Paragon of Sin

Chapter 1355

Chapter 1355 1349: CKC, Everclash (3)

1355 Chapter 1349: CKC, Everclash (3)

The sight of Wei Wuyin's concoction left Wang Yutian thunderstruck.

How was this possible? HOW?!

If Wei Wuyin had produced a transcendent-quality product, the issue could have easily been resolved. Wei Wuyin would be greatly rewarded via a secret benchmark the King of Everlore set long ago. In fact, if Wei Wuyin had simply made an entirely different product, the situation would be equally as easy to settle—demerits earned!

However, this situation was fundamentally different, outrageously unexpected! The product that was created was most definitely a Rising Scorch Giant Pill! Just from a cursory glance, Wang Yutian could determine the veracity of its existence!

A Rising Scorch Giant Pill!

A NINTH-GRADE Rising Scorch Giant Pill!!

Wei Wuyin's expression had darkened for this exact reason. When he began his concoctions, he declared his product 'peak' because that was the highest declaration. As for the transcendent declarations, very rarely could Mortal Sovereign Alchemist make products at the seventh, eighth, or ninth grade without being near the upper limits of an Earthly Alchemic Saint. The Sky Zenith Alchemic Saint was evidence of this. But those who miraculously concocted those miracle products would be granted a Nine-Step Ascension! The Nine-Step Ascension was an extremely simple rule, and that was an automatic pass through whatever stage one was in when a transcendent product was concocted.

Wei Wuyin had fully intended to blitz through this competition with this pattern of transcendent products, but he hadn't expected that the Rising Scorch Giant Pill could be pushed to the ninth grade.

"One second!" Wang Yutian threw away his imposingly mechanical expression and tone entirely, beckoning the ninth-grade, transcendent Rising Scorch Giant Pill toward him with a wave of his hand. Wei Wuyin fully allowed this, curious about what would happen.

According to the rules, he succeeded. Without a doubt, he had concocted a 'Rising Scorch Giant Pill'. But, there was an added benefit to concocting a transcendent product of that product. However, the rules clearly stated that the product that was instructed had to be created according to its set parameters, and that was an eighth-grade product. This complicated the matter as Wei Wuyin should technically be both punished and given additional rewards.

"That would be the normal case, but are there rules for double rewards? Moreover, could I be classified as not following the rules?" Wei Wuyin stared at Bai Xiu's enchantingly gorgeous cauldron of a body. She wasn't at fault here. In actuality, neither was he. While he had noticed the signs of it being a ninth-grade product, he dismissed it because giant-type products often exuded greater signs of an alchemical phenomenon due to their increased size and material expenditure.

How was he supposed to know this would happen? Thinking upon it further, Wei Wuyin realized that this might be the first time that he concocted an eighth-grade product since he became a Worldly Saint Alchemist. The last two years had been focused on Mystic-Earth and Mystic-World grade concoctions to test his ability.

Since he formed the Hepta-Dawn Alchemic Corps and officially publicized their existence, he no longer bothered with eighth-grade or lower products and only exerted Eighth Source Transcendence Spell to elevate ninth-grade products to peak or transcendent quality and give them out to the Ascendants. All else was sold at the various local markets of the Neo-Dawn Starfield or sent to the Golden Life Pavilion to be sold through their established channels, both open and hidden.

The methods and practices he had tested in the Elementus Domain using the Four Extreme Pavilions were being implemented here. While Wei Wuyin's rise to fame was unprecedented and his self-established status unmatched for his age and cultivation base, this didn't affect his intentions of ensuring his reach and network were far and wide.

Now that he was concocting eighth-grade products again, he realized that he may have reached a point where that was entirely overkill. The degree of knowledge and usage of Alchemical Force was beyond the Mortal Limits; it wasn't entirely impossible that he was shattering conventions once again!

Like, without using a spell or method like the Eighth Source Transcendence Spell, he could turn an eighth-grade, fully-established, rightfully tested concoction method and elevate it to the ninth grade!

Wang Yutian used roughly nine seconds to run a battery of tests, even resorting to reviewing the footage of Wei Wuyin's concoction process, and the more he observed, the more thunderstruck he became! Wei Wuyin followed the method perfectly—PERFECTLY! This was most definitely the eighth-grade concoction method down to the tiniest detail!



Wang Yutian looked at the fiery giant pill floating beside him, his mind unable to process what was happening. Should this be possible? He was at a loss.

