Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 748: Being cheated

"Peter, where are we going now?"

"Their base is in a hidden broken machine processing factory in the third alley on the left side of 21st Street."

"Location successful!"

"Let's go!"

Peter stood on the wall, shot spider silk at the lamppost on the other side, and jumped, and landed with a "bang".

"What happened just now, what happened?" Peter got up in a very embarrassed manner.

"You jumped off the wall and landed face down." The artificial intelligence said seriously.

Peter tried again and found that the web shooter had changed. What was shot out was spider web, not strong and tough spider silk.

"Sister Battle Suit, what's wrong with my web shooter?"

"This is flying shooting."

"Why do I want to fly shooting?"

"Do you want to see more options?" After the artificial intelligence finished speaking, the system panel of the battle suit appeared again, "You have a total of 576 web shooting options."

"Mr. Stark has gone too far." Peter was shocked. What was the point of making it so complicated.

"Choose this." Peter chose a normal-looking web shooting mode.

"Good choice, do you want to set this as your new default mode?"

Peter tried it, but the web was still flashing with electricity and crackling, so he quickly broke the spider silk, "No, no, no, what is that?"

"Electric spider web."

"Electric spider web? I don't want to electrocute spider web."

"You don't seem to be familiar with your web shooter settings. Do you want a review course?" The war suit artificial intelligence always spoke so seriously, making Peter laugh and cry.

"No, time is tight, you choose according to the situation."


Now, the web shooter returned to its familiar settings, and Peter immediately entered the state of flying, traveling through the night, and hitchhiking by the way.

"War suit sister, I don't think I should keep calling you 'War suit sister', right? Maybe I should give you a name, like Liz. No no! God, that's weird. Where's Karen?"

Stay in the car, Peter was bored and turned on the chatterbox mode.

Once he started talking, you had no chance to interrupt him until he finished. The AI ​​tried to express its opinions many times but swallowed them all. It was not until Peter finished his last sentence that it politely said, "If you want, you can call me Karen."

"Karen, what other functions does the suit have?"

"Bounce web, divert web, web grenade..."

"Wow! That sounds cool."

"We're only three hundred meters away from our destination," Karen reminded.

"Maybe we should get off the bus."

Peter shot a web at a billboard and flew over, then climbed onto the roof, jumping on it and counting the alleys he passed.

Peter found the third alley and jumped down. As a result, he found a woolen machine processing factory from the beginning to the end of the alley.

He didn't believe it, so he found the beginning of the alley from the end of the alley, but there was still no trace of the machine processing factory. Not to mention the processing factory, there was not even a house that looked like a secret base, all of which were low buildings.

"Will it be underground?" Peter didn't give up.

"Peter, where did you get the news?" Karen asked.

"From their mouths."


"The people who sell weapons."

"I think you may have been deceived."

"Could it be..." Peter suddenly remembered that they also mentioned a place. Could it be that they said the correct address the first time, and because he didn't untie the rope for them, they lied to him that it was wrong?

It must be like this!

Peter tried hard to recall what happened just now. Where was the address they said the first time? Why did he suddenly forget it?

Ford Street intersects with that street?

"Karen, open the Brooklyn map."


Peter looked at the map, first found Ford Street, and then found the streets related to it, finally!

"Karen, reposition, Ford Street and 19th Street gas station."

"Got it, the destination is about 5 kilometers away, you continue to hitchhike here."

"I have to hitchhike."

Peter ran out of the alley, landed on the eaves of a roadside convenience store, and jumped onto a truck when he saw the opportunity.

If the truck was going in the wrong direction, he would jump onto another one. In short, he had a great time hitchhiking.


Suddenly, Peter saw a birdman flying over.

"That's him, the birdman who threw me into the river!"

Peter shot out a spider web and followed the vulture in the sky.

"It's you again, the guy in the red tights." The vulture looked down at Peter and said angrily.

"Hello, I think you can surrender, because Spider-Man is here."

The vulture still flew forward, "It's you who brought the god of death, disrupting all my subsequent plans, all ruined, all because of you!"

The vulture swung wildly in the air, trying to get rid of him, but the spider web was not easy to get rid of.

"What's in the box you're carrying?"

Peter saw him swinging a large iron box in the air, and asked Karen to scan it, and found that there was high-energy material in the box, which might be those terrible weapons.

"It doesn't matter what it is, what matters is that all those who ruin my future and my family must die, all of them must die." The vulture seemed furious.

"Haha... you suffered a loss at the hands of Mr. Death, right? But, he is so powerful, yet he still relies on a kid like me to catch you. It's his fault that he can't fly." Peter couldn't stand the contempt and was still brooding over the fact that the Death went alone.

But fortunately, he now has a chance to prove to them, to Mr. Stark, and to the Grim Reaper.

"Humph, you're still a little naive to catch me."

The vulture flew into the city, specifically towards the tall buildings. Spider-Man hung in the air and swung his body flexibly, so he simply didn't hit it.

As soon as the idea came up, the vulture made a 360° turn, and Peter's vision was instantly occupied by the solid wall.


"Goodbye, Spider-boy." The vulture flew away.

Peter was dizzy and fell quickly from a high altitude.

"Peter, wake up, wake up!"

Karen's urgent voice kept ringing, and Peter suddenly woke up and shot out a spider web and hung in the middle of the building.

"Huh! It's so thrilling!"

Peter was still in shock, and finally slowly shot out a spider web and fell from the building. When he fell to the ground and looked up at the sky again, the vulture had disappeared.

"Damn, I was careless!" Peter clenched his right fist and slammed his palm hard, "Such a good opportunity..."

"Can I give you a suggestion?"

"What do you say?"

"The Grim Reaper must have fought with him before, and the box must contain the equipment he took from the base when he escaped. Maybe now, their base has been sealed by the police, and the things will be taken away. So those equipment, that is..."

Peter said excitedly: "It's the goods for his last deal!"

"You are very smart, Peter! This may be our last chance. After this deal, he will definitely not do it again. By then, he will be an ordinary person, maybe a plumber, or a company employee, and he will never be found again."

Peter clapped his hands in a fierce manner, saying: "We must not let him escape this time."

But then he was like a deflated ball, and said softly: "But Karen, who is he going to trade with?"


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