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Chapter 686: The Celestial Tribe

The beauty of the planet amazed them. The buildings were carved like an art exhibition. It seemed like they were in a fairy tale world, clean and pure, without a trace of dirt, making people feel comfortable and unreal at the same time.

"Welcome everyone to my world."

Ego stood on the flying board proudly, opening his arms to embrace the planet.

My world?

Forgive Ronin for thinking of that pixel-style game at an inappropriate time, and even wanting to build a palace of his own here now.

"The whole planet is yours?" Gamora said in surprise.

"It's okay, it's not as big as your moon."

Despite this, Ego's heart was still very inflated, and one day, the entire universe would become a part of his body.

"Humility, I like it, and I am also an extremely humble person." Drax said.

They took in the scenery along the way, and everyone's heart was filled with doubts. It was not until they came to Ego's magnificent palace that everyone put away those thoughts and focused on the present. What followed might be a thrilling experience.

"You own the entire planet, and you can destroy Sovereign's fleet without any equipment. How did you do it? Who are you?" Gamora asked.

"I am the so-called Celestial, baby."

Ego said it lightly, but the others were terrified. Celestials are the strongest in the universe. If someone else said this, they would definitely think he was bragging, but Ego said that it was different. The Sovereign fleet was annihilated in an instant. This level of power is completely in line with the setting of God.

"Celestials, are they like God?" Star-Lord asked with a little surprise.

"Little God, son. At least now I am as humble as Drax."

Ego led them into the palace, which was magnificent and dazzling. The dazzling golden light seemed to flow on the walls, intoxicating people's eyes.

"I don't know where I came from. My memory begins with the flickering and ethereal universe, all alone. Over millions of years, I learned to control the tiny particles around me. I became wise and powerful, and then I continued to build layer by layer from here until this planet became what you see now. But I am not satisfied with this. I am also pursuing... the truth."

Ego began to tell his experience. Ronin believed that there were some real elements in it, but there were also false elements. It was difficult to tell whether it was true or false.

"I thought that I was not the only life in the vast universe, and then I made up my mind to find the answer. I created all kinds of imaginary life forms with my own hands, and even the smallest details were meticulous."

The spheres floating in the air seemed to exist like display screens, showing the scenes described by Ego, making Ronin and others immersed in the world described by Ego.

"Do you have reproductive organs?"

However, Drax broke the atmosphere with a word.

"Dude!" Star-Lord looked at him with a very strange look.

"You are mentally ill!"

Gamora was also very speechless. In such a place, she could still say such vulgar and irrelevant words. She must have something wrong with her head.

Drax didn't care. He asked Star-Lord seriously: "If he was a planet, how did he and your mother give birth to you? He would crush her."

Black Lily and Moira had no expression on their faces, but they felt completely disgusted with the shirtless man in their hearts. It was really ugly people who were more likely to do weird things.

Ronin didn't know why such funny and colored words could come out of his mouth so seriously. What did Drax experience to make him like this?

"I... I don't want to listen to what my parents do." Star-Lord tried to bring him back from the wrong path.

"Why? Every winter solstice, my dad tells me how he scared my mother." Drax still talked about this matter tirelessly.

"You are so disgusting!" Star-Lord knew that this guy was hopeless.

"That's wonderful. You Earthlings have emotional disorders."

Drax seemed to be talking about something very ordinary.

This really sounded disgusting to Ronin and the others. Maybe the planet where Drax was was like this. You could talk about this kind of thing with others without any hesitation, but you definitely couldn't talk about this kind of thing with Earthlings.

"That's right, Drax. I have reproductive organs. It feels wonderful. I also have pain nerves, a digestive system, and all the matching organs. I want to feel the real experience of being a human. I wandered among the stars until I found the life I was looking for. I am not alone in this universe."

Ego didn't reject it and was willing to talk to him. Maybe Earthlings really have some "emotional disorders".

"When did you meet my mother?"

Star-Lord didn't want to listen to him talking about this. If he wanted to be his father, he had to show some evidence that could convince him completely. He didn't care about the blood of the Protoss.

"Not long after that, when I was with Meredith, I felt true love for the first time. I called her my water lily, and the fruit of our love was Peter."

The images of Star-Lord's parents appeared from the ellipsoidal device, including his own image in the belly, and Star-Lord was moved by the scene. That little bit of belief gradually grew, and finally he admitted that the man in front of him was his biological father, because no one would know so much.

"I've been looking for you for a long time, and then I heard that there was an Earthling who was holding an Infinity Stone and was not dead. I knew that it must be the offspring of the woman I love."

When Ego mentioned the Infinity Stones, Vision's expression fluctuated obviously, and Ronin's heart also skipped a beat. Because the Infinity Stone that Ego mentioned was the Power Stone, and the Power Stone was kept by the Watchers in the Watch World.

Also, since he mentioned the Infinity Stones, and he insisted that Vision come here, it means that he has ideas about the Infinity Stones.

This idea is not good!

Ronin has already begun to think about letting Star-Lord know the true face of his father in advance, the sooner the better, and he can't let the plot develop naturally and wait for Star-Lord to slowly discover it. If Ego gets the Mind Stone, it will be over.

Ego is already powerful, and if he controls the power of the Mind Stone, it is unimaginable what he can do at that time.

Maybe controlling them is like an adult can control the life and death of a group of ants.

After Ego finished telling his story, the father and son went out to talk alone. Seizing this opportunity, Ronin immediately started a secret plan with others.

Based on Ego's statement, others still couldn't judge whether Ego was good or bad, but Ronin knew. Ego did all this just to gain Star-Lord's trust and stabilize their emotions.

Then slowly unfold your own plan, the so-called long-line fishing for big fish, that's it.

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