The others speculating the situation were equally as stunned, some aghast at Wei Wuyin's stupidly fast concoction speed that felt as if reality wasn't real, others were outright taken aback that Wei Wuyin had used the materials to concoct a ninth-grade product, and a few processed both of these things and felt their vision slowly quivering at the sheer implication!

As if scouring for answers, they looked at each other. Their eyes suggested they were going to speak! They were going to ask questions! Question all of it!

Wei Wuyin frowned slightly. The simple change in expression caused a faint aura of Imperial Law to permeate his surroundings like a billowing gust. It caused all the comments that were about to fly out of their mouths to cease instantly, shutting down the peanut gallery before they could even begin. At the moment, no one dared to interfere!

Suddenly, Wang Yutian looked helplessly at Wei Wuyin. He thought about it for a second, searching through the established rules that he had to abide by, and then he found that he had some leeway here. Unfortunately, as he thought about it, his expression grew slightly bitter and laughable.

"Contestant, if you can provide me an explanation as to why this product has entered this state and why it's better than your established product, I can bestow certain rewards on you." Wang Yutian was speaking as if Wei Wuyin was just another contestant. The rule that he was trying to invoke was set for this exact situation, but it was mostly used if a creative Alchemist decided to concoct a product of the same grade, same type, using the same materials, but a different product entirely!

This was mostly set in the case of a genius improving upon an already established product, an event that wasn't entirely unlikely. Of course, most of these concoctions were accidents due to their anxiety and alterations, so more often than not, it wasn't deliberate but a freak accident that they couldn't explain!

The issue that Wei Wuyin had was that it was typically a different product! How can he explain the difference when there were none?! As for explaining why it's better, that was easy! It was ninth-grade!

avoid giving him a demerit. It was entirely unnecessary for him to make that consideration. Wei Wuyin originally intended to go through each stage with a transcendent product and achieve a Nine-Step Ascension throughout. A single demerit would do very little to halt his plans. But then Wei Wuyin immediately realized that this incident could happen again! And again! And again!


Because he didn't know what he did to cause it!

"Can I concoct some products while I think?" Wei Wuyin asked. Wang Yutian thought for a moment before nodding in approval. Some alchemists used practice concoctions of lower-graded products to warm up, which was completely allowed.

Wei Wuyin, before the eyes and quieted mouths of the crowd, brought out various materials. He once again entered his concoction state, doing the same as before, removing any potential latent flaws in the materials before concocting them using the Neo-Dawn Ascension Cauldron! Within two minutes, three different products, all pills, were completed!

"..." The observers felt their scalps grow numb! Wei Wuyin's concoction Speed wasn't just monstrous, it was downright unimaginable! Those skilled enough and knowledgeable realized that he brought out the materials of three commonly known eighth-grade products. They were: the Umbra Countertoxin Pill, the Soul Spirit Pill, and Aquapulse Giant Pill.

They each had their own purpose, with the Aqua Pulse Giant Pill being the water-attributed version of the Rising Scorch Giant Pill!

As they watched Wei Wuyin concoct, many of their minds felt thoroughly shaken as various principles of the Alchemic Dao were being expounded on in an extremely quick fashion. All of them were Ascended beings, so the few seconds of each concoction stage were like hours to a mortal! They grasped many things, and Wei Wuyin did little to hide any of it!

Wang Yutian intently watched; his non-existent heart beat fiercely as he witnessed how each product was completed, each having a Transcendence Radiant Belt and a blazing exterior of a ninth-grade product! They were like three differently colored miniaturized solar stars!

After a short moment, Wei Wuyin's eyes lit with realization as his theories were tested and a conclusion had been reached.

Then, Wei Wuyin no longer hid it—his eyes changed! The Alchemic Stars of Mortal Spirituality that was simply seven differently colored stars in each pupil, morphed into something far greater, indescribably purer, profoundly transcendent!

The Third Level of the Alchemic Stars!

The Alchemic Stars of Transcendent Purity!!!

As it was revealed, the world within the eyes of these Mortal Sovereign Alchemists began to warp rapidly; their bodies grew heavier, their hearts pounded louder, and their minds shook harder than ever before as those who were in an elevated position from Wei Wuyin began to lower to the platform, their eyes almost popping out of their skulls.

