blood rushed to his chest, and he was just one fire away from igniting his whole body.

It's so exciting!

This movie is really well made. When the movie ended and the credits came, the appearance of Roning made him stunned. I couldn't help but sigh, "It's actually the screenwriter."

I was curious and searched on Google. I didn't know until I searched, and I was shocked. I couldn't help but sigh in my heart that Roning was so promising at a young age. He thought that the Overwatch commander mentioned repeatedly in the news was Jack Morrison, but he didn't expect it to be him. Then what about Morrison?

Until he turned to a picture of Soldier 76. Although the clothes were not similar, his body shape, weapons and movements looked like Morrison. He was shocked when he thought of this. In that world, an agent codenamed "76" had been investigating the real reason for the collapse of Overwatch, and he did not hesitate to offend multiple countries and bear the crime of a wanted criminal.

It turned out that Soldier 76 was Morrison, and Morrison was Soldier 76.

Lucio was more convinced that the collapse of Overwatch was the work of the gang behind the scenes. It was impossible for such a team to be disbanded due to internal strife by one person alone.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, and finally he had a headache. He played the music again to ease some of the pain, thinking that he was just worrying about it. Now that Overwatch was rebuilt, it had nothing to do with him. Anyway, he would not participate in any actions, and he just had to live happily every day.

With this thought, Lucio walked out. It was boring to stay here. Nothing could excite him. Maybe he should go out for a walk.

When he went outside, he found that it was dark. He stayed in the house for a whole day.

Without feeling emotional, he saw two strangers walking towards him. One of them looked familiar, but when he stood with the other, he couldn't remember who he was at all...

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