Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 743 Deep resentment

Under the same local area network, the difficulty of intrusion is greatly reduced, but even so, during the infiltration process, Roning still consulted the hacker teacher who introduced him to the game. After all, the first time, you will often encounter some strange problems.

After overcoming many difficulties, Roning finally succeeded in intrusion and could see the files and information in the computer of the God of Death.

After flipping through it for a long time, there was nothing interesting, until... a file named "fhds545" came into view. Judging from the name alone, it is definitely not as important as the previous files with more formal names such as "work log", "data sorting", "pros and cons analysis".

But... people have a strange mentality. The more important the data file is, the more you don't want others to notice the file, the more casual the name is, and it seems careless, as if this data has no substance and is easily overlooked.

If you ask Roning how he knows, it's because he is also such a person, hehehe... the more you don't want others to see the file, the more casual the name is. In this way, it seems deliberate.

With this experience, Roning decided to change the secret files on his computer to be a little more formal. If he can think of it, others can think of it too. The best way is to save it in a USB drive and carry it with you. This is the safest way, and hackers can't do anything about it.

With this thought, Roning clicked on the file first. I didn't know until I clicked it. I was shocked. After a few glances, I couldn't help but sigh: "Good guy, so much resentment! I didn't do anything to him! It seems that I am the kind of sinner who is extremely evil, sinful, and can't be forgiven in the eighteen levels of hell after death."

Look at what is written, is it still human language?

I am very upset, helpless, and confused. I think I, the God of Death, first showed my edge in Overwatch, and then took up the heavy responsibility in Black Claw, but in the end I was fooled by a stinky boy. I can't figure out why, maybe I am old and easy to believe what others say?

In short, that stinky boy deceived me. If he was not still useful, I really wanted to kill him myself.

The only thing that can make me feel relieved is that the boy can't get a wife. The reason is obvious, so what if he has money? He only knows how to eat, drink and have fun, and he talks nonsense all the time. He thinks he is awesome when he is on a mission, like a childish ghost. It is impossible for a girl to follow him!

With this fucked-up personality, I am not surprised that he will die alone.

Another thing makes me doubt his IQ. Maybe he not only has personality defects, but also has a serious lack of IQ.

This organization is called Shadow!

Why call it Shadow? Did I, the God of Death, provoke you, or did I owe you in my previous life?

Even if you call it Dark, Shadow Team, or Dark Team, it is better than this. If you want to match your literary characteristics, you can call it "that touch of shadow", but you insist on calling it "Shadow".

I really am...

If I didn't see that he knows a lot about this world and has a little command ability, I really want to beat him up so hard that even his mother wouldn't recognize him.

Now, that guy is holding a few books and pretending all day long. Does he think that he is a great writer after reading a few books?

Oh no, after watching the movie, he actually wanted to become a hacker. Because he later asked a hacker to teach him, maybe he couldn't read the book, so stupid! I really don't know how he became a commander with this IQ, and he is the commander of Shadow! It's an insult to the name "Shadow", I feel ashamed!

I'm not saying that, with his brain, I guess the hacker can't teach him even if he is so angry that he vomits blood.

I'll write here for today, I'm sleepy. I hope that bastard can behave better in the future, and it's better not to be presumptuous in front of me, because I'm afraid I can't help but kill him.

That's it...

Roning, who watched it from beginning to end: ? ? ?

Am I so unbearable? Am I so unlovable? Am I so sinful?

Good guy! He scolded me from beginning to end, and hoped that I would die alone.

Oh my god!

Now Cheng Roning has a lot of resentment.

He thought that he was very polite to the God of Death. Although he used some trickery to recruit him, he shouldn't hold a grudge until now. I've given him food, clothes, and shelter. I've given him everything I can give him. What else do you want?

Do you want me to give you my body too? Bastard!

Luo Ning continued to browse the files like crazy, trying to find something to threaten him. Why is he so crazy! If I don't treat him, he really won't know his last name.

# \u0026^(*.avi # %gfg # .wmv…

Fuck, so exciting!

So the Grim Reaper has this kind of hobby!

But, it seems, it seems useless. It’s not strange for a grown man to have such a thing in his computer, let alone a “ghost man” like the Grim Reaper who can no longer be satisfied in reality and can only relieve loneliness through images.

It’s actually quite pitiful when you think about it.

Alas, the more I think about it, the more pitiful I feel. He has no goal in life, just to kill Overwatch agents. If it weren’t for this obsession supporting him, he might have died long ago.

Forget it, the prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach… Just think that you are ignorant and have nowhere to vent your emotions, so you can only complain through text.

“Using hacking technology to successfully hack into a personal computer, the transformation of ‘Black Shadow’ has been activated!”

As soon as Athena’s voice came out, Roning was even more lazy to argue with the Grim Reaper, turned off the computer, drew the curtains and began private behavior.

When the black shadow appeared in the mirror, Roning’s first thought was not to play with the high-tech in his hand, but to turn on the computer that had been turned off, and then couldn’t help but…

type on the keyboard.

This is... Black Lily's computer!

I'm sorry I didn't mean to do this, it was done by Sombra, it has nothing to do with me!

Although he knew it was wrong to do this, Ronin couldn't help but be curious, but Black Lily's computer had no privacy at all, it was all action logs, and self-reflection and improvement on the shortcomings of the actions.

Role model!

Secondly, it was the persistence of the truth. Her true identity, whether she had a murdered husband... These still bothered her.

Next was Moira's computer.

The contents of Moira's computer were even more boring, all academic materials and experimental plans, and almost no personal information.

Next, a bad idea suddenly flashed through Ronin's mind.

Then Sombra's instinct helped him to execute this idea, which took a lot of effort this time, because the target was not in the same regional network, and it was very technical to infiltrate.

"No, no, we can't do this... It's too immoral!"

Ronin stopped his fingers jumping flexibly on the keyboard, gave up the idea, and turned back to himself.

Sombra really likes to pry into other people's secrets!

But she seems to be that kind of person. For her, the more secrets of others she knows, the more secure she feels and the more she experiences the feeling of controlling others.

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