Wang Yutian was astonished! He was fully aware of the unique power of great Alchemists! Those who've attained the Mortal Sovereign Alchemist level, capable of concocting products suitable for the peak of mortals everywhere, were granted the Alchemic Stars of Mortal Spirituality alongside several profound abilities!

The most dangerous was Mortal Annihilation! Even Ascended beings had a fear of that power!

The next stage was the Alchemic Stars of Spiritual Transcendence! It could only be granted when an Alchemist was capable of concocting ninth-grade products and transcending the Mortal Dao through alchemy! To put it simply, to concoct transcendent-quality ninth-grade products!

This was a feat that only the King of Everlore and the Sky Zenith Alchemic Saint were recorded to have achieved within the Grand Cyclic Stellar Region. Its powers were unclear to the vast majority. Even in the World Beyond, the Alchemic Stars of Spiritual Transcendence weren't common, and a few Worldly Saint Alchemists didn't even have them! Combining the Mortal and Mystic Daos was far more difficult than it initially seemed!

It was said that at this stage, an Alchemist could begin condensing Alchemic Runes! These Alchemic Runes included Inherited Spiritual Wisdom Rune, Bestowed Alchemic Rune, and Runes of Transcendence!

But the third level, the Alchemic Stars of Transcendent Purity, was a legend among legends! Even Wang Yutian had only heard the faintest of faintest rumors of its existence.

The only thing he could distinctly recall was that the Alchemic Dao only granted this power to a select few alchemists! He didn't know the requirement or its power!

"This is why," Wei Wuyin gestured toward his eyes.


"As for the reason—" Wei Wuyin switched to a private form of communication; his words were clearly ludicrously incredible as Wang Yutian's eyes widened, and his body began to visibly tremble as if acquiring enlightenment. Despite being a Spiritform, he was breathing a little heavier. At the very least, he was mimicking it as if he was a normal humanoid!

"Is that enough?" Wei Wuyin said as his Alchemic Stars honed onto Wang Yutian.

Wang Yutian weakly nodded as if mentally exhausted by Wei Wuyin's words, "It's acceptable; Nine-Step Ascension granted!"

After that, he waved his hand, causing Wei Wuyin to vanish in a majestic flare of light and seven-colored radiance. The sight was utterly gorgeous, enough to snare the attention of anyone in the vicinity. Even those sealed by talismans and formations could see it, stunning them out of their concoction prep.

However, Wang Yutian wasn't finished. His expression was a little heavy as he said: "By special exception, by surpassing one's ancestor through excellence and creativity by concocting something better without deviation of materials, I bestow a Nine-Step Ascension!"

Up ahead, the light exploded once again! They could all see it, awed and mouths agape.

But it didn't stop there!

"By special exception, by completing the record of fastest concoction time of an eighth-grade pill, including the default time set without the usage of external assistance, I bestow a Nine-Step Ascension!"

Once again, the area up ahead exploded in the beautifully enchanting and breathtaking radiance of the Alchemic Dao.


"By special exception, by moving the furthest in the shortest…" .com


"By special exception, by…"


Wang Yutian's words didn't stop, and neither did Wei Wuyin's figure as it kept getting further and further away. After eight whole times, the crowd wasn't just astonished, rendered speechless, but utterly unable to believe that this was even happening! Was this reality?! Were they dreaming?! Should they pinch themselves to wake up?

"Ouch!" Someone did and broke their arm, using far too much strength!

"Using my authority as Overseer of the Everclash, I grant you my personal badge of approval, which allows me to grant you a number of steps up to nine that I deem worthy based on character, talent, and skill: I bestow nine steps!" While this wasn't a Nine-Step Ascension officially, it was no different!

In one fell swoop, Wei Wuyin had reached the eighty-first step!

In one breath, he reached the finish line!

Wang Yutian finally revealed a relieved smile. While he had bent the rules a little, there was nothing that was unjustified. These potential feats had essentially never been completed since the inception of the Everclash. The standards were simply too high!

After seeing this, Wang Yutian looked at the Ascended beings that were watching Wei Wuyin's faint figure absentmindedly. He faintly frowned as he thought that Wei Wuyin's current actions of revealing his Alchemic Stars of Transcendent Purity were a little too much. He couldn't help but grow concerned about the possibility of these alchemists returning to the World Beyond and causing a stir.

Unbeknownst to Wang Yutian, Wei Wuyin never intended to hide his Alchemic Stars!

No, he never intended to hide any of his alchemic brilliance!

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