Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 721 Another Moira

"What’s wrong with you?"

The detectives who were traveling with Moira saw her sudden change in form, showing an inexplicable state, and immediately returned to her side.

"Luo Ning's guess is correct."

Moira hesitated, enduring the psychological panic caused by this special change.

"What did you say?"

The agent couldn't hear clearly, so he had to report the situation to Agent Elis.

Agent Elis was wondering, but had no way to deal with it, so he could only say: "You stay where you are and take care of her. When she stabilizes, you can go back. I will find someone to fill your vacancy."

It was late at night, and Brooklyn had been shrouded in haze brought by ghost people these past few days, so there were no pedestrians on the road at all. When a person appears, he will become an eye-catching presence.

The female scientist relied on her cleverness to escape from the underground research room, but she didn't expect to fall into Luo Ning's trap. In fact, it was safer for her to stay inside. Once she came out, she was like a groundhog emerging from a hole, and she immediately became the target of public criticism.

She didn't go very far when she felt something was wrong. It was supposed to be quiet at night, but there was strange movement in front of her, so she changed direction, but not long after walking, she also heard a rustling sound, and then changed direction...

It seemed that something was approaching her from every direction, and a strong uneasiness surged into her heart. She hid in a nearby house, and before she could breathe a sigh of relief, her body unexpectedly experienced some kind of change. This kind of The unprecedented changes frightened her.

"What's wrong with me?"

People who have always used other people's bodies for experiments, now it is their turn to undergo some strange changes, and only then can they realize the true feelings of those who are used as experimental subjects.

Fear, helplessness, despair...

Her changes seemed to become more exaggerated due to the ups and downs of her emotions. For several moments, she felt that her entire body was separated and no longer under her control. It's like leaving dandelion seeds, drifting in the wind, letting it fall wherever it goes, without any possibility of self-control.

When the double team came over, everyone gathered together and looked at each other, saying they didn't see anyone.

"The information provided by Mr. Luo Ning can't be wrong, right?" The first person to question was naturally the FBI agent.

"Impossible. The target must have noticed our presence and hid. There are many buildings here, and he may be hiding in a certain one."

Although Widowmaker knew that Luo Ning was not serious, Luo Ning would never joke or play tricks on people like this. It was unnecessary and not in line with his behavior.

"Where are you? I'm here."

According to Widowmaker's position, Luo Ning came to join them. His face was gray and covered with thick dust. Those who didn't know thought he had just crawled out of the ruins after the earthquake.

Seeing those looks, Luo Ning patted the dust on his body and said awkwardly: "I was trapped there, but the door was too strong. In order to break open the door, the place almost collapsed."

"Where's the man? Didn't you catch him?" Luo Ning asked.

"No!" they said in unison.

"She must be around here, look for her! Dig three feet into the ground to find her. She is very dangerous."

Recalling the ghost troops in the female scientist's mouth, Luo Ning was still frightened. If the tiger is released, I don’t know how many innocent people will become such monsters.

Luo Ning suddenly realized that Moira was not with them, "Well... where is Moira?"

"She seems to have the same symptoms as Widowmaker. I asked an agent to take care of her and come with her after she recovers." Agent Elis said.

Another agent pointed to a place and said, "Look, they are coming!"

From a distance, it looked like nothing, but when she got closer, she realized that Moira's face was full of exhaustion. Luo Ning had no doubt that she could fall asleep immediately by setting up a bed here.

"Luo Ning, your guess is correct. It must be a parallel universe, because even I have Widowmaker's symptoms."

At first, Moira listened to his serious talk, just for fun, and really thought that this weird thing had happened to her. Even though the theory of parallel universe was not yet mature, she completely believed it.

Things that have been experienced personally are always facts.

"That scientist..."

Ronin rubbed his chin, maybe she was another Moira, more like a completely crazy Moira.


At this moment, Moira’s body seemed to be torn apart by an invisible force. Widowmaker frowned. No one in the room felt the same way more than him.

"I'm sorry, maybe you are the only one who can help us find her."

Luo Ning carefully led her to the surrounding buildings, staying for a few seconds beside each building, and found that the degree of her symptoms varied as she moved.

The others had no idea what he was doing, but Widowmaker was thoughtful. If that scientist were another Moira, the reaction might be even more violent if they were closer!

She also had a violent reaction when she first met her other self before.

"What is he doing?" Agent Ellis asked.

"Maybe he's looking for someone." Widowmaker replied.

They deserved to follow Luo Ning. After about ten minutes, Moira's reaction almost reached its peak, and Luo Ning's eyes were fixed on the house in front of him.

"It should be inside."

After Luo Ning finished speaking, Agent Elis and his team members walked in holding guns and leaning against the wall.

It seems that the situation is stable, or the mutual influence has reached a relative balance, and Moira is gradually returning to normal.

Not long after, they brought out a woman. She was wearing a lab coat, with her hair loose and scattered in front of her. She lowered her head, making it difficult to see her face.

But when she came out, Moira's heart skipped a beat. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, she felt it, as if she saw herself in the mirror.

The other person seemed to have this strange feeling, which prompted her to lift her hair to see the person who gave her this feeling.

Just one glance, her pupils shrank sharply. Too similar, how could it be possible!

Even though the body shape is slightly different, and the appearance is slightly different if you look closely, the overall view of the woman in front of her is exactly the same as her. It's not an exaggeration to say that they are twin sisters.

Seeing this incredible scene under the light of the street lamp, the others were also shocked, but not as violently as these two, which hit their hearts directly.

"Who are you?!" the female scientist said in a lost voice.

"Who are you?!" Moira was also surprised.

Just when everyone was not on guard, a deadly bullet came in the night.

The night sky was quiet, and the place was still peaceful.

Black Lily suddenly tensed up, her brows furrowed, and her extraordinary vigilance and keen sense of danger made her subconsciously turn her head away...